Is it possible to barbecue with breastfeeding?

Young mothers during the period of breastfeeding have to always remember certain prohibitions in eating food. With the onset of spring and summer, when the weather allows you to go to nature and grill kebabs, many mothers begin to wage a real fight with themselves. This is not surprising, because the desire to eat a tasty and juicy barbecue is opposed to caring for a child. It would seem that there is nothing dangerous in meat, but the kebab contains a lot of spices, salt and pepper. It is these components that make young mothers worry.

Barbecue with breastfeeding

However, it is worthwhile to understand that the recipe for which it is prepared will play a decisive role in the question of whether it is possible to eat barbecue. If you cook the meat correctly, then eating shish kebab dishes during breastfeeding becomes even useful, especially if you supplement the dishes with other healthy products.

What is the reason for the fears of young mothers?

The main reason that many mothers refuse kebab during breastfeeding is that when breast-feeding a mother, mothers should refuse to eat fried foods. In addition, the ban is imposed on excessively fatty foods. Since the classic kebab in the generally accepted sense has both of these qualities, not all mothers will risk eating such a treat.

An important point is also that during the period of breastfeeding, most women adhere to a diet, and therefore do not eat fatty and fried foods. Eating barbecue after prolonged abstinence from such dishes can harm the body, as it will become a real shake for him. In addition, you should pay attention to various seasonings, hot spices and sauces. Their use, even if not in too much, can also provoke undesirable reactions of the body.

Of course, as soon as mom eats barbecue with spicy and salty additives, all these components will pass into breast milk. The unprepared body of the baby can negatively react to a new food for him. It is important to remember that in the first year of life, the baby's digestive system only grows stronger and gets used to the surrounding conditions, so milk after barbecue can cause intestinal upset, colic, allergic reactions and other unpleasant manifestations.

What meat for barbecue to choose?

It is the right choice of meat that can allow a young mother to eat a delicious barbecue without harm to the health of the baby and her own body. Consider in more detail all types of meat:

What meat for barbecue to choose

  1. Pork. This option for barbecue during feeding the baby is undesirable. Pork itself is very fatty. The combination of fatty and fried can badly affect not only the child, but also on the mother herself, because such food adds extra weight.
  2. Mutton. This option also becomes undesirable during the period of breastfeeding. Lamb is meat with a high content of fat and fatty acids, so it should be strongly discarded.
  3. Chicken breast. This meat is most suitable for young mothers. Chicken, and especially its sternum, does not contain a lot of fat, which is why such meat is often consumed during the diet.
  4. Beef. This option can be very useful, however, lean beef is worth choosing.
  5. White low-fat fish. Fish meat is also often used for making barbecue.This option is perfect for breastfeeding, as fish is a dietary product rich in nutrients. You can use carp, cod and saffron cod.

What seasonings can be used for cooking barbecue?

When cooking barbecue often use a variety of marinades, spices and seasonings. Particular attention should be paid to marinades:

  1. Vinegar. For marinade and barbecue, this product is used very often. However, during the period of breastfeeding, the use of vinegar is strictly prohibited.
  2. Lemon acid. Any acids that enter the body of the mother automatically turn out to be in milk, and therefore, they will soon reach the baby. Increased acidity can provoke the appearance of colic in a child, and therefore should be careful with the use of citric acid.
  3. Mayonnaise. It is also better to refuse this product until those times when you stop breastfeeding, since it is rich in fats, and it can not be called a useful product.
  4. As for the seasonings that can be used in the process of marinating meat, the following additives should be distinguished:
  5. Kefir. This product is rarely used for marinade, however, it is worth noting that it is able to make meat unusually soft and tender, which is not always possible for other marinades.
  6. Salt. Do not abuse salt, it is better to add in a small amount.
  7. Dried pepper With it, you can give the kebab a familiar flavor.

Features of cooking barbecue useful for mothers

After the ingredients are selected, you can begin to understand some of the intricacies and details of preparing a healthy kebab.

Features of cooking barbecue useful for mothers

In the absence of a large number of spices and marinade, the meat may seem completely tasteless. To avoid this effect, you should cut the meat into thin layers, and then place them in a special barbecue container. In the process of cooking, you should carefully monitor the meat so that it does not burn, since such thin layers cook very quickly. In order not to spoil the meat, it is best to cook such thin plates on practically extinct coals. The same goes for fish.

If you still decide to cut the meat into larger pieces, in the traditional version, then you should use skewer for frying, since it will be much more convenient to turn the meat over. If the meat is still partially burnt, you should cut off the burned pieces, as they will be very long and hard to absorb by the body, causing discomfort to the mother and baby.

Products for a better assimilation of meat

So that fried meat does not cause discomfort for a young mother, it is better to eat kebab along with products that improve digestion. These include primarily vegetables, and in raw form. Cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage and salad should be added to the barbecue.

If you want to eat along with a kebab of potatoes, it is better to boil it or bake it directly in the coals. Eating fried potatoes with fried meat is highly undesirable.

Dishes that can be eaten with barbecue

Many meat is eaten exclusively in combination with bread. In this case, it is better for young mothers to use black bread or products prepared without the use of salt. If you pick up a side dish for a barbecue, it is better, of course, to choose lighter options. Pasta should be discarded, since flour products in combination with fried meat can cause discomfort in the body. Of the cereals, buckwheat is best, especially if the kebab is made from chicken or low-fat beef.

The best option for a barbecue garnish are vegetables, and you can use them in various forms: boiled, steamed, stewed, raw and even in the form of mashed potatoes. You can make light vegetable salads.

Video: the secret of the perfect barbecue from the Armenian chef

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