Health benefits and harms of couscous groats

Couscous is a wheat cereal and the dish of the same name, distributed throughout the world. Initially, couscous was the main source of food in countries such as Syria, Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia. Further, the delicacy began to spread to France, Italy, Israel. Recently, cereal has gained its popularity in Russia. This is not surprising, because it is considered very useful, and the high nutritional value of the product allows the use of couscous in the diet.

The benefits and harms of couscous groats

In fact, couscous is semolina processed in a special way. Sprinkle semolina with water so that small grains roll into larger particles. After that, the composition is dried and sieved. Large particles of sticky semolina are tamped and shaped, and this is how couscous turns out. Surprisingly, when cooking, the resulting cereal practically does not boil, remaining whole and aesthetic. The semolina powder remaining after sifting is again sprayed with water and this is repeated over and over again until all the semolina has turned into couscous. Today, couscous is almost never made from cereals other than semolina. But initially the product was made from millet. Mistresses all over the world love couscous for its unique taste, aroma, structure. In addition, the product is prepared very quickly, in just 5 minutes. Is this not an ideal solution if guests are already on the doorstep? In this article, we will talk about the beneficial properties of couscous, tell you how to cook it correctly and who should refuse such a dish.

Useful properties of couscous

Couscous contains many trace elements - magnesium, copper, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, manganese. In addition, the cereal contains the entire palette of B vitamins. This makes the cereal not only tasty, but also incredibly useful for the body.

A large number of B vitamins make the product indispensable for the health of the nervous system. Regular consumption of couscous allows you to get rid of insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression. Remember that vitamin B is lost during prolonged heat treatment, which means that it is most useful to steam cereals.

Couscous contains a lot of carbohydrates with an average glycemic index. This means that the product is an excellent source of glucose for patients with diabetes. But do not get involved in couscous with this diagnosis, be sure to consult a doctor.

High potassium content makes cereal good for the heart. In addition, couscous effectively lowers blood cholesterol.

The couscous contains copper, which is very useful for the female body. Firstly, a sufficient amount of copper stimulates the production of melanin, which protects the hair from the premature appearance of gray hair. Secondly, copper stimulates the production of female sex hormones. Thirdly, couscous takes care of the skin condition, vitamin B9 promotes cell regeneration processes.

Couscous fights against anemia - increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Croup is very useful for the gastrointestinal tract, it effectively fights constipation, improves intestinal motility. At the same time, couscous can be used against diarrhea, it is an excellent diet food for food poisoning. Couscous absorbs toxins and removes them from the body naturally.

Couscous is definitely worth having in your diet if you are constantly fighting overweight. The high nutritional value and low glycemic index of the product allows even a small amount of couscous to be saturated. In addition, after such a meal you will not get hungry soon.And couscous normalizes water-salt processes, which allows you to get rid of edema and excess fluid in the body. The cereal contains fiber, which not only cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, but also inhibits the production of the hormone ghrelin, and it is he who gives the body a hunger signal. That is, you eat couscous and no longer feel hunger, do not overeat.

Couscous is very useful for people engaged in mental work. Regular cereal intake increases concentration, attention, and analytical thinking.

Croup is very useful for the general condition of the body. After a month of regular consumption of the product, you will notice that the immune system has improved, the general tone of the body has risen, you no longer feel a constant feeling of tiredness and dissatisfaction. Due to its high nutritional value, couscous porridge is recommended for children, the elderly, patients after serious infectious diseases. Such dishes allow the body to gain strength and recover much faster.

Couscous is especially useful for pregnant women, because there are a lot of nucleic acids, regular consumption of which reduces the risk of fetal malformations.

It is incredible how useful and valuable this overseas cereal can be. However, in the struggle for a healthy diet, do not forget to familiarize yourself with some contraindications.

Harm couscous, or to whom cereal is contraindicated

In our country, couscous got its distribution relatively recently, for us, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, etc. are closer. That is why you should not use a product unfamiliar to the body without knowing about its main contraindications.

Couscous Harm

Sometimes croup can cause individual intolerance and cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, indigestion, and abdominal pain. Therefore, if you decide to try couscous for the first time, start with small portions.

There are various disputes about the benefits and harms of couscous for diabetics. On the one hand, it is an excellent source of carbohydrates and glucose, which is stored in the blood for a long time. On the other hand, frequent consumption of couscous can aggravate the disease. If you want to use couscous for diabetes, talk with your doctor about the acceptable consumption rates for this product.

If you want to lose weight with the help of a couscous, you should not eat up cereals to the dump, it is quite high in calories. Even a small amount of cereal will give you satiety and lightness at the same time. Do not combine cereals with other carbohydrate products - potatoes, pasta, rice. It is better to add seafood, fish, vegetables, etc. to the couscous.

Remember that couscous is a wheat processing product that contains gluten. People with celiac disease, consume couscous is strictly contraindicated.

When choosing a product, pay attention to its composition. There should be indicated only cereals and water, no additives, preservatives or flavorings. When sealed in a cool and dry place, couscous can retain its useful and tasteful qualities for more than six months.

How to cook couscous

Groats are quite versatile, it does not have its own pronounced taste, but perfectly emphasizes and enhances the taste of the accompanying products. In general, in the original source couscous is prepared with fish, meat or vegetables. Today, cereals can be combined with anything - nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits and vegetables, seafood. In order for the cereal to retain its useful properties, it should be steamed. If you have a slow cooker - great. In the main bowl, you can place vegetables, meat or fish, turn on the stewing mode. When the vegetables and meat are almost ready, place the couscous in the upper part of the bowl on a special stand, which is designed for steaming. Krupa absorbs the aroma of meat, it becomes incredibly tasty and rich. Serve dishes with couscous in a special way.Garnish is spread on a large dish, in the center of the pile make a recess in which the meat is transferred. Vegetables are laid out on top. You can decorate the dish with herbs, more often couscous is sprinkled with mint. Slices of lemon are left at the edges of the dish - it is watered with couscous juice immediately before use.

Couscous for many residents of the Maghreb is the main food. In these countries, cereals are cooked almost every other day, changing sauces, additives and spices. Couscous is always present at the festive table. A very popular wedding dish is couscous with lamb, which is served with chickpeas, boiled eggs and raisins. Couscous can be a dessert, it is prepared with pomegranate seeds, dates, almonds and sesame halva. Try and you extraordinary dishes of amazing couscous!

Video: couscous - benefits and harms

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