Macaroni - health benefits and harms

Macaroni is one of the most common and commonly consumed foods. They are served everywhere in the form of a side dish, added to the first and second courses. On this basis, people are interested in a question that affects the benefits and harms of products. Today we will consider everything in order.

The benefits and harms of pasta

Composition and features of pasta

Pasta can be made from durum or soft wheat. Depending on the type, the chemical composition of the product elements varies.

If raw flour is used as raw material, pasta is made from soft wheat varieties. Such a product does not include almost any useful substances.

After entering the esophagus, pasta begins to be absorbed, thereby increasing the glycemic index to a critical point. All this is fraught with an increase in blood sugar and weight gain.

As for durum wheat pasta, they include a whole niche of nutrients. However, in this case, it will turn out to be of use without completing the pasta to the end (al dente technology).

The hard product includes healthy vitamins and mineral compounds. Folic acid, thiamine, pyridoxine, niacin, pantothenic acid, and other B-group vitamins are concentrated in it.

Hard pasta is not deprived of iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, copper and magnesium. They also have tocopherol, vitamin PP, B-carotene, naturally occurring complex saccharides, and dietary fiber of plant origin.

After eating pasta, they are slowly absorbed and spread throughout the body without causing sudden surges in glucose. At the same time, saturation is maintained for a long time, which is useful for people who are watching their figure. Interestingly, the glycemic index does not exceed the mark of 40 units.

It is easy to distinguish pasta made from durum wheat from its counterparts. In our case, the products will have a corresponding mark on the package, a yellowish tint without whitish specks. At the same time, pasta is strong, smooth.

To be sure of your choice, look for the designation “Durum”, “integrated pasta”, “durum wheat dough”, “Grade 1”, “A” on the packaging.

As part of such products a lot of protein, so the product has the highest nutritional value. It is not forbidden to consume the composition to those who monitor their weight and are actively involved in sports.

The benefits of pasta

  1. All pasta made from durum wheat has the highest accumulation of dietary fiber and fiber in particular. These substances act as brushes, they cleanse the intestinal tract from congestion and fight constipation.
  2. Macaroni enhances the metabolic processes in the body, thereby improving the absorption of valuable substances by the blood and further transportation to vital organs and systems. Eating food regularly helps to normalize blood pressure and improve the circulatory system.
  3. There are many substances in the product that control uniform assimilation. Due to this, there is practically no load on the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. Macaroni cleanses the body of toxins because it has a sponge effect.
  4. In pasta there are B vitamins that the nervous system needs to function properly. Against this background, the psycho-emotional environment is normalized, insomnia disappears, and the effects of stress are eliminated.
  5. The high iron content encourages many people to use pasta as a means to treat and prevent anemia.Magnesium with potassium regulate the activity of the heart muscle, relieve blood channels from cholesterol.
  6. The product has phosphorus, which is quickly absorbed. This substance is necessary for a person to build bones and their compaction, to maintain the health of teeth and nails. Vitamin E acts as a natural antioxidant, maintaining youthful skin.
  7. The product is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the production of serotonin. The latter, in turn, is called the hormone of happiness. A systematic intake of pasta will increase mood, relieve chronic fatigue and apathy.

Slimming Macaroni

Slimming Macaroni

  1. Macaroni is one of the sought-after products in modern cooking. The composition is unique, but if abused, you can gain excess weight in a short time. Also, using pasta, you can get rid of unwanted kilograms. In this case, you should give preference to the product of hard varieties.
  2. Some types of high-quality products undergo mandatory mechanical pressing under high pressure. Such a manipulation is called plasticization. In this case, the finished raw material has a protective layer. Such a film does not allow starch to gel. The process comes from a short heat treatment of pasta.
  3. Such a product can be cooked for a long time, while the glycemic index does not rise much. It is not recommended to process pasta after cooking with cold water. Garnish can be served with cold-pressed olive oil, mushrooms, stewed vegetables. Cheeses go well with spaghetti.
  4. To get rid of excess weight, it is recommended to consume pasta from wholemeal flour. The glycemic index after heat treatment is 35 units. In this case, all the useful qualities of the product are preserved. Also, for the purpose of losing weight, you can eat whole grains. Such pasta is completely natural without any additives.

Diet pasta dish with vegetables

  • Brussels sprouts - 160 gr.
  • pasta - 250 gr.
  • green beans - 95 gr.
  • Cherry - 4 pcs.
  • hard cheese - 45 gr.
  • olive oil - in fact
  • basil - 15 gr.
  1. Rinse the Brussels sprouts thoroughly and place in a pan with boiling filtered water. Boil the product for 12-13 minutes. Throw the vegetable in a colander, wait for the complete draining of the liquid.
  2. After that, chop the cabbage in half and fry in a pan in red-hot olive oil. Rinse the beans and send to cook until fully cooked. In parallel, cook pasta in salted solution.
  3. Put all the ingredients in a pan and simmer for a few minutes over low heat. Do not forget to mix. Arrange the dish in portions, garnish with halves of cherry tomatoes and fresh chopped herbs.

Rules for choosing pasta

Rules for choosing pasta

  1. When choosing pasta, it is important to understand that price does not play a decisive factor. Not always expensive products are better than cheap ones. In most cases, the high price is determined by brand wrapping and beautiful packaging.
  2. When choosing a product, regardless of price, always look at the composition. Pasta must be made from premium flour (A). They retain the maximum benefit of all enzymes in the culture. Group B products are also beneficial to humans.
  3. Next, pay attention to the color of pasta, the premium product has a golden, cream or amber color. In other cases, harmful dyes are added to the composition. As for appearance, high-quality pasta has a smooth glassy structure.
  4. Lastly, look at the packaging. It must be transparent so that you can evaluate the quality of the product. Accordingly, pay attention to the tightness of the packaging. For all the quality of the raw materials, there should be an inspection window, the date of manufacture and the grade of flour.

Harm pasta

  1. It is forbidden to consume pasta if you are intolerant to the wheat composition. In some cases, the attending physician may prohibit the intake of food after surgery.Also, the product is strictly contraindicated in acute ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. As for women during pregnancy and lactation, the consumption of pasta has no restrictions, except for the above. Top-quality products will enrich the body with necessary enzymes and energize them for a long time.

Regardless of the type of product, pasta abuse will lead to a quick gain in body weight. If you are prone to obesity, it is recommended to consume a quality product in the morning. The calorie content of the dish will increase significantly if you add sauce, butter, mayonnaise.

Video: is it possible to eat pasta if you decide to lose weight

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