Is champagne breastfeeding possible?

A baby is born. Mom added enough trouble. Now she must take care not only of herself, but also of her child, his state of health. All this requires significant correction in the entire way of her former life, including the diet. A lot of prohibitions and restrictions, at first glance, can make a mom’s life gray and uninteresting in nature. But, if you approach this issue wisely, then the period of breastfeeding can bring no less pleasure than it was observed before pregnancy and the birth of the baby.

Champagne for breastfeeding

Despite the fact that a very responsible period has come in a woman’s life, she has not ceased to be a woman and, first of all, a man. She also loves various feasts, on which not only a lot of food, but also all kinds of alcoholic drinks. Often, in moments of fun, she wants to sip some champagne. But can she do this during breastfeeding? Would it harm her baby? Consideration of this issue requires a serious approach, and a decision must be made only on the basis of scientific facts, and not myths and popular beliefs.

Harm of alcohol when feeding

As for strong alcohol, it is definitely taboo. There can even be no talk of this. Alcohol along with breast milk can enter the body of the baby with all the ensuing consequences. Another point in favor of their prohibition is that strong alcoholic beverages are removed from the body much longer than the weak alcohol contained in sparkling wines.

Therefore, sometimes women seriously believe that a little sparkling wine can not harm her baby. On top of that, it’s not very convenient to sit at the festive table, holding a cup of tea. If you turn to the opinion of experts about the possibility of drinking champagne in small quantities, then you will not get a definite answer. Some act as fierce opponents in relation to such actions. Other experts, for example, Dr. Komarovsky, believe that a small amount of champagne can not do much harm.

No matter how experts say in this regard, alcohol for the crumbs is undoubtedly harmful. Even if there is very little of it, but the body of the newborn is still small and even such a small amount can lead to extremely undesirable consequences. They can be reduced to the following positions:

  1. If mom drinks this drink a little more, the child may develop a rather serious allergy. It should be noted that champagne is obtained from grapes, and it is extremely undesirable for a nursing mother.
  2. With the use of champagne by mom, her baby may have colic, and not only him, but also the mother herself. The danger lies in the increased acidity of the product and gas bubbles. This leads to the occurrence of processes of increased gas formation in the intestine.
  3. Although this alcoholic beverage contains a very small amount of alcohol, it is still present there. Whether he wants it or not, it will certainly penetrate into breast milk, and from there it will enter the body of the baby.

And these are not all the arguments against drinking alcohol:

  1. Alcohol, even in small quantities, can lead to impaired psycho-speech development of the baby. Alcohol can provoke the occurrence of apathy and impaired sleep of the child. Anxiety may occur with signs of irritation.
  2. Alcohol negatively affects cardiac activity. The rhythm is broken, and even breathing.
  3. Alcohol has the ability to develop addiction with addiction.

On top of that, alcohol negatively affects mom herself, disrupting the formation of breast milk. Therefore, the most rational solution is a complete rejection of alcoholic beverages during breastfeeding, without any amendments to their strength.

Champagne and breastfeeding: reducing risks

It is not worth making fleeting conclusions and declaring that you should not drop a drop of champagne to your mother. As an exception, she can still afford to consume a small amount. It happens that a woman is overcome by an unbearable desire to support a cheerful company at the festive table. Probably a few sips of this sparkling drink can still be drunk. But the measure in this case should be a priority concept. Do not get carried away and recklessly go into all seriouss.

How to reduce the risk of drinking champagne with gw

So that champagne does not get into breast milk, you can prepare for a feast.

  1. To do this, you just need to first express the breast. It is with this milk that mommy will feed her baby. Then there is no need to stuff the child with harmful substances, both for his physical and mental health.
  2. A container should be prepared for milk. It must be clean and boiled.
  3. Strained milk must be refrigerated. Before feeding the baby, it just warms up.

Another rational step will be the action in which the milk is decanted after drinking champagne. This should not be done immediately, but after a certain time. After all, alcohol must be absorbed into the blood, and from it into breast milk. Of course, they should not feed the child. Such an approach will be the most reasonable and correct in its content. Such events will become a barrier to the ingestion of crumbs of alcohol and other harmful substances.

Such a festive relief for a nursing mother can be done, but in very small quantities.

Breastfeeding is a very crucial period in the life of any woman after childbirth. What to say about alcohol, any other product should be used in the diet with great care. This is especially true of new species with which the baby has not yet met. Mom always needs to remember that the baby’s health now largely depends on herself. From how she will behave, what to eat during breastfeeding, it will depend on how healthy and strong her baby will grow.

Video: alcohol while breastfeeding

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