Blood sausage - benefits and harm to the body

People identified the properties of black pudding over 200 years ago, to this day the useful and harmful qualities are thoroughly studied. Many people cook sausages according to recipes of grandmothers and great-grandmothers, wanting in the end to get a natural billet without extraneous impurities. Oddly enough, but the black pudding is made from two main ingredients - blood and meat. The remaining components depend on the cooking technology.

The benefits and harms of black pudding

Composition of black pudding

The product has an average energy value, but this does not make it less nutritious. A serving weighing about 100 grams takes about 300 Kcal. This indicator can vary up or down depending on the feedstock and additional ingredients.

The main reason why they like sausage is that it contains many vitamins from group B. Among the most useful, folic acid, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin are distinguished. Not without the participation of vitamin D, which is necessary for bone strength and skin health.

Since the sausage is prepared with the addition of blood, a large number of mineral elements are concentrated in it. One of the obvious representatives is iron. This substance is necessary to maintain hemoglobin levels, as well as the treatment and prevention of anemia. About 40% of the iron needed daily for an adult accumulates in one serving of black pudding.

There are a lot of unsaturated fatty acids in sausage, they occupy 66% of the total volume. Also, the product is rich in sodium (35%), cholesterol (about 40%). Not without accumulation of phosphorus, calcium, selenium.

The benefits of black pudding

  1. Due to the high iron content, the composition of the blood and its circulation improves. All this favorably affects the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  2. Due to the content of B vitamins, the psycho-emotional environment of a person is normalized. Against this background, insomnia disappears, the effects of stress, anxiety and chronic fatigue syndrome.
  3. Black pudding centers a lot of protein and calcium. These elements are needed for bone tissue, muscle fibers, metabolism. Nutritional value energizes the body, participates in strengthening teeth and nails.
  4. Since selenium is present in black pudding, this product must be taken by people with thyroid disorders. In addition, the blood spot carries out the prevention of cancerous tumors.
  5. Phosphorus strengthens bone tissue, cartilage, fights joint pain, is used to treat and prevent osteoporosis, gout, rheumatism, radiculitis, etc.
  6. Blood sausage is an excellent source of mineral compounds and vitamins. It is often replaced by habitual medications intended for the treatment of vitamin deficiency and anemia.
  7. The product is prescribed for use by categories of people who have recently undergone a complex operation with great blood loss. Since sausage improves the production of red blood cells, recovery will be several times faster.
  8. Due to the properties of the product, remove heavy metal salts, radionuclides, toxic substances, sausage must be eaten to cleanse the liver and kidneys.
  9. Interestingly, despite the high cholesterol content, the product is used to prevent blood clots and atherosclerosis in particular. Less commonly, sausage is prescribed for use with varicose veins.
  10. The meat product is of particular value to girls who are in a ticklish position. A pregnant woman needs to take care of her diet, maintain hemoglobin and eat foods that will contribute to the development of the fetus in accordance with the term.Sausage meets all requirements.

The subtleties of making black pudding

  1. Many mistakenly believe that fresh blood is used in the process of cooking sausages. If this component bothers you, replace it with a dry food supplement - albumin. Dilute the powder with water, use as directed.
  2. To prevent the sausages from weathering and drying out, after cooking, rub the items with vegetable oil. Such a simple trick will preserve the useful qualities and appearance of the sausage, and also protect the product from pathogens.
  3. To preserve the natural gut, use salt. Sprinkle the product with it, then put it in a sealed container with a lid. Keep in the cold for about 2 months. Throughout this period, the guts will remain elastic.
  4. If you still have blood after making the sausage, put it in the freezer. In this state, the raw materials will lie for about 10 months. After defrosting, the blood does not lose its beneficial qualities.

The harm of black pudding

The harm of black pudding

  1. The product is strictly forbidden to individuals who are overweight. Calorie content is quite high, also sausage has a huge amount of protein. The enzyme is poorly absorbed by the liver and is deposited in the form of fat.
  2. Sausage is contraindicated in eating in any quantity if you have been diagnosed with diabetes. Fatty acids in the composition are considered substances that provoke the development of the disease and complicate its course.
  3. In addition, fatty acids adversely affect vascular patency. As a result, diabetics can face certain difficulties.
  4. Raw materials are forbidden to eat for any liver disease. Heavy fats additionally load the internal organ, negatively affecting its activity.
  5. The product is contraindicated for use in case of gastrointestinal ailments. This sausage belongs to the category of heavy products that are difficult to digest and absorb by the body.
  6. Please note that the product is made from completely natural and perishable components. Therefore, the finished composition is recommended to be consumed immediately after purchase. Otherwise, you risk earning severe poisoning.
  7. Also, sausage, which was prepared in case of non-compliance with all norms and rules, can bring tangible harm to a person. So, a delicacy can turn into a hotbed with actively developing parasites.
  8. If possible, make sure that the sausage was made from completely healthy animals. Therefore, purchase delicacy only from trusted suppliers. It is better to cook sausage yourself.
  9. It happens that a person has an aversion at the first form of sausage. In this case, do not force yourself to try the dish. Keep in mind that such actions will not lead to anything good. Product may cause vomiting and indigestion.

Black pudding is a rather interesting product. It began to be prepared in ancient times. Nevertheless, the popularity of such a delicacy does not fade. When buying raw materials in stores, manipulation should be treated with special attention. Poor composition can cause the development of serious pathologies. If possible, prepare a similar product yourself to achieve maximum benefits.

Video: how to make homemade black pudding

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