Oatmeal - Health Benefits

Oats are unique cereal crops. A lot of nutrients are concentrated in its shell and core, which positively affect all systems and organs of a person. Many people liked oatmeal for its special nutritional properties. Oatmeal perfectly cleanses the digestive tract and has many other beneficial qualities. Let's talk about them in order, and also consider the possible harm from consumption.

Benefits and harms of oatmeal

Oatmeal composition

Oatmeal is the most common product derived from oats. Since childhood, everyone has been familiar with Hercules porridge, which gives strength and energizes for the whole day. The chemical list of elements is quite extensive.

It is worth mentioning right away that the cleaning properties of oatmeal become possible due to the accumulation of coarse fiber. They gently free the intestines from congestion and fecal stones, absorb and remove toxins.

A special place is given to vitamins from group B. They are required by the central nervous system of a person to normalize the psycho-emotional background and fight against insomnia. Vitamins also have a positive effect on the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

Iodine, which is rich in oatmeal, prevents thyroid disease, improves brain activity and physical activity. With iodine deficiency, mood worsens, oatmeal copes with this problem.

Ready porridge is famous for its high accumulation of tocopherol (vitamin E) and retinol (vitamin A). These substances act as natural antioxidants, they prolong youth and are responsible for the beauty of the skin and hair.

As for mineral compounds, oatmeal boasts calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, manganese, and iron. All these substances are in excess in cereals.

People with celiac disease will find it useful to know that oatmeal is gluten free. The basis of the dish is complex carbohydrates (more than 60%), proteins (12%), fats (6%). Calorie content in portions weighing 100 g. is 323 kcal.

The benefits of oatmeal

  1. The effect of oatmeal on the body is noticeable after the first dose. A person feels better, anxiety decreases, chronic fatigue recedes. All this is possible thanks to the cleansing of the intestines and the beneficial effect of vitamins B on the body.
  2. Oatmeal perfectly copes with constipation, including chronic. Thanks to daily use, all problems with stool disorder go away. Oatmeal is indicated for pancreatitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer. Porridge restores intestinal motility and microflora, reduces the likelihood of developing dysbiosis.
  3. Due to the accumulation of “cardiac” minerals, such as potassium and magnesium, the work of the heart improves. Oatmeal cleanses not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the circulatory system of cholesterol plaques. Flakes should be eaten by people who have a tendency to strokes and heart attacks.
  4. Not without the beneficial qualities of oatmeal for patients with diabetes. The product normalizes the level of glucose in the blood and does not allow it to “jump”.
  5. Due to the abundance of vitamins and minerals, the protective functions of the body are improved. It is advisable to consume oatmeal in the winter, when the flu epidemic begins. Also, the dish is indicated for use by those who have low immunity from birth.
  6. Oatmeal helps to recover faster after an illness or recently undergone complex surgery. Due to the presence of complex carbohydrates, the mood improves, the supply of strength and energy rises.
  7. It is extremely useful dish for people who work hard mentally.Due to the stimulation of brain neurons, a person becomes resilient, improves memory and concentration.
  8. Folk healers adhere to a practice in which, during pneumonia, you need to take a decoction of oatmeal finely ground. It is better to prepare such a drug in milk.
  9. If you are prone to thrombosis, be sure to include oatmeal in your diet. It is useful to eat porridge to cleanse the liver, remove stones and sand from the kidneys, improve the outflow of bile.
  10. The substances that make up the flakes are actively involved in the development of new blood cells. Hence, its circulation and quality improves, all vital processes in the body are adjusted.
  11. If you make lotions of oatmeal, you can easily cure burns and cuts. Also, the gruel is used in the form of a scrub to exfoliate keratinized skin particles.
  12. As part of porridge, there are many antioxidants that prolong youth by saturating the cells with oxygen and densifying the membranes. The product is famous for its diuretic properties, as a result of which you can easily get rid of edema.
  13. Oatmeal is often introduced into the diet of people who are obese or have problems with being overweight. Due to the increase in all metabolic processes, cleansing and comfortable weight loss occur.

Oatmeal during pregnancy and lactation

Oatmeal during pregnancy and lactation

  1. During pregnancy, the fair sex needs a sufficient amount of folic acid. The enzyme is actively involved in the development of the baby. Folic acid reduces the risk of developing pathologies associated with the fetal brain.
  2. A portion of oatmeal contains about 15-17% of folic acid from the daily intake. In addition, the product is saturated with B vitamins. If a woman does not have enough thiamine, tachycardia may develop.
  3. Symptoms are shortness of breath, disturbed sleep, and increased irritability. A sufficient amount of vitamin B1 solves most problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Usually, troubles begin at the end of pregnancy.
  4. The body needs riboflavin for the normal absorption of various active components. Vitamin B2 is involved in the synthesis of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Riboflavin is necessary for hematopoiesis. The substance helps to avoid the development of problems with the optic nerves.
  5. Vitamin B2 is also indispensable in the formation of the fetus without deviations. Therefore, it is worthwhile to understand that the representative of the fair sex in a position simply cannot afford a deficit of this element.
  6. Flakes are famous for the abundance of pyridoxine in the composition. Vitamin B6 helps girls in a position to avoid the effects of toxicosis. The body needs the enzyme for the proper absorption of the remaining B vitamins.
  7. During pregnancy, a woman is most at risk of developing anemia. Therefore, the body in a critical period needs foods with a high iron content. Oatmeal will become an integral part of your daily diet. The product contains 20% of the daily intake of the mineral.
  8. Many girls during the bearing of the fetus face the problem of constipation. Systematic eating cereal based on cereal without problems will cope with an urgent problem.
  9. In order for the baby to properly form bone tissue, the body needs a sufficient amount of phosphorus and calcium. The presence of iodine in the product avoids the development of pathologies associated with the brain. The entire necessary list of microelements is contained in cereals.
  10. After childbirth, the inclusion of oatmeal in the diet should become an integral part. The product will help the body recover completely in a short time. Oatmeal also quickly makes up for large blood loss. In the lactation period, raw materials increase breast milk.

Possible harm to oatmeal

  1. It is forbidden to include oatmeal in the diet for intolerance to cereal crops. Such a disease can lead to disastrous consequences, be careful.It is important to consult a specialist in time and avoid complications.
  2. If you eat oatmeal immensely, the body will soon suffer from calcium deficiency. Flakes in large quantities wash this mineral from tissues. In the course of everything, osteoporosis develops and the accumulation of phytic acid increases.

Oatmeal has several advantages over most foods. Everyone can afford raw materials. Eating porridge on a regular basis will improve and improve your health. It is important to comply with the consumption rate of the product and consider contraindications.

Video: the benefits of oatmeal

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