Maple Syrup - Health Benefits

In this article, we are talking about such a unique product as maple syrup. It is made from the juice of sugar maple tree and is a natural sweetener. Maple syrup contains neither preservatives nor flavorings, sugar is not added to it. It is truly an environmentally friendly product rich in minerals and vitamins.

The benefits and harms of maple syrup

In Russia, this product, unfortunately, is not yet as popular as, for example, in Canada or the United States. In these countries it is served as an additive to various dishes - waffles, pancakes, ice cream, lollipops, various sauces are prepared from it, seasoned with vegetable and meat dishes. For Canada, as you know, maple is even a national symbol. 90% of the syrup is produced in this country. The main production facilities are concentrated in the province of Quebec. Canadians even have a celebration dedicated to this product. It is called "Sugar Hut Day."

North American Indians knew about maple syrup. They replaced sugar with them and prepared refreshing drinks. He immediately fell in love with the first immigrants from Europe.

Getting juice

Now almost all of the same processes are used to obtain this product as before. Harvesting is carried out in the spring, it was at this time that maple juice was most useful and has excellent taste. A small depression is made in the tree trunk, where a special tube is inserted, through which liquid will flow into the container. Very much like the collection of birch sap in our area. One tree can serve as a source of maple juice for many, many years. It doesn’t harm him. Next is prepared syrup.

To get 1 liter of syrup, you need about 40 liters of juice. By consistency, it resembles fresh honey. It can be transparent or translucent with an amber tint.

What are the benefits of maple syrup for human health?

By international standards, two-thirds of maple syrup should be sugar. Naturally, this is not about ordinary sugar, the addition of which is strictly prohibited, but about the one that remains after the evaporation of the juice. This product is very nutritious. 100 grams of syrup contains approximately 260 calories.

Recently, American scientists from Rhode Island conducted an interesting study. Its results showed that in the composition of maple syrup there are immediately 54 useful elements. At the same time, researchers do not exclude that they could even miss something. All these components benefit the human body.

Maple syrup also has unique substances that can no longer be found in the natural environment. For example, this is far from well-known Quebec. Chemists attributed it to the so-called phenolic group of compounds. Thanks to this element, maple syrup has a sweet taste, but it does not harm diabetics at all.

Fact! Despite the fact that this product is rich in carbohydrates, its glycemic index is very low.

Beneficial features:

  1. Abscisic acid, which this product is rich in, has a positive effect on the pancreas, stimulating its work, accelerating the release of insulin. Scientists hope that over time, maple syrup can become the basis of drugs for this body.
  2. Maple syrup also proved to be good in the fight against inflammatory processes that affect various organs. It helps cleanse the circulatory system and even kills cancer cells. This amazing product has a positive effect on the human immune system and slows the progression of neurodegenerative ailments.
  3. Maple syrup is especially beneficial for the strong half of humanity. The fact is that it reduces the risk of prostate cancer and enhances potency. And all due to the fact that the composition of this product has a lot of zinc and manganese.
  4. The positive effect of maple syrup on the condition of the heart is also proved.
  5. Some people use it externally to improve the condition of their skin.

Maple syrup is a great alternative to jam or jam, which does not bring special benefits to our health. And sometimes they even harm him. Residents of Canada will confirm this, because they eat it almost daily.

How to choose a quality product?

How to choose maple syrup
When buying maple syrup, you need to be careful to get a really high-quality product. It should be produced in Canada. Only in this state there is a special body that tightly controls producers and does not allow a poor-quality product to enter the market. It is desirable that the syrup is light. Then it has a more delicate aroma and taste. If a liter of maple syrup costs less than $ 70, then most likely you have a not very high-quality product. It is better not to save in this case.

Maple syrup for weight loss

There is also an effective maple syrup based diet. Its creators claim that in this way you can lose about 9-10 kilograms. They say that many celebrities are sitting on it, including Gwyneth Peltrow, Beyonce, Naomi Campbell.

In addition to maple syrup, you will also need lemon, cayenne pepper (chili) and plain water. Mix a glass of water with 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and 1/6 spoon of cayenne pepper. For a day you need to drink about ten glasses of such a mixture. In addition, some also take a laxative. Before you go on such a diet, it would still be better to consult your doctor, so as not to harm your health.

When can maple syrup be harmful?

So that the use of maple syrup is only beneficial, you do not need to abuse it. If you eat it in exorbitant doses, you can raise your blood sugar to dangerous levels and even earn yourself diabetes. You also need to remember that maple syrup, although it contains a lot of useful substances, it will not replace you, for example, fruit. Keep track of your serving sizes and buy only a quality product.

Video: Maple Syrup - Canadian Dessert

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