The health benefits and benefits of durian

Durian is an amazing exotic fruit endowed with beneficial properties. He fell in love with many for his sweet taste. However, the aroma that is issued from the fetus cannot be called pleasant.

The benefits and harms of durian

The smell of durian

  1. Exotic fruit has gained wide popularity not only because of taste, but also due to its peculiar smell. There are legends about the "aroma" of durian. People claim that when the fetus opens, the eyes begin to water.
  2. Such an unpleasant and pungent smell leaves its mark on the distribution and use of durian. It is strictly forbidden to serve and bring to hotels, hotels, public land and air transport.
  3. Only canned or dried fruits are suitable for export. Fresh durian is consumed only on the territory of growth.
  4. The inhabitants of Malaysia gave the fruits a characteristic and sonorous slogan: "Paradise is inside, but Hell is outside." This is partly true. When taking the fetus, people close their nose, because they can not stand the stench.
  5. This aroma appears due to the accumulation of organic sulfur in the pulp. Some argue that when you use durian, you can clearly smell the sewer, rotten fish, and spoiled eggs. All this is absorbed into clothes and hair.
  6. People accustomed to taking an exotic fruit can endure the stench due to the sweet taste. When consumed, you will feel a mixture of various nuts, cheese, mangoes, ripe bananas, strawberries, spices, ice cream and vanilla.

Durian Composition

People suffer from an unpleasant aroma due to the accumulation of beneficial substances and some “adrenaline” from eating the fetus. There is no cholesterol in durian, but out of 100 grams. 27 gr carbohydrates.

Another 1.1 gr. is given to ashes, 3.9 g. - dietary fiber, 1.5 g. - proteins, 5.3 gr. - fats. Like other similar fruits, most of durian is water (about 65%). At the same time, the calorie content of a portion weighing 100 g. varies from 140 to 148 kcal. depending on the ripeness of the fruit.

There is a lot of ascorbic acid in durian; when you consume one portion of fruits, you will saturate the body with 34% of the required daily intake in vitamin C.

In addition, the product contains niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid and other B vitamins. All of them are necessary for a person to maintain the correct functioning of the central nervous system (CNS).

The pulp of the fruit is endowed with carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin E and A. The composition contains a lot of iron, which is necessary to improve the condition of the blood. The fruit is not deprived of phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium.

The unpleasant odor is caused by the accumulation of indole pulp in the composition. The same substance gives durian useful properties (anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal and others).

Durian is a fruit that is edible and stores a lot of organic sulfur. Today, the fruit is one that is suitable for consumption. Sulfur, in turn, has a powerful effect to remove fecal stones and waste from the cavity of internal organs.

Durian contains many hormones similar to human ones. Due to this feature, the fetus supports the activity of the thyroid gland, the reproductive system of men and women. Natural saccharides energize the body for the whole day and are in easily digestible form.

The benefits of durian

The benefits of durian

  1. On its territory, durian is used as an effective remedy for constipation. Its dietary fiber acts as a brush, freeing the intestinal tract from strong congestion and obstruction. Durian enhances intestinal motility and microflora, and also improves the absorption of beneficial elements by the walls of the esophagus.
  2. Despite the accumulation of fats and average calorie content, the fetus has dietary properties. When it enters the body, it is rapidly absorbed, saturates the blood with oxygen, removes cholesterol and contributes to comfortable (natural) weight loss.
  3. Fiber and water, accumulating in large volumes, are necessary to cleanse the cavity of the internal organs from toxins and poisons. Some durian substances are added to drugs that are aimed at treating oncology.
  4. The composition of the fruits is a lot of iron, this element is important for the human body. Durian is used in our country to treat and prevent anemia, increase hemoglobin levels, and improve blood composition. The fetus condenses the walls of blood vessels and removes cholesterol from them.
  5. Folic acid is considered a truly female vitamin. This substance is necessary to fight infertility. Durian also improves the condition of a woman with menopause and the menstrual cycle. Zinc, which is part of the composition, increases male strength.
  6. Due to the accumulation of ascorbic acid, durian will be useful for people who naturally have a low immune system. It will increase resistance to viral infections, protect against salts of heavy metals, radionuclides.
  7. Proteins and mineral compounds are responsible for bone density, the condition of teeth and gums, skin, hair. Despite the unpleasant odor, durian is considered a fruit of beauty. Its systematic method will prolong youth and relieve wrinkles on the face.
  8. Durian has a large amount of manganese. The substance allows you to normalize the level of glucose in the blood. The product is recommended for diabetes. Fruits have a positive effect on the body and prevent the development of the disease.
  9. Durian is also required for the endocrine system. The iodine content of the exotic fruit supports the activity of the thyroid gland. Metabolic processes occur at a natural pace. Also, copper is needed for such a reaction, durian provides the cells with everything necessary.
  10. Durian is often called the king of fruits. Exotic fruits are rich in thiamine. The enzyme directly affects the activity of the digestive processes, appetite and the release of hydrochloric acid in the body. The last substance is necessary for the normal digestion of products.
  11. The product is able to overcome severe migraines. Riboflavin is present in the fruits, which confronts an urgent problem. The fruit, in addition to fighting headaches, relieves a person of a depressive state thanks to tryptophan. This amino acid calms the nervous system and is synthesized into serotonin. Durian can prevent epilepsy and sleep problems.

Harm durian

  1. Durian is forbidden to consume with hypertension, the product increases pressure. The fruit is an allergen and can cause gastrointestinal problems, be careful.
  2. Keep in mind that the fetus does not combine with alcoholic beverages; severe poisoning can occur. In addition, durian causes a strong burp with a terrible smell.
  3. The consumption of the product provokes thirst, even a large intake of liquid is unlikely to quench it. Exotic fruit causes a feeling of intoxication. Drowsiness and weakness appear.

When the durian opens, a hydrogen sulfide smell is heard from it. Therefore, you can eat fruit only with your nose closed. If you agree to put up with this feature, consider the benefits and harms of the fruits.

Video: durian - unpacking, taste and experience

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I don’t know, for me it’s so delicious!)))) I guess in my body these vitamins and minerals are not enough.


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