Cocoa Butter - Health Benefits

Cocoa butter is a common natural fat, without impurities and additives, which is squeezed from the fruits of the chocolate tree. These valuable trees native to South America are also found in some areas of Africa and Asia. The tropical climate of the countries where this plant is cultivated and grown, allows you to get a crop up to two times a year. Cocoa trees are quite tall, sometimes reaching 15 meters in height, so they are pruned to 5-8 meters on plantations. Beautiful flowers blooming directly on the bare bark are pollinated mainly by a mechanical method, and as a result of successful pollination they get fruits.

The benefits and harms of cocoa butter

The most valuable and nutritious are beans inside with a bitter taste and practically devoid of any outstanding smell. Necessary and pleasant qualities the product receives only after special processing.

A bit of history

The Aztecs noticed the useful and healing properties of the fruits of the chocolate tree, and according to the results of archaeological expeditions, they were widely used in everyday life and medicine. The Spanish conquerors brought these miraculous beans to Europe, but they made nothing else besides a drink from ground seeds. Centuries later, thanks to the invention of the press, Europeans learned how to get butter and make delicious chocolate out of it.

What is cocoa butter and its composition

Externally, the product is not much different from ordinary butter, having the same yellowish-cream tint and similar consistency. Its solid structure is preserved up to + 24-25, and melting occurs at + 35-40 degrees Celsius, which is very convenient when used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes. Two types of cocoa butter are produced: natural, used in the food industry and cooking, as well as deodorized, used as an ingredient in industrial and chemical fields.

This vegetable oil has received wide and versatile use, thanks to valuable and useful components. These are mainly saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, valuable trace elements and vitamins. The composition includes such acids:

  • oleic, performs the function of a strong natural antioxidant;
  • arachidonic, protects against adverse environmental effects;
  • lauric and palmitic, help better absorption of substances, cell regeneration;
  • stearic, has a cleansing and softening effect;
  • linoleic, regulates metabolic processes in the body.

Of the minerals that are vital for the normal functioning of the body, iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, iodine, chromium, as well as sulfur and magnesium, which increase the level of endorphins, are present in the oil. The content of natural vitamins of group E ensures the production of collagen, protects against free radicals, removes toxins and has a strong antioxidant effect. Vitamin K, which is part of the composition, is a fat-soluble element, takes part in protein synthesis, is necessary for normal blood coagulation and has a wound healing property. The presence of a high concentration of theobromine - a natural antibiotic - allows you to fight the formation of blood clots and spasms of the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal properties and benefits of cocoa butter

The listed composition of cocoa butter already allows us to consider this product one of the most useful, environmentally friendly, healing products, which, even with prolonged use, does not cause side effects.A very important property is the strengthening and protection of the immune system. Due to the large amount of fatty acids, the oil normalizes the blood cholesterol content, tones and stimulates the work of the heart, and serves as a prophylactic against heart attack, allergies, atherosclerosis. The presence of useful mineral trace elements, with regular use, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation.

Latin American scientists, in the course of research, proved that the use of cocoa butter systematically, for 7-10 years, reduces the risk of developing cancer cells by 15 times!

With the healing properties of this product:

  • Helps in the treatment of viral diseases, bronchitis, cough;
  • It has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • Normalizes the functioning of the visual organs;
  • Improves the endocrine system;
  • Facilitates the treatment of hemorrhoids, especially in the acute stage;
  • It has a regenerative effect, heals wounds and burns well;
  • Raises the level of activity of the brain;
  • Suppresses appetite and helps in the process of losing weight;
  • Improves and rejuvenates the skin, heals and restores the hair structure.

Application in traditional medicine

There are many popular recipes in which the main component is cocoa butter.

The use of cocoa butter in traditional medicine

  1. With prolonged coughing, you need to mix half a teaspoon of the product with a glass of hot milk. Drink this mixture several times a day. This vegetable fat has an antibacterial, enveloping and expectorant effect. For bronchitis and pneumonia, in addition to internal use, chest massage using melted cocoa butter is also useful.
  2. As a prophylaxis of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, traditional healers advise lubricating the nasal mucosa, this action softens, serves as a protection against bacteria and viruses.
  3. If angina bothers, a teaspoon of cocoa fat, poured with honey, will anesthetize and speed up the healing process. To do this, the oil is slowly absorbed in the mouth every 4-5 hours.
  4. For constipation, take 1 tsp. (preferably at night) the product for 3-4 weeks. Hemorrhoidal pain can be alleviated by placing a piece of cocoa butter in the anus before going to the toilet.
  5. Exotic fetal vegetable fat helps in the treatment of chronic cholecystitis. In the morning, take a tablespoon of oil on an empty stomach, then you need to lie on your right side, putting a heating pad, and have breakfast in half an hour.
  6. Cocoa butter copes with inflammation of weathered or frostbitten skin. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas to remove discomfort.
  7. Theobromine and caffeine present in the composition act on the body soothingly, save from depression. Therefore, in stressful conditions, a hot cup of chocolate with the addition of cocoa butter will significantly raise your spirit and improve your mood.

At present, modern medicine coexists very well with the reasonable methods of healers, therefore, when choosing a folk recipe, it is advisable to consult with a treating specialist.

Application in cosmetology

Cocoa butter is widely used by manufacturers of cosmetic products in many countries of the world. As studies have shown, this product is very well displayed on the condition of the skin and hair, especially if they are excessively dry. The moisturizing and protective effect of the oil becomes most useful in the cold season, when hair and skin are most prone to dehydration. Deeply penetrating the cells, cocoa butter makes the skin supple, smooth, saturated with nutrients, the same can be said about the hairline. At home, this vegetable oil, as a component, can be incorporated into masks and used during cosmetic procedures. Using this product regularly, you will find an indispensable assistant in the struggle for youth and beauty.

Cooking Application

In addition to the fact that cocoa butter is used in the manufacture of chocolate, it is an excellent addition to salads, seafood dishes, it is used to bake biscuits, puff pastries, and is used to make glazes, creams and all kinds of desserts.

Cocoa Butter Contraindications

Doctors recommend that you be extremely careful about consuming chocolate tree oil in the following situations and diseases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of individual intolerance;
  • obese
  • diabetics;
  • with nervous excitement;
  • during insomnia.

In all other cases, cocoa butter is only beneficial, which means it is not only possible, but also necessary. The main thing, as in everything else, is to comply with the measure.

Video: beneficial properties and application of cocoa butter

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