How to make St. John's wort: useful tips

Tea based on St. John's wort well strengthens the immune system, soothes nerves and rejuvenates the body as a whole. The main thing is to use this tool correctly.

How to make St. John's wort

In the days of Ancient Russia, they believed that this plant could scare away evil spirits. In the Middle Ages with the help of this drink they fought with melancholy. And the healers used the plant to heal purulent wounds.

St. John's wort is part of many herbal preparations. Thanks to this, you do not need to be able to prepare fees yourself in order to recover from diseases. However, do not forget that any folk remedy can bring not only great benefits, but also harm enough.

Benefit of the drink and composition

If there is no allergy to this plant, then it is allowed to drink tea in small doses. It is important that the brewed drink is fresh. Drink it in small doses, diluting with water.

The plant has its beneficial properties due to its composition:

  • Essential oils and tannins.
  • Flavonoids, due to which the drink is an antioxidant and kills microbes.
  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acids.
  • Vitamins C, P, E and B4.
  • Alkaloids and alcohols.

If you drink tea for several weeks, you can get rid of many diseases, including chronic ones.

What treats hypericum?

  1. Depression Tea is taken for mental exhaustion, neurosis and other problems with the nervous system. In this case, you need to drink a drink of 5 cups daily.
  2. Adjusts the hormonal background. If you drink tea a week before your period, this will save women from many unpleasant symptoms. Also, the drink will be useful for menopause.
  3. It activates mental activity. Therefore, tea is recommended for students, as well as people who are engaged in mental work. In tea, it is advised to add lemon balm. With regular use of the drink, attention and memory improve, the mind becomes clear.
  4. Normalizes pressure. People who hold positions of responsibility often suffer from headaches associated with intracranial pressure. Tea from St. John's wort in combination with mint and chamomile will help to cope with this.
  5. Activates digestion. St. John's wort can help with problems such as a stomach ulcer and high acidity, as well as gastritis. The plant not only improves digestion, but also helps to eliminate toxins. Tea will be useful for those who want to lose weight, the way it accelerates metabolism.
  6. Cold. St. John's wort is able to kill bacteria, so it helps with otitis media, cough and sore throat. Decoctions of this herb can be used both internally and externally. This broth will help children not to get infected during flu epidemics.
  7. Tea from this healing herb will help with stomatitis and periodontitis. Strong tea leaves are advised to do mouth rinses. It will relieve pain and inflammation.

This drink will bring many benefits. The main thing is not to forget that the doses should be moderate. In addition, it is important to correctly combine St. John's wort with other medicinal herbs.

St. John's wort tea

If you are allergic to the plant or you are brewing the drink incorrectly, as well as when you consume it in too large doses, St. John's wort tea can be harmful to your health.

St. John's wort tea

  1. Overdose. If it is difficult to overdo it with tea, then the use of tinctures requires special control. If you take the remedy for too long, this can result in negative consequences. Drink tea in courses. If the disease is mild, the course should last a week. With exacerbations and chronic cases - two to three weeks.
  2. How to drink for children. The child's body is sensitive to medicinal herbs.Therefore, the dose must be reduced by two to three times in comparison with an adult. But it is best if you consult a pediatrician before taking it. Up to 12 years of drinking this tea is best avoided altogether.
  3. Stale tea. In no case do not drink stale tea from this plant. It contains too many acids and tannins, which can cause severe allergies, indigestion and severely harm the kidneys and liver. The drink is suitable for consumption during the day.
  4. Sensitivity to the sun. If you have fair skin or are going to the beach, then it is better to refuse this drink in order to avoid sunburn.
  5. Decreased potency. If a man takes this drink for a long time, his potency may temporarily decrease. But this effect will pass soon after cessation of use.
  6. Pregnancy and feeding. Tea affects hormones and metabolism, so it can harm the development of the fetus. And while feeding, the baby may develop an allergy.
  7. It increases the pressure. This tea tones much stronger than coffee. Therefore, people suffering from hypertension, it is better to abandon it. They will receive only harm from him.
  8. Incompatibility with medicines. Combining St. John's wort with traditional medicine, one should be extremely careful. In this case, a consultation with a doctor is simply necessary.

If you have not found any contraindications, you can safely use drinks from St. John's wort, improving your health.

Tea Recipes

Are you very interested in the beneficial properties of this plant, and are you not afraid of contraindications? Before brewing a drink, it is very important to learn how to do it right. Drinks based on this plant act on the body quite strongly, so the recipe must be chosen carefully.

Hypericum Tea Recipes

Basic recipe
To prepare the classic version of this healing drink, dried leaves or flowers of the plant are needed. You can purchase a fee at the pharmacy, but it is best if you collect and prepare the raw materials yourself.

  1. The teapot must first be rinsed with boiling water.
  2. To prepare one serving of this drink, a proportion of 1:20 must be observed. That is, boiling water in an amount of 200 ml accounts for 10 g of medicinal herbs.
  3. Let the potion stand for about 5 minutes, after which it must be well filtered, using a special strainer or regular gauze. This will help to avoid too high a concentration of acids and tannins in the drink.

If you feel that your body is keenly responding to this drink, then it is better to dilute it with water and sweeten with honey or sugar.

The taste of pure hypericum is rather unpleasant, so most often this plant is part of the fees. Do not immediately begin the course of treatment, drinking large portions of tea daily. During the first few days, take it a little while observing the reaction of your body. After this, you can increase the dosage, as well as add some other medicinal herbs. Add them gradually to see how the body responds to each of them.

Tea for the common cold
Drinks from St. John's wort are able to fight colds with the addition of dried rosehips. It will perfectly combine two tastes - sweet and bitter. In this case, two parts of the rosehip should account for one part of St. John's wort. In a teapot, you need to pour a spoonful of leaves or flowers of St. John's wort, and then add twice as much rose hips. This mixture is poured with boiling water in an amount of about 350 ml. After half an hour, the drink should be poured into another dish. If you have rosehip syrup, you can make ordinary tea from St. John's wort, and add the syrup to taste.

Stress drink
A drink prepared according to the following recipe will help to deal with stress. The ingredients of such a remedy will be St. John's wort flowers, as well as passiflora. To improve the effect, it is necessary to add lavender and lemon balm to tea.To prepare a serving of medicinal tea, take the following amounts of ingredients: St. John's wort will need 20 g, and the rest - 5 g each. The drink should be brewed for three minutes, after which it should be poured into cups, leaving the herbs in the teapot.

Tea that helps with gastritis
If you suffer from this disease, then tea based on St. John's wort, meadowsweet and nettle will become an indispensable tool. These plants must be present in equal parts.

This broth requires special preparation:

  1. A glass of boiled water must be filled with a mixture of the above herbs in the amount of one tablespoon. If you suffer from hypersensitivity, it is better to take more water.
  2. The drink should stand for about an hour, after which it must be filtered and poured into other dishes.

Drink no more than 50 ml of tea at a time. Before using it, be sure to consult your doctor. Drink it at least three times a day. The course of treatment should last up to three weeks.

Such a drink is recommended to be used as a preventive measure for students during the session or working people with overvoltage.

Individual approach to therapy

If you like herbal teas and often use them for medicinal and prophylactic purposes, then various medicinal plants can be added to tea from dried hypericum. Using these individual recipes, you can get rid of both minor ailments and many chronic diseases. But do not forget about the features of this drink. Only freshly brewed tea will benefit.

When using any medicine - you should carefully study all contraindications, check yourself for individual intolerance, and also consult with your doctor. If you have no experience of treatment with folk remedies, it is better to purchase ready-made fees at the pharmacy, and when cooking, strictly follow the recommended recipe.

Video: how to cook infusion (decoction) of St. John's wort

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