Bear bile - medicinal properties and contraindications

Bear bile is obtained from the gall bladder of mainly Himalayan, brown and Malay animals listed in the Red Book. Attitude to the drug requires great respect, since in the process of studying methods of extracting the substance that can hardly be called humane were applied. Bears, contrary to their will, gave their vitality to people in need of healing. The contents of the bladder have unique properties, and for more than a thousand years it has attracted the attention of poachers and healers.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of bear bile

Mentions in the ancient scriptures of the Old Testament have survived to this day and share their positive experience in treating bile eye diseases. And the treatise “Dzhu-shi” conveyed the invaluable achievements of the great medicine guru of Tibet Yutok Yonten Gonpo, this is the experience of his father, his healing in the 8th century. AD Already in those distant times, derivatives of a wild animal were studied and used to strengthen and restore the vascular system, impaired muscle tissue integrity. After 300 years, the teachings of the philosopher and physician Avicenna described methods of treating a solid tumor. Over the centuries, it conveys the nuances that have been identified empirically, and can achieve the maximum effect. The Roman doctor Asklepiad Vifinsky also used this medicine with a positive result.

After India, China took over the baton. It was there that for the first time healing of bile reached a new level, the ingredients of this composition began to be used in traditional medicine and work on improvement in the mining industry. Active use of bear bile has been going on for more than 3,000 years. The experience was adopted by Korea and Japan. Thanks to the latter, it became possible to produce the healing component synthetically, and replace the barbaric methods and methods of production with modern techniques, preserving and multiplying valuable species of bears in wildlife.

This trend came to Russian Siberia and Primorye from Mongolia, and the contents of the bladder of not only bears, but also wild boars, sables for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, eyes, joints, rheumatism, malignancies, abscesses and ulcers became widely used. Also, animal bile is an excellent anthelmintic.

What is a substance

The contents of the gallbladder - the secret of the liver, an assistant in the breakdown of fats to a state acceptable to the body. The composition of bile includes:

  1. Ursodeoxycholic acid (Ursodeoxycholic Acid, for short - UDCA), makes up the bulk of the composition. Not all bears are suitable for the extraction of medicinal acid. The maximum amount of it is produced by the American black bear - 39%, while the panda, by comparison, does not have it at all. UDCA is also produced in the human body, but its amount is too small and can range from 0.1 to 5%, and with age and under the influence of diseases they become smaller.
  2. The bile of large wild animals, mainly females, collected in the autumn-winter period, is saturated with biologically active, valuable components, amino acids and phospholipids, which are important for maintaining the health and beauty of the body at the cellular level.

Buying an expensive drug, until 1954, there was no guarantee that a quality product with a high acid content was purchased. The bile of all animals is similar in color, but differs in the content of UDCA, respectively, and the expected effect in therapy was not always achieved. Thanks to the development of Japanese scientists, the risks associated with the use of low-quality product, come to naught.But people continue to give preference to the natural contents of the bladder and use the services of poachers. Traditional medicine strongly recommends using a substance synthesized in laboratory conditions.

Indication for use

Useful properties of bile:

  • Absorbable action.
  • Anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Cytoprotective effect. Protection of the body from radionuclides.
  • Restorative effect (tissue of the stomach and liver).
  • Stops cancer cell growth at all stages.
  • It is a good antioxidant (able to remove poisons from the body).
  • Anthelmintic.
  • Immunomodulator Restores the body's natural strength.
  • The unique ability to heal old, non-healing wounds and even repair bone tissue.
  • Heals the pelvic organs. Helps restore the reproductive function of the female body.
  • Significantly increases the tone of the body.
  • Lower cholesterol.
  • Blood purification.

It improves intestinal metabolism, enhances digestion, breaks down fats and helps fight extra pounds. This property of the drug is appreciated by professional athletes.

It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (normalizes acidity, reduces pain in the stomach). It cures gastritis and ulcers, diseases of the duodenum 12.


  • Liver diseases (cirrhosis, hepatitis, malignant tumors, advanced forms with metastases).
  • Metabolic disease.
  • Rheumatism and arthritis, gout.
  • Diabetes mellitus (type 1-11).
  • Prostatitis.
  • Impotence, infertility (improves sperm quality, restores an erection).
  • Epilepsy.
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines.
  • Removes kidney stones.
  • Helps normalize pressure.
  • Shown bile with hemorrhoids.

It is important to remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, therefore, it is advisable to use this "panacea" for preventive purposes. This will increase immunity and strengthen the barrier functions of the body.


Like any medicine, bear bile also has prohibitions on its use, their list is very modest, but it must be taken into account.

  • Pregnancy.
  • Lactation.
  • The presence of the disease is tuberculosis.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

Children's age up to 14 years. But as an exception, they are used for biliary dyskinesia (liquefies bile, prevents the formation of stones).

It is necessary to take the drug seriously and adhere to the instructions and recommended dosages. Exceeding the norm can cause poisoning.

Miraculous tincture of bear bile: recipe

5 g of dry matter (bile), combined with 0.5 l of vodka and insist for a day. The course of use is designed for a month. 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day will allow you to observe a positive result after a week of administration.

The size of the spoon varies depending on the weight of the person, namely:

  • Up to 60 kg - a teaspoon.
  • 60-80 kg - a dessert spoon.
  • From 80 kg - a tablespoon.

Taking tincture, it is necessary to abstain from drinking something and eating for half an hour. Popular wisdom says: “Bitterness cures, sweetness cripples”. You can get used to an unpleasant, bitter taste with a therapeutic purpose. At the time of use of the drug, the rejection of all types of alcohol is strongly recommended, regardless of the percentage of alcohol.

In case of intolerance to tinctures due to alcohol, it is permissible to dilute the substance with water. Store tincture in a refrigerator, without light for three years.

Important! Natural hormones contained in herbs (peony, clover, licorice, etc.) can reduce the effectiveness of treatment, herbs that absorb fats in the blood (clover, parsley, thyme, etc.) are also excluded.

When buying a natural secret from the hands of poachers, you must understand that if the technology is violated when a bubble is removed from the carcass, bile can lose its magical quality. The dried substance is similar in texture to plasticine, should not have obvious damage to the bag and have an approximate weight of at least 20 g.

In the raw form, not processed according to veterinary sanitary standards, the contents of the bladder cannot be used. Bears suffer from anthropozoonotic diseases that are dangerous to humans. Healing from one disease, taking a poor-quality product, you can become the owner of another, no less dangerous.

A good, high-quality preparation based on bear bile cannot be cheap. The purchase of a medicine should be approached seriously and responsibly.

Video: how to insist bear bile

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