Crab meat - benefits and harm to the body

Modern supermarkets and shops are full of new products. About 10 years ago, crab sticks became popular due to its low price and taste. Today, salad with crab sticks is considered one of the most popular, after olivier and herring under a fur coat. But few people know that there is no crab in crab sticks, they consist of processed fish, preservatives and dyes. A product is connected with a crab except in a form - the stick resembles a crab claw. Many add crab sticks to various salads and dishes, without even realizing that this is just an imitation of crab meat. But real crab meat has a high nutritional value and beneficial properties. Today we’ll talk about natural crab meat - how to get it, how it is valuable and for whom it is contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of crab meat

Useful properties of crab meat

In nature, there are a large number of varieties of crab, and some individuals can reach a two-meter size and weight of 2-3 kg. The composition of crab meat contains a huge amount of vitamin A and the entire group of vitamins B. It also has trace elements - calcium, iodine, copper, phosphorus, selenium, potassium and iron. There are a lot of amino acids and fatty acids in meat - omega-3 and omega-6. Some people compare crab meat with a healthy but much less tasty product like fish oil. Indeed, the benefits of crab meat cannot be overestimated, that’s how the product affects the human body.

A large number of omega-3 fatty acids and ascorbic acid in the product make crab meat indispensable in the fight for immunity, which is especially true during the flu and cold season.

Crab meat is considered a dietary product, very soft and easily digestible, it is necessarily included in the rehabilitation diet of patients after serious illnesses. In addition, meat is useful for the digestive system, it relieves constipation, bloating and flatulence.

Crab is very useful for the work of the heart, blood vessels. If you consume meat regularly, it helps to lower cholesterol, improves the functioning of the heart and the entire cardiovascular system.

The whole range of B vitamins positively affects the functioning of the nervous system. The introduction of a meat diet allows you to get rid of fears, stress, depression and anxiety. At the same time, human performance improves, stress resistance increases.

Crab meat is very useful for the endocrine system, improves the thyroid gland. A large amount of iodine allows the product to be used in the prevention of iodine deficiency and goiter formation.

Crab meat is low in calories, so it is often used in the process of losing weight. Indeed, crab meat is a pure protein that is not stored in fat but contributes to muscle building. Crab meat is always included in the diet of athletes and bodybuilders. In addition, meat for a long time leaves a person full.

A large amount of vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids make crab meat incredibly good for vision. Surprisingly, residents of coastal areas who eat seafood constantly, very rarely suffer from vision problems.

The composition of crab meat contains antioxidants that stimulate cell renewal processes, which slows down the aging of tissues, skin, hair, etc.

It is believed that crab meat is a fairly powerful aphrodisiac, which favorably affects male potency. In addition, regular consumption of crab meat reduces the risk of developing adenoma and prostate cancer.

All these beneficial properties of the product make crab meat an indispensable source of natural protein. But in order to get the maximum benefit from the crab, it should be properly prepared.

How to choose and cook crab meat

When buying crab meat you need to know a few nuances. If you decide to buy a live crab, choose healthy and large individuals, without signs of illness and darkening on the shell. Sluggish crab may be sick or it has long been caught, and it has been stored on the counter for a very long time. Do not choose too large individuals - the meat of large crabs is quite tough and rough. When buying, it is better to give preference to males - they have more meat. It is not difficult to distinguish a female from a male - the females have a large and wide tail. If you buy frozen crab meat, pay attention to the amount of ice in the package - there should be as little ice as possible.

Cut the crab carefully so as not to flatten or damage the soft meat. Crab meat is found in the legs, claws and on the back. The product has a delicate taste and light fish aroma. The crab goes well with vegetables, rice and other side dishes. Crab meat can be cooked, grilled, steamed. The meat is served as a standalone dish or used as a component of salad. Crab meat is included in the recipes of traditional Japanese dishes - it is added to rolls and sushi.

Contraindications for crab meat

As you know, crabs live on the seabed, where a huge number of bacteria and microbes live. Eating crab meat without heat treatment is quite dangerous - this can lead to infection with helminths and other troubles. In addition, radiation wastes are often dumped into the seas, due to which all living creatures become unusable. Be careful and buy crab meat only from authorized suppliers who have certificates for their products. It is better to buy crab in a large retail outlet where products undergo a sanitary check - so you can be sure of the quality of crab meat.

Some people are allergic to fish protein, but not only to crab meat, but to all seafood. This is the main contraindication for the use of delicacy. Otherwise, high-quality crab meat can be considered an absolutely safe, valuable and incredibly tasty product. Eat real crab meat and stay healthy for years to come!

Video: crab meat salad recipe

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