Chamomile infusion - benefits and harms for women and men

Even Avicenna said that chamomile is one of the most useful and effective medicinal plants, which can rid almost any disease. Indeed, chamomile is in the kitchen cabinet of every good housewife. Chamomile is used for internal and external treatment, the plant is often used in cosmetology. It is not only effective, but also safe, as well as a hypoallergenic drug that can solve many problems with health, skin and hair. In this article, we will talk about the benefits of chamomile, the rules for preparing medicines from it, as well as the main contraindications for taking chamomile infusion.

The benefits and harms of chamomile infusion

Useful properties of chamomile for the body

The composition of chamomile is striking in its diversity - it contains essential oils, vitamins, fatty acids, polysaccharides, flavonoids, phytosterol and other useful components. This rich composition allows the use of chamomile in the fight against various diseases.

  1. Healing and soothing effect. Getting on the mucous membrane, chamomile quickly removes inflammation, redness, heals wounds and disinfects pustules. This allows you to use a decoction and infusion of chamomile in the fight against tonsillitis and stomatitis - chamomile gargle and oral cavity, respectively. Chamomile quickly suppresses symptoms of ulcers and gastritis - gently envelops the walls of the stomach and soothes inflammation on the mucous membrane. The wound healing properties of chamomile allow you to use the decoction as an antiseptic for wounds, cuts, burns and abrasions.
  2. For the intestines. Chamomile favorably affects the work of the intestines, relieves pain, colitis, flatulence. If you are tormented by constant indigestion and bloating, drink a course of chamomile infusion - this will help to cope with the problem. In addition, chamomile helps gently and delicately solve the problem of constipation.
  3. Pain medication. Chamomile perfectly relieves pain, and not only when ingested, but also when used externally. Rinse the oral cavity with chamomile decoction - get rid of toothache. Make foot baths based on chamomile - pain in the legs will pass after a long working day. Drink chamomile tea - you can eliminate a aching headache. Chamomile broth is also very effective for women with menstrual pain.
  4. Against colds. Chamomile broth is allowed even for small children with a cold - it relieves sore throat well, strengthens the immune system, accelerates the elimination of viruses from the body.
  5. For the liver and gall bladder. Chamomile has choleretic properties, it is very useful for cleansing the liver with hepatitis, drug or alcohol poisoning.
  6. In the fight against parasites. Regular consumption of chamomile helps suppress helminthic invasion. Chamomile copes with roundworms, pinworms and giardia, perfectly cleanses the body and intestines.

Chamomile broth is recommended to be used in the recovery period after infectious diseases. Chamomile improves appetite, shortens the rehabilitation period.

Chamomile in cosmetology

Chamomile medicines are very beneficial for the beauty of hair, nails and skin. Make it a habit to rinse the hair with chamomile broth after each wash - this will make the strands smooth, shiny and healthy. Moreover, chamomile is a natural brightener, which in several applications will change the color of curls by a half tone. Chamomile suppresses the work of the sebaceous glands, relieves strands of excess fat.

On the basis of chamomile decoction, numerous masks and compresses for the face are made. This helps to cope with various inflammations - comedones, acne, boils.The whitening effect of chamomile allows the plant to cope with age spots, freckles and an unwanted tan. Chamomile is also used to increase skin tone, so that it becomes more youthful and supple. Chamomile ice is very effective and popular - the broth is frozen in the form of cubes and rubbed on its face. This helps to get rid of wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

How to make camomile

To get the maximum of beneficial properties from chamomile inflorescences, the medicine must be properly prepared.

How to make camomile

  1. Camomile tea. This is the easiest and fastest way to make chamomile. Infusion can be made from fresh or dried inflorescences. Three tablespoons of chopped chamomile should be poured with a liter of boiling water, cover and let it brew for a couple of hours. Drink half a glass in small sips. This will help strengthen immunity, cope with inflammation of the throat and stomach.
  2. Chamomile broth. This is a recipe for a more concentrated and strong composition, which is best used externally. 3-4 tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences should be poured with two glasses of boiling water and put the mixture in a water bath, keep for about half an hour. Then the composition must be removed from the heat, cover and leave for a while. Strain and use for cosmetic purposes - add broth to masks, wipe their face with them, wash themselves before bedtime, make compresses on the scalp. A decoction is very useful to use externally - to wash wounds, make lotions to inflamed areas, etc.
  3. Alcohol tincture. Tincture of chamomile on alcohol has a lot of advantages. Firstly, it is stored longer - in the refrigerator it does not lose its beneficial properties for 3-4 months. Secondly, a ready-made tincture can always be used for treatment - no need to wait until a decoction is prepared. Thirdly, alcohol tincture is much preferable for the treatment of oily skin. To prepare the medicine, pour fresh chamomile inflorescences with alcohol and leave for 15-20 days, periodically shake the bottle and keep the composition in a cool place. Dissolve half of the alcohol tincture in a glass of hot water - you will get an excellent antiseptic to rinse your throat and oral cavity.

And chamomile can be constantly added to tea. This will not only enhance your immunity during the flu and colds season, but also add summer taste and aroma to the drink. Drink chamomile tea with ginger, lemon and honey - get a real vitamin bomb!

The harmful properties of chamomile

Chamomile, like any other product, may have its contraindications. Chamomile is very calming, but it should not be drunk with sedatives, especially if you are often driving - you can just fall asleep. In case of an overdose, chamomile can cause nausea and dizziness. In some cases, a person may have an individual intolerance, which is manifested by vomiting. You can not use chamomile inside during pregnancy, some phytohormones can cause spontaneous miscarriage. However, chamomile is indispensable for the treatment of a sore throat during pregnancy, because potent drugs in this position are contraindicated. With diarrhea, chamomile is also not worth drinking - this can aggravate the condition of the body.

Chamomile has recently been considered a symbol of the Russian holiday - family day, love and fidelity. Keep the chamomile in your home medicine cabinet to preserve health and beauty for loved ones!

Video: camomile and its beneficial properties

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