Palm oil - health benefits and harms

Palm oil is produced on the basis of the fruits of palm oilseeds. There is another technology for preparing a product from palm seeds, which is called palm kernel oil. The composition came to our country relatively recently. Today, the product is widely used in cooking for baking, food production, cosmetology and traditional medicine. Many are interested in the question regarding the benefits and harms of the composition, let's talk about everything in order.

The benefits and harms of palm oil

Ways to make palm oil

On an industrial scale, to obtain oil, they resort to the following methods of processing raw materials:

Press - fruits of the oil palm are pressed, then heat treatment is carried out at a temperature above 115 degrees. Such a technology is fatal for most vitamins, and the degree of oxidation increases. This leads to a decrease in the shelf life of the composition.

Spin - oil is prepared by cold pressing, as a result of which the final product is saturated in terms of useful elements. Red palm oil is prepared by the first spin method, which today is considered the most valuable and suitable for consumption in food. The product slowly oxidizes, retains a greasy consistency, and is stored in an inert gas container.

Extraction - this method is considered the most dangerous, because during the processing process, fat solvents are added to the composition (often gasoline acts in their role). Due to this, the product is already initially contaminated. Further cleaning is carried out by means of refining, filtering, hydration and deodorization. Such a move contributes to the rapid separation of oil and the elimination of extraneous odors. The output is a colorless liquid, which is often used in cooking for frying.

Separation - when oil and fat are taken from all available raw materials, a technical liquid composition is obtained. It is used in mechanical engineering, cosmetic and massage purposes. However, unscrupulous manufacturers manage to mix technical oil into food products, putting people at risk.

Chemical composition and benefits of elements

  1. Vitamin K - is responsible for bone tissue, prevents the deposition of salts in the urine, removes excess fluid and fights swelling. The element helps to overcome many ailments, such as ossification of cartilage, blockage of blood vessels, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.
  2. Carotenoids are necessary for a person to raise all metabolic processes, increase blood circulation, enrich tissues with oxygen, and cellular regeneration.
  3. Tocopherol - it refers to vitamin E, which prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. If a malignant manifestation already exists, tocopherol reduces cell division and blocks access to blood.
  4. Retinol - the notorious vitamin A, is necessary for people to maintain the beauty and health of hair, nail plates, and skin. Often oil is added to masks to tighten the oval of the face and to overcome the massive loss of mop.
  5. Palmitic acid - the element accounts for half of the total volume of the chemical composition. The acid takes part in the synthesis of hormones, so any jumps are excluded. The enzyme is also considered an excellent source of energy.

In addition to these components, palm oil includes vitamin B4, stearic acid, omega polyunsaturated acids, iron and phosphorus, coenzyme Q10, triglycerins, beta-carotene, oleic acid.All compounds together purify the blood, saturate it with oxygen, rejuvenate the body.

The benefits of palm oil

The benefits of palm oil

  1. All product value is determined by the accumulation of carotenoids in the oil. They act as powerful antioxidants that cleanse the liver of free radicals and open up the blood channels. Carotenoids have a beneficial effect on the skin, tightening it and eliminate wrinkles.
  2. Palm oil is considered the champion in terms of the accumulation of vitamin E. Tocopherol stimulates all metabolic processes and is an indispensable element for the male body. It increases the potency and motility of sperm, corrects libido.
  3. The triglycerins that make up the product are almost instantly digested. When it enters the liver, enzymes increase energy without affecting blood circulation. Oil is extremely appreciated by people who do not digest fats of a different origin, go on diets or do athletics.
  4. Linoleic, oleic and other unsaturated fatty acids reduce cholesterol and do not allow it to form in the form of plaques. This quality is greatly appreciated by diabetics and those diagnosed with obesity. Acids reduce the likelihood of atherosclerosis, strengthen muscles and fill microvoids in bone tissue.
  5. Retinol, or Vitamin A, is responsible for vision. It strengthens muscles, lubricates the eyeball, takes an active part in the development of retinal pigment. People who spend a lot of time behind a PC or a steering wheel can benefit from palm oil.
  6. Beta-carotene protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, frost, wind. The element maintains water balance, smoothes out small creases, evens out the epidermis, relieves the face of the earthy tint.
  7. Palm oil has a beneficial effect on the skin in the fight against orange peel. When it enters the pores, the product breaks down fatty compounds, reducing cellulite and stretch marks (striae). Therefore, the composition is often smeared belly after childbirth.
  8. Invaluable benefits palm oil brings hair. If you mix it with coconut, olive or burdock oil, you will get a full-fledged hair mask. The tool will protect the mop from overdrying in the summer, make the curls silky. It is enough to add a little bit of pure oil to the usual hair care products to prevent it.

Palm oil application

  1. Palm oil is considered the most common type of vegetable fat. Widespread use is due to the cheapness and availability of the product. Moreover, the composition is resistant to oxidative processes and can be stored for a long time.
  2. Oil has found application in food production. It is used to make biscuits, waffles, creams, cakes and pastries. Also, ready-to-cook semi-finished products are fried on the composition, which can only be heated.
  3. The composition is added to processed cheeses, condensed milk, cottage cheese delicacies and directly the cottage cheese itself, combined oil. The palm product replaces milk fats.
  4. Generally speaking, it is easier to list products that do not include this ingredient. The use of palm oil is not limited to food production.
  5. Candles, soap, various care products for the body, hair and nails are made from the product. The attending doctors prescribe the intake of oil inside with night blindness, glaucoma, blepharitis, conjunctivitis, diseases of the vascular system and heart.

Palm oil harm for children

Numerous disputes and studies have proved that palm oil should not be contained in the diet of a person with a fragile body. For kids, the exotic composition is seriously harmful and can lead to the following ailments:

Palm oil harm for children

  • constipation (up to chronic);
  • frequent spitting up;
  • colic
  • lack of calcium in the body.

If you are feeding your baby with infant formula, carefully study the composition.In no case should palm oil be present in the product. Unscrupulous manufacturers include this fat in food to reduce the cost of the mixture.

Palm oil is addictive, often it leads to a violation of the mental background of the baby. The body of a little man is not yet ready for loads of this type.

Palm oil harm

Palm oil, unlike other products of this type, has the largest number of contraindications and recommendations for use. If there are prohibitions, exclude the composition from your diet completely. Oil refers to products that cannot be used daily in any form.

Otherwise, you risk facing the formation of pathologies such as:

  • damage, blockage of blood vessels and other blood channels;
  • increased levels of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  • obesity, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, atherosclerosis;
  • decreased physical stamina and mental activity;
  • suppressed immune system, inability to withstand elementary drafts;
  • disruptions in lipid metabolism;
  • diabetes mellitus (exacerbation or neoplasm);
  • Alzheimer (increased symptoms);
  • obesity and general weight gain;
  • dependence on the use of palm oil;
  • oncological ailments (rapidly progressing);
  • pathology of the heart muscle, vascular system.

Palm oil, even in small doses, is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • violation of metabolic processes of the body;
  • chronic diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • high blood cholesterol;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy.

As for dietetics, experts do not recommend introducing palm oil into the diet of people who monitor their own weight or seek to lose weight. Such cheap fat will not bring the desired result. If we talk about traditional medicine and cosmetic purposes, the harm from the use of palm oil is minimized.

How to reduce the harmful effects of oil on the body

The composition does not include toxic compounds, which after consumption will lead to momentary poisoning. To reduce the risk, follow these guidelines.

  1. Cut down on butter, waffles, biscuits, and ice cream. A decent amount of palm oil is concentrated in these products.
  2. Before buying anything, study the "Composition" column. If there is a postscript in the form of a vague phrase "vegetable fat", then the manufacturer has moved away from the standards.
  3. A bona fide manufacturer always indicates on the label that the product contains refined palm oil.
  4. Purchase products that are manufactured in accordance with GOST. Refuse the purchase if the product is made according to the technical regulations of the manufacturer.
  5. If the label of the selected product indicates the content of palm oil, while the shelf life goes off scale, the composition includes a lot of vegetable fat.

Palm oil enthusiasts claim that the harm to the human body is exaggerated. On the one hand, this is the truth. If you dose the amount of absorbed composition, you will receive only benefit.

Video: palm oil in nutrition

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