The benefits and harms of dates for the health of the body

Dates are an oriental delicacy, familiar to many from childhood. The healing properties of sweetness are in demand as a therapeutic component in the fight against many diseases. But you still need to use it carefully. Why? Let's try to answer this question.

The benefits and harms of dates

The benefits of dates

The beneficial properties of dates can be judged by their unique composition.

  1. The fruit boasts a considerable amount of dietary fiber, the main activity of which is to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal canal and regulate stool. Dietary fiber is not digested by the body, due to which the intestines are cleansed of toxins.
  2. Due to the presence of pantothenic acid, dates are able to "monitor" the metabolic processes in the human body, positively affect the strengthening of immunity. In addition, a similar component controls the activity of the nervous system.
  3. Vitamin A (retinol) is responsible for maintaining healthy hair and nails.
  4. Potassium - an indispensable and especially important component for humans - is also present in the composition of dates. Its role is to maintain the normal muscles of the heart and skeleton of a person. Even a small amount of goodies (120-200 gr.) Is able to compensate for the daily amount of potassium needed by an adult. Children need only eat 2-3 fruits.
  5. Calcium in dates also contains a lot, in 100 gr. a product of the order of 64 mg. This trace element is indispensable when it comes to the strength of bones, skeleton and teeth. That is why women in position and nursing mothers are encouraged to include this product on the menu, because they need a special, balanced diet, rich in many trace elements, including calcium.
  6. Dates are a highly fortified product. Thiamine, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Ascorbic acid, Flovacin, vitamins K, D - the list is impressive. The product is energetically valuable, so the fruits of the date palm can be safely used as a full snack during the working day. The high-calorie delicacy, fast carbohydrates allow you to get enough soon, a person feels a surge of strength and energy.
  7. The presence in the fruits of minerals and a number of useful substances, such as iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, manganese, is invaluable to those who know firsthand about cardiovascular pathologies. A unique product contributes to the rapid recovery of strength after long trips, travels. Therefore, it is recommended to take a treat on the road for a snack.

Around the amazing fruits that date trees give us, there are many rumors and rumors, but one thing is certain - this nutritious and rich in composition product has no equal in the benefits that it can bring to the human body.

To whom dates are contraindicated

There are a lot of useful qualities possessed by dates. Nevertheless, not everyone can use them.

People with an allergic reaction to this product should be careful first. For the first time you need to try to eat only a couple of berries. If no discomfort has appeared (choking, coughing, skin rashes, etc.), then the fruits can be safely entered into your diet.

Before going to bed, eating dates is not recommended, because it takes a lot of time to digest them. Do not overload the stomach at night, otherwise he will have to work all night, and this is harmful to the body.

Caution is required for insulin-dependent patients to administer this fruit on the menu. The interval between insulin and taking goodies should be 2 hours or more.

From an overabundance of dates in the menu, headaches can occur. A day you can eat 10 berries, no more.

Dates used in large volumes can inhibit the nervous system, as a result of which drowsiness and fatigue can occur.

The benefits of goodies will be nullified if you constantly abuse the fruits. Therefore, you need to take the recommended doses seriously and eat no more than 3-7 berries per day.

Can dates for children

Dates - a sweet that kids enjoy with pleasure. However, when it comes to children, certain rules must be followed to avoid unpleasant consequences. So, for example, pediatricians advise starting to eat this fruit as food from 1.5 years of age.

Can dates for children

First of all, you should perform a small allergy test. To do this, you need to give one fruit a try, from which a bone is removed in advance. If there is no reaction, then the child can safely give dates, but in small quantities. The regular use of such a product to the child’s body will only benefit.

It is possible to give children both in a dry form, and adding to home dishes or as a part of compotes.

The use of dates enhances immunity, improves brain activity, strengthens the skeletal system, and a sick child will recover faster. Also, the fruits of the date tree can relieve stress, cure anemia, and replenish the body’s energy resources.

Dates for losing weight

The question of whether this fruit is able to stimulate the disposal of extra pounds has been a long time. On the one hand, the delicacy is quite high-calorie, on the other hand, satiety comes soon, even if you eat a small amount of the product.

Dates for weight loss are used in some diets, fasting days are arranged on their basis. They reduce cravings for sweets, act as an alternative to sugar, they are convenient to use for snacks. The sucrose present in the fruit is not delayed, but is transformed into an energy reserve.

If you use a date diet, then you can remove excess water from the body and normalize metabolic processes. Together with plant fibers, toxins are removed from the body.

How to choose dates

Dates need to be able to choose the right one. In the store, the delicacy is offered in dried form. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the fact that the fruits in the package are not sticky, but are located separately from each other. It is desirable that the surface is not coated with sugar crystals.

How to choose dates

If dates glisten and shimmer, it means they are greased to look more attractive. It is better not to buy such products.

Ripe fruits are dark, dry and wrinkled. But at the same time, dates should not be wrinkled. This fact indicates their strong overdrying.

It is necessary to carefully examine the skin, the surface of which should be free of mold. Acquire a delicacy that does not have visual damage, with a hollow skin. Dates with a bone inside are much more useful.

Dates in the daily diet - how to eat

Usually, few people are interested in the question of what rules for using dates. The product, as a rule, is consumed dried, whole, only the bone needs to be removed.

Important! The peel can not be removed, because it is in it that most of the useful components and trace elements are located.

For consumption, take juicy fruits that are likely to be sweet.

You can drink tea with a treat, because this is a great alternative to sweets and flour sweets.

Dates are often used as an ingredient for home baking. They can be an alternative to raisins.

Children from 8 months old can cook stewed fruit from this product. To do this, 200 grams of dates are filled with water taken in the amount of 1 liter. The composition is put on fire and boiled for 5-7 minutes, after which it is removed from the stove and infused for another 1 hour.A delicious compote is able to solve the problem and calm the baby’s raging tummy.

Dates can be a great addition to already familiar dishes. For example, bake with a duck, use to decorate ice cream, cook rice kuta with pieces of dates. Having shown a bit of imagination, you can please yourself and your family with the familiar dishes in a new version - with the addition of dates.

Dates - delicious, healthy and tasty fruits, consumed both fresh and dried - are not only a great way to satisfy hunger, but also a great opportunity to repulse some diseases.

Video: the benefits and harms of dates for the body

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natasha alekseeva

I am a pensioner. But I continue to work in the social sphere to care for bedridden postoperative and post-stroke patients. Who does not know how difficult, but certainly this mission is noble. After a hard working day I eat 4-5 pieces of dates. And do not believe it! There is no trace of fatigue. Many thanks to Mother Nature for these miraculous, delicious and healthy fruits. I also wish everyone to include them in their diet. To be healthy and strong.


I have constipation from phenicof, although it says here that it normalizes stool. I also want to note that in the Middle Ages Arabs used dates like potatoes, not at all 7 pieces


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