Carrots - benefits and harm to the health of the body

Carrots are considered the most popular root vegetable consumed. On the basis of raw and boiled carrots, salads, second and first courses, snacks are prepared. Vegetable successfully combines with other types of products, even carrot tops are taken as food. Interestingly, it accumulates several times more vitamin C than red currants or citruses. But, in order not to be unfounded, we will consider the useful and harmful qualities of carrots in order.

The benefits and harms of carrots

Carrot composition

When it comes to benefits and harms, it makes sense to build on the chemical composition of a product. In our case, carrots. It stores many valuable substances, such as ash, di- and polysaccharides, starch, water, dietary fiber, organic acids and essential oils.

The root crop is not deprived of amino acids; they are abundant in the vegetable. Moreover, not all of these substances can be produced independently in the body. They must come with food.

Among the most valuable amino acids, leucine, arginine, lysine, histidine, valine, threonine, methionine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, cysteine, tyrosine, tryptophan and others are distinguished.

The root crop also includes amino acids that are difficult to replace. These include glycine, aspartic acid, cysteine, tyrosine, serine, glutamic acid, proline, alanine.

In a portion weighing 100 g. concentrated only 41 kcal. The calorie content of boiled carrots is 2 times less, it is 22 Kcal. From a volume of 100 g. 87 gr. water occupies, which is why the root crop is so juicy and healthy.

Specialists in the field of dietetics claim that boiled carrots are much more useful than raw. It is absorbed faster and, after heat treatment, most of the vitamins are retained. Boiled root vegetables concentrate 3 times more antioxidant substances.

Carrots are truly the record holder for B-carotene accumulation. As much as 8.3 mg is given per 100 gram serving. of this substance. Beta-carotene is needed for people with low vision and those at risk for developing cataracts.

In addition to this compound, the root crop is rich in ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin PP, choline, retinol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, thiamine and other useful vitamins.

If we talk about minerals, and more precisely micro and macro elements, they also accumulate in carrots in large volumes. So, it is worth highlighting iodine, fluorine, sodium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, selenium, magnesium, copper and iron.

The benefits of carrots

  1. First of all, the indispensability of carrots for eye health should be highlighted. Visually impaired people know firsthand how important beta carotene is. There are a lot of it in carrots, so experts advise to eat root crops in any form to such categories of people. Vitamin A also affects vision, it supports the action of B-carotene.
  2. An invaluable vegetable for people prone to heart and vascular diseases. The root crop contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, these mineral elements cleanse blood vessels, increase blood circulation, and remove harmful cholesterol.
  3. A systematic intake of carrots reduces the likelihood of a stroke, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease and other pathologies by as much as 60%. Carrots are especially useful for men aged 45+ who are at risk.
  4. The product stimulates brain neurons, improving concentration and memory. The same properties of carrots relieve chronic fatigue syndrome, depressive disorders, and sleep problems.
  5. Boiled or raw carrots are recommended for people who have experienced an upset digestive system. The product increases intestinal motility and microflora, enhances the absorption of food and prevents its digestion in the esophagus. Along with this, cleaning is carried out of toxins and toxic substances.
  6. Boiled carrots are much more useful for cleansing the body than raw. It contains 33% more antioxidant substances. Therefore, such a root crop when taken with vegetable oil frees internal organs from poisons, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals.
  7. Vegetable recommended for people with diabetes. This is made possible by controlling carbohydrate balance, as well as lowering blood sugar levels. Diabetics should consume boiled carrots.
  8. Vegetables are included in the diet of people with high blood pressure and intracranial pressure. The root crop has a diuretic effect, reduces the frequency of migraines and headaches, and lowers pressure in the arteries. Thanks to the ability to remove cholesterol, excellent prevention of atherosclerosis is carried out.
  9. Using carrots, a lot of research has been done. The use of the vegetable in the fight against cancer of the colon and other organs of the digestive system has been proven. Carrots block the flow of oxygen and blood to the tumor cells, it simply begins to dissolve.
  10. The root crop contains fiber and other dietary fibers that normalize digestion processes. The vegetable helps to cope with hemorrhoids and constipation (including chronic). Carrots regulate carbohydrate metabolism, transforming saccharides into energy rather than fat reserves.
  11. The benefits of carrots for the health of the liver and kidneys are invaluable. With systematic consumption, sand and small formations are excreted from the organs of the urinary system. Due to the choleretic effect, the liver is cleansed and its work is facilitated.
  12. Carrot juice is essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair. It can be applied externally or taken orally. Root-based gruel applied to the wound or abrasion will enhance tissue regeneration and contribute to quick healing.

The benefits and harms of carrots for children

The benefits and harms of carrots for children

  1. The product contains many substances that contribute to the full growth of the child. The children's nervous system develops in accordance with age, the probability of deviations decreases.
  2. Carrots are useful for improving vision and its prevention in the future. A lot of acids are concentrated in the vegetable juice, which irritate the gastric mucosa.
  3. The root crop is recommended to be introduced into the diet of a baby who is already a year old. Moreover, the procedure should be under close supervision. First, the vegetable is given in boiled form in the form of mashed potatoes.
  4. As for other valuable properties, carrots normalize the baby’s stool, enhance brain activity, promote sound sleep, increase attention and concentration.

The benefits of carrots during pregnancy

  1. All women who are in an interesting position should carefully plan their diets and select the most healthy foods without side effects. Carrots, in turn, should be an integral part of a healthy and healthy diet.
  2. The root crop allows the fair sex during the bearing of the fetus to maintain an optimal level of hemoglobin in the blood. Carrots resist the development of anemia. Vegetables fully compensate for the body's need for iron and other useful enzymes during vitamin deficiency.
  3. Regular eating of carrots allows the fetus to develop correctly, bypassing pathological abnormalities. In the lactation period, the root crop enriches milk with useful substances that positively affect the baby's health.
  4. Proper nutrition helps maintain good maternal and child health. Thus, the baby will be able to bypass most of the ailments that develop with age.
  5. It's no secret that during pregnancy and lactation, girls are forbidden to take serious medications. To eliminate a runny nose, you can drip fresh root juice. The composition is anti-inflammatory.
  6. It is proved that fresh copes with tonsillitis perfectly. Juice in conjunction with honey fights bronchitis and clears the airways of mucus. Also, the unique properties of the root crop allow you to consume it safely. Carrots are hypoallergenic products.

The benefits of carrot tops

  1. Tops are famous for their high content of ascorbic acid, folic acid and potassium. Many people do not attach much importance to such greenery and simply get rid of it. Regular intake of raw materials will significantly improve health and improve the functioning of the central nervous system.
  2. Carrot tops proved to be in the treatment of varicose veins. Raw materials prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Tops are no less useful for maintaining optic nerve health. Raw materials can be added to various salads to give a specific taste.
  3. Tops has a significant amount of useful enzymes that are not in the root crop. Greens have the same beneficial qualities as parsley or chives. Tops can be brewed with tea. Such a drink will help strengthen the immune system and cope with viral infections.

The benefits of boiled carrots

The benefits of boiled carrots

  1. At the moment, there are disputes that boiled root crops are much healthier than raw. Therefore, to give a definite answer will not work. However, the essential aspect does not go unnoticed. During heat treatment, vitamins are destroyed in carrots.
  2. But there is also a plus of boiled carrots before fresh. In the first case, the antioxidant properties of the root crop increase by an order of magnitude. Such a product is unsuitable for improving human vitality. Consume root vegetables based on your preferences.
  3. Boiled carrots are often used for weight loss. The root crop fits perfectly into the diet of proper nutrition. Regular intake of boiled product along with other healthy vegetables will help you to say goodbye to unwanted kilograms without difficulty.

Carrot Harm

  1. The consumption of root vegetables is prohibited with an ulcer during the exacerbation period. Overeating carrots is fraught with yellowing of the skin. In this case, it is worth limiting the intake of root crops.
  2. Also, abuse of the product can cause severe migraines, in rare cases, vomiting, lethargy and drowsiness. Sometimes there may be an individual intolerance to carrots, keep this in mind.
  3. The recommended daily intake of root crops should not exceed 300 g. If you adhere to such indicators, health problems will not arise.

Eating carrots regularly will keep you healthy. Do not forget that the tops are no less useful than the root crop itself. Use products wisely and make the most of it. Carrots go well with fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink fresh regularly to replenish vitamins and minerals in the body.

Video: the unique secrets of carrots

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