Can I eat an avocado seed?

When the fruits of avocado appeared in mass trade, everyone ate the flesh, and just threw out a large, heavy bone. But still it was a shame so irrational to use the product, and the housewives thought - can it be used, and for what purposes?

Is it possible to eat avocado seed

Is avocado stone suitable for eating?

At first there was a fear that such a large bone contains cyanide and amygdalin, because in the seeds of cherries, apricots and plums, these substances are also dangerous. But it turned out that toxic elements in the avocado kernel are tannins. They can cause harm to the body if you eat a lot of seeds at a time. It is unlikely that someone will succeed, because they are too bitter, besides, doctors advise them to eat them only after heat treatment.

If you do not exceed the norm of consumption, the bones help:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • burn fat, which means to lose weight;
  • relieve fatigue;
  • remove inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stop diarrhea;
  • get rid of painful manifestations in the joints and muscles;
  • improve the condition of the skin, giving it elasticity.

Now our hostesses leave an avocado bone, using it completely, not only in cooking, but also to restore health and for cosmetic purposes.

How to process a bone for future use

There is a lot of bitterness in the bone, but it is very easy to get rid of it, and it is better to do it, then the prepared dishes will be more delicious, and the taste will manifest itself much brighter. The whole process consists of light manipulations:

  1. It is necessary to get rid of the outer brown peel, best with a grater.
  2. Divided into small pieces.
  3. Heat treated. You can fry a little in a pan or bake in the oven for 1 hour. The main thing is to adhere to the conditions so that the fire is very small, and the flesh at the end of processing acquires a reddish-golden hue. If the whole bone, hold it in the oven for at least two hours.
  4. Cool and dry the pieces by spreading them on a cotton cloth.
  5. Grind. For these purposes, you can use a coffee grinder or blender.

Now that the bones have turned into powder, they can be used very widely.


What is powder for? For avocado lovers, the good news is that the resulting powder can be used in many cases. First of all, for:

The use of avocado seeds

Culinary dishes - meat, fish, vegetable - as a spice. In this case, just add a pinch.

Decoction. To do this, just take a tablespoon of powder, without top, pour 250 g. boiling water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Give a little infusion in a closed container, be sure to carefully strain and drink in small doses throughout the day.

You can cook interesting dishes with an unusual taste like this:

  1. Cream soup. Prepare the vegetable broth to make a liter, add finely chopped and fried onions, as well as avocado pulp. Bring to a boil, let cool slightly and grind with a blender.
  2. Smoothies. It can be added using any of the ingredients; a sweet ingredient must be present. For example, 50 gr. milk, celery, banana and a teaspoon of avocado seed powder.

Apply powder and externally:

  1. Especially it helps those who suffer from migraines. Such a preparation is prepared: the powder is poured with alcohol and infused in a closed place for 7 days. Then the product is rubbed into the neck and temples.
  2. You can restore your skin to a healthy appearance and get rid of inflammation and blackheads in such a simple way: dissolve the crushed bone in warm boiled water to make a paste-like mass, and make a mask by holding it on your face for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.
  3. If castor oil is added to the powder and then greased, the hair will be strong, shiny.
  4. Inflamed skin can also be treated with a powder made from avocado seed. Such a tool is done by adding a few drops of tea tree to the powder for a better drying effect. Warm water is added to the powder and triturated to a paste, applied to an inflamed, painful pimple and left for 5 minutes. This method is good in that drying takes place, and the inflammation passes quickly.
  5. Many women fell in love with such a cleansing procedure, for which you need to make a scrub. Sea salt and ground coffee are added to the powder. After all the components are thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass, the product is applied to the skin with massaging movements.

It should be borne in mind that all masks and scrubs in which avocado powder is present give the skin a slight but pleasant tan. The whole secret is that the bone contains coloring matter.

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