Guelder-rose - benefits and harm to human health

Kalina, the benefits and harms of which, it would seem, have been comprehensively studied, can still bring surprises. Both pleasant and not very joyful. And for some people, the properties of viburnum are still unknown. It is urgent to fill this knowledge gap.

The benefits and harms of viburnum

Viburnum Utilities

Did you know that not only fruits bring good to the human body, but also bark, flowers, young shoots? For example, a decoction of viburnum bark, mixed in certain proportions with honey and sea buckthorn oil, copes with most respiratory diseases. Plus, this mixture is very good for the prevention of colds in dank autumn or cold winter.

In general, the viburnum berries themselves are very good for treating various pulmonary diseases. No, as an independent remedy, viburnum is rather weak against pneumonia or bronchitis. But, as an auxiliary - it works very well. Especially when mixed with honey.

And if you add coltsfoot, chamomile, dog rose and calendula to the decoction of the bark, then the resulting liquid will perfectly cope even with the strongest chronic cough.

By the way, with severe sore throat (sore throat, scarlet fever), rinsing with viburnum decoction very well helps. Berries and flowers of the plant are taken in equal proportions. It is this dosage that disinfects and anesthetizes best.

If, for some reason, rinsing with a decoction does not work, then you can do otherwise. The cotton fabric is moistened in a decoction, and a compress is made on the neck. An indispensable condition is to wrap up heat. For without additional warming the compress does not work.

Tip. Many sources recommend making juice or juice from fresh viburnum berries. But few write that the resulting liquid smells very specific. Most who have tasted this aroma, most often refuse to even come closer to viburnum in the future. No problem. Everything is fixable. Who said that you can’t aromatize viburnum juice? Fresh raspberries, decoction of mint or lemon balm, orange zest ... You can make a list of natural flavors yourself, based on your capabilities and personal preferences.

Female berry

Russian women know about the cosmetic effects of fresh viburnum berries. On the basis of juice, they cook at home all kinds of:

  • masks
  • scrubs
  • shampoos
  • tonics
  • cleansers

This is not surprising, because the composition of viburnum berries is amazing. The skin after such procedures becomes velvety, moisturized, rejuvenated.

Thanks to the above properties, fresh viburnum juice copes with most skin diseases. Sores, boils, dermatitis and similar adversities quickly pass, leaving almost no traces.

Tip. With skin problems, drinking viburnum juice, compote or a decoction is useless. But compresses, ointments and rubbing - the very thing for a speedy recovery.

But not only for this, viburnum was popularly called the “berry of women”. Fruits contain a large number of substances that are strikingly similar in action to female sex hormones. Therefore, knowledgeable people often use viburnum for various endocrine diseases and problems of the female reproductive system.


  • uterine bleeding
  • severe menopause
  • painful periods
  • irregular cycle
  • mastopathy

Again wisely. Otherwise, not far from trouble.

Hypertensive patients

They say that only a handful of viburnum per day with a tablespoon of honey for a month of regular intake normalizes any high blood pressure. The method is worth attention, but with some caveats:

Viburnum for hypertensive patients

  1. Be sure to regularly measure blood pressure. After all, an excessive decrease is possible.
  2. Listen carefully to your body. Sometimes the body gets used to hypertension. And with a sharp decrease, it reacts with a swoon or even a stroke.
  3. During the period of preventive treatment with viburnum, carefully monitor the blood picture. An overdose of potassium, vitamin C, magnesium, iron is possible.

And the rest is an excellent tool to combat hypertension. In addition, fresh berries contribute to the renewal of blood, cleanse blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, and increase the general tone of the body.

Tip. Hypertensive! Where did you run? Do not throw on viburnum, as from a hungry edge. Start taking berries with 1 tablespoon per day. Listen to your body. And only then gradually increase the dosage, bringing it to a handful per day. In volume it is approximately 200 ml a glass.

Viburnum harmful

Despite the enormous benefits of viburnum, you can not thoughtlessly be treated with it. Because in large quantities, any drug will only do harm. And for some categories of people, viburnum is even contraindicated, because sad consequences can occur.

It is not recommended to use inside any part of the viburnum plant:

  1. Pregnant The fact is that viburnum is rich in elements similar in effect to female hormones. And the body of the future mother is already stuffed with them to the eyeballs. Therefore, no one can predict the consequences of admission.
  2. Hypotonic. We already wrote above that any drink made from ripe viburnum berries significantly lowers blood pressure. People with hypotension may even pass out in some cases. Therefore, with caution.
  3. People suffering from joint diseases. Many people know that a large amount of organic acids negatively affects cartilage and joints. Therefore, gout, arthritis and others like them are a direct contraindication for the use of viburnum berries.
  4. Gluttons. Remember the episode from “Dog Watchdog and Unusual Cross”? There, Dunce actively eats the viburnum bush, squinting with pleasure. Surprisingly, given the taste of berries. So, such manipulations can lead to severe rashes on the skin. This is obtained from an excess of vitamin C. Or with individual intolerance.
  5. People suffering from thrombophlebitis. Or those who have too much blood. The composition of viburnum juice includes substances responsible for accelerated blood coagulation. Therefore, these comrades categorically contraindicated viburnum in any form.
  6. Persons with kidney, liver, and gastrointestinal tract diseases. Especially during the period of exacerbation. Ascorbic acid, contained in large quantities in berries, will greatly irritate already inflamed internal organs.

As you can see, the list is small but important. By the way, if you use viburnum wisely, you can bring a lot of benefit to your body.

Important! Not everyone knows that, unlike other berries and red fruits, viburnum does not cause allergic reactions, even in infants. Therefore, if there are no pharmacy products at hand, and a viburnum bush grows outside the window, then you can safely give fruit drinks or compote to your baby. Only without fanaticism! Start with half a teaspoon. It is possible that the crumbs will not like the notorious aroma of berries.

Interesting facts about viburnum

Virtually no one knows that viburnum is a great doctor for the nervous system. Regular consumption of fresh berries helps to cope with:


  • insomnia
  • stress
  • nervous shocks
  • depression

Along with the treatment of nervous diseases, viburnum increases one's own immunity, helping to prevent many ailments of other organs.

Tip. With loss of voice, a decoction of viburnum flowers is used. A person begins to speak normally on the second day.

Knowing your diagnosis - periodontal disease, you can greatly alleviate your fate. It is enough only 3 times a day to rinse the gums with a decoction of viburnum bark. And you can forget about bleeding for a long time.By the way, the same property of the decoction can be used with frequent nosebleeds. All that’s necessary is to moisten the turunds of cotton wool in the broth and insert them into the nostrils. Blood will stop flowing quickly.

Traditional healers argue that the frequent use of viburnum is an excellent prevention of cancer. No official studies on this issue have been conducted. But due to the strongest stimulation of their own immunity - the effect may well be.

Tip. Do not throw away the seeds of viburnum. They are taken orally for a speedy recovery after a serious illness. And for people with severe physical exertion, bones are simply vital. They give strength, tone and fill with energy.

Many people know what kind of viburnum is. Its benefits and harms, on the contrary, are not widely known. Read our article to get the best of Mother Nature's gifts. And do not harm yourself and your loved ones.

Video: the benefits of viburnum for human health

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