How to improve digestion folk remedies

Diarrhea gives way to constipation? Do heartburn and bloating appear after every meal? Symptoms indicate problems with the intestines or stomach. Constant stress and snacking on the go, a sedentary lifestyle and taking medications weaken the digestive organs and worsen their work. To get rid of drowsiness, headaches and problem skin, you will have to abandon the usual lifestyle and restore the motility of the intestines and stomach.

How to improve digestion

Bad habits

The main enemy of poor digestion is fast food. Sandwiches with sausage and hot dogs are high in fat and low in fiber. Fast food clogs the intestines, slowing digestion. Stagnant food begins to rot and wander, causing bloating and constipation.

Chips, pastries, fried, smoked and pickled foods are consumed in limited quantities or are completely excluded from the diet. Minimum sugar and chocolate, mayonnaise and margarine. More fiber, complex carbohydrates and the right protein.

To drink or not to drink
Water is good for intestinal function. It is recommended to drink up to 2 liters of fluid per day, but only in between meals. Do not mix food and sugary or carbonated drinks. Do not drink sandwiches with mineral water or compote.

Any liquid, even still water or unsweetened herbal broth, dilutes gastric juices. The number of enzymes that can digest food is reduced, and it enters the intestines "raw". The breakdown of eaten foods into nutrients and waste slows down, gases form, and either diarrhea or constipation begins.

Water should be drunk 40 minutes before breakfast or dinner, and 1.5–2 hours after. Then the digestive organs and skin condition will improve, energy will appear, and fatigue will disappear.

Enjoy your meal
You can not satisfy hunger on the go, swallowing huge pieces of an unheated sandwich or apple. The teeth were given to a person to grind food, so that it was easier for the stomach to digest food. Inadequately processed food slows down the digestive processes and injures the walls of the stomach and intestines. Each spoon of porridge or piece of meat should be chewed at least 40 times, so that the food becomes liquid and mixed with saliva.

For lunch and dinner should be allocated at least 10-15 minutes, when you can not rush anywhere. It is advisable not to read books during meals, not to talk and not be distracted by the computer, but simply to enjoy the process of absorbing food.

Overeating and nightly snacks

Late dinners harm not only the figure, but also the stomach. The body digests light dishes of vegetables and fruits in 40-60 minutes, but spends from 2 to 4 hours on meat, sweets and cereals. If the digestive organs do not have time to process the food before bedtime, it stagnates and rots. Severity and flatulence occur, intestinal motility worsens.

After 6 pm, dining is not prohibited. Starvation harms the stomach no less than overeating. But the last portion of food should be consumed 3-4 hours before going to bed, so as not to suffer from heaviness and nausea in the morning.

The work of the stomach and intestines is disturbed due to systematic overeating. It doesn't matter how healthy the products are. When there is a lot of food, the body does not have time to allocate a sufficient amount of hydrochloric acid and bile to digest it. Serving sizes should be reduced, and in order not to feel constant hunger, snack not three, but five or six times a day.

Bad habits
Cigarettes, like alcoholic beverages, contain chemicals that irritate the walls of the stomach and increase acidity.Alcohol and nicotine cause nausea, lead to impaired appetite and prevent the absorption of beneficial components from food.

More dangerous than cigarettes and alcohol are only enzyme preparations like Mezim. The tablet removes the severity caused by overeating, and bloating, but the uncontrolled use of medications contributes to the development of lazy bowel syndrome. When drugs do the work of the digestive organs, the latter “relax” and cease to produce secrets for breaking down food.

Important: Pills are beneficial, but only a gastroenterologist should prescribe any medication. The consequences of the abuse of enzyme preparations have to be treated for years or a lifetime.

Top 7 Healthy Foods

Intestinal motility is triggered by water and light foods rich in complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Instead of fried meat and sandwiches with butter, large quantities of fruits, cereals and dietary meat are recommended. Useful vegetables and fish, sour-milk drinks: yogurt kefir and natural yogurt. Digestion normalizes in a matter of weeks, if you enrich the diet with dishes from seven unusual and tasty foods.

Useful foods for digestion

Red root salads are served for breakfast or dinner. Beetroot is indicated for regular constipation and stagnation of food in the intestines. The vegetable is rich in fiber, which absorbs toxins and stimulates the secretion of gastric enzymes. Beets are boiled, served raw or added to vegetable stew. Mix with carrots and garlic, seasoned with olive oil.

Orange pulp helps to digest proteins and regulates acidity. Papaya is recommended for frequent heartburn, gastritis and for the prevention of inflammation in the digestive organs. The fruit kills infections and improves the absorption of beneficial components.

Dried fruits are sources of fiber. Figs, dried apricots, raisins and, of course, prunes supply the body with coarse fibers necessary to cleanse the intestines from the remnants of undigested food. And dried plums are a natural laxative that works gently but efficiently.

In the evening, dried fruits are soaked in water, and in the morning they are added to cereals or eaten instead of breakfast.

Aromatic fruits have a lot of soluble fiber and pectins, as well as vitamins. Peaches soothe the inflamed gastric mucosa and speed up the metabolism. Help with constipation and frequent bloating. Fruits are consumed before breakfast to wake up the stomach.

Dried ginger root is healthier, although pickled contains oils that stimulate the release of digestive enzymes. The spice normalizes the outflow of bile and protects the gastric mucosa, “expels” parasites from the intestines and prevents bloating.

Wheat bran
The supplement contains a lot of coarse fiber. Dietary fiber promotes feces to exit, while at the same time cleansing particles of undigested products from the intestinal walls. From wheat bran and kefir or natural yogurt, a nutritious and healthy cocktail is prepared that starts the motility of the stomach and helps to lose weight.

Start with a tablespoon of the supplement, otherwise the fiber will simply clog the intestines. Gradually bring to 3-4 tablespoons a day and stop. Be sure to drink plenty of water to prevent constipation.

A flaxseed and natural yogurt cocktail populates the intestines with beneficial bacteria. This dish has a lot of fiber, vitamins and oils that normalize fat metabolism and the work of the gall bladder.

Start intestinal motility a glass of warm water with lemon juice or honey. The drink is taken before breakfast and snack on oatmeal mucous consistency. For normal digestion, the protein that is found in chicken breast, cottage cheese, and sea fish is responsible.

Folk remedies for a healthy intestine

Sea buckthorn oil helps with ulcers and gastritis, and honey with walnuts normalizes the liver. With frequent diarrhea, a decoction of barley is recommended: 50 g of grain are steamed in 500 ml of boiling water. The tool is insisted for 6 hours, and when the dry component swells, put the workpiece on a slow fire and boil for 10 minutes. Leave the drink for half an hour to cool. Drink 100-150 ml of barley broth three times a day.

Folk remedies for a healthy intestine

Intestinal motility improves the medicine of red wine. You will need:

  • aloe - 1 part;
  • honey - 2 parts;
  • red wine, for example, Cahors - 2 parts.

Grind aloe, combine with other ingredients. Beat to make a homogeneous mass, and eat a spoonful of medicine an hour before a meal.

Constipation removes porridge from pumpkin and millet. A little honey is added to the finished dish. Celery infusion will also solve the delicate problem:

  • Peel and grind the root of the plant.
  • Pour 1-2 tbsp. l preparation of 1 liter of water.
  • Settle all night, and strain in the morning.

Drink 30-40 ml of herbal medicine per day. Freshly squeezed celery juice is also useful, as well as a decoction from the seeds of the plant.

For digestive problems, coffee and regular tea are replaced with herbal decoctions. Medicinal drinks are prepared from:

  • peppermint;
  • fennel;
  • lemon balm;
  • bark of viburnum;
  • dill;
  • licorice.

Intestinal motility improves a special massage, which is done in the morning before breakfast. For several minutes, you should stroke the stomach. The hand moves clockwise, you can not push hard or rub.

General recommendations

  1. The intestines become lethargic due to lack of movement. Daily morning exercises will wake the digestive organs and start the metabolism.
  2. You can’t eat more than two dishes at a time. It is difficult for the stomach to digest a mixture of soup, meat and dessert, so it stagnates.
  3. Do not eat porridge or sandwich with fruit. They digest faster, but remain in the stomach, causing fermentation and a feeling of heaviness. Apples and oranges are eaten before the main meal or instead of an afternoon snack or lunch.
  4. Stress also affects bowel function. For some, severe disturbances cause diarrhea or constipation. In order for the digestive organs to work properly, you should meditate, do yoga or take a relaxing bath after a busy day.

Digestion is a delicate process that depends on many factors. The stomach and intestines will work without failures, if you eat right, give up bad habits and move a lot. Normalize peristalsis can folk remedies and optimism. If all the options were powerless, you should seem to the gastroenterologist who will find the cause of the failures and suggest methods for resolving it.

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