Benefits and harms of peppermint for women and men

Peppermint is a perennial herb that is widely cultivated in home gardens and grows in the wild. Usually, mint leaves are dried and then added to tea. A fresh plant is used for making cocktails and for other purposes. Today, there are many varieties, but the most common of them is peppermint. Consider its benefits and harms.

Benefits and harms of peppermint

Mint composition

Peppermint has found its application in the production of pharmacological preparations, the culinary industry, and the areas of cosmetology.

The variety is bred by combining two types of mint - water and garden. Today, peppermint grows everywhere, it is easy to obtain and use for its intended purpose.

Of particular note is the chemical list of elements that forms the basis of the plant. So, in mint, many essential oils are concentrated. Leaves and stems are rich in methanol - an element that gives mint flavor and aromatic qualities.

The plant is not deprived of acids. Among the most common and useful, it is worth highlighting chlorogenic, ascorbic, ursolic, oleanolic, and coffee.

Also in mint there are flavonoids, tannins, amino acids such as betaine and arginine, rutin, saponins. Of the vitamins, it is worth highlighting ascorbic acid, group B, tocopherol and retinol.

Fresh and dried leaves contain a decent list of mineral compounds. These include calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, manganese, iron, chromium and others.

You can use not only essential oil, dried and fresh leaves, but also mint seeds. They are rich in special substances that normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why many pharmaceutical preparations for heartburn and gastritis have a mint flavor.

Calorie content of a fresh bunch weighing 100 g. is 67 kcal. But, as a rule, when using mint, no one pays attention to these indicators. An impressive list of useful qualities can block any calorie content.

The benefits of peppermint

  1. The main advantage of the plant lies in its ability to put in order the human nervous system. Tea with dried or fresh mint, taken after a hard day's work, will calm and improve your well-being. It is good to drink a mint drink to combat insomnia and chronic fatigue.
  2. Mint stimulates brain neurons, which improves memory, visual perception, and concentration. It is very useful to drink tea with leaves of the plant to people of advanced age who are at risk of developing dementia.
  3. The plant expands the blood channels, improves blood flow through the vessels and arteries, eliminates cholesterol plaques. All this contributes to the mild prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic syndrome.
  4. Since mint is completely natural, it is often replaced by synthetic components of drugs. Also, raw materials are added to the composition of chewing gums. Mint disinfects the oral cavity and prevents tooth decay.
  5. Of particular benefit are mint leaves in the gastrointestinal tract and the entire digestive system as a whole. Peppermint improves appetite and secretion of gastric juice, all this leads to better digestibility of food and prevention of its fermentation.
  6. Peppermint absorbs toxic substances, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and removes them. The plant favorably affects the activity of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys, and organs of the genitourinary system.
  7. Gruel from fresh mint leaves is used for cosmetic purposes to combat acne, skin rashes, allergies, and various dermatological problems.Peppermint decoction is useful for rinsing hair, as it eliminates dandruff and itching.
  8. In addition, there are many more diseases in which the plant has a therapeutic effect. Among these ailments are disorders of the digestive system, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and caries, gastritis, migraines and frequent headaches, menopause and menstruation.
  9. Peppermint is used to lower blood pressure in hypertension. The plant is widely used in gynecology. Leaves are effective for respiratory ailments and respiratory diseases. Peppermint tea can also help with nervousness and causeless anxiety.
  10. In the modern field of dietetics, experts are increasingly recommending that their patients take peppermint for weight loss. Decoctions based on the plant accelerate all metabolic processes, enrich the cells with oxygen, against this background, fat deposits (cellulite) are broken.

Mint treatment

Mint treatment

  1. Diarrhea. Brew a handful of fresh leaves or a tablespoon of dried raw materials in 250 ml. boiling water. Allow the mixture to stand for about 2 hours. Then filter in a convenient way. Divide this amount into 2 receptions, use at lunch and evening in small sips. There is another way to prepare a mint for diarrhea. Brew strong black tea, supply the hot drink with 5 leaves and drip 2 drops of iodine. Stir, drink three times a day, one cup each.
  2. Digestive upset. Every second modern person faces such a problem. To improve the digestive system, mix a spoonful of mint with 260 ml. hot water and insist 3 hours. Warm up, filter, drink like regular tea.
  3. Colds. In the season of spread of influenza, with vitamin deficiency and low immunity, mint will help you out. Prepare a decoction based on the plant, add a little honey to it and drink a healing potion. Such a tool will strengthen health, remove sputum from the respiratory tract, relieve sore throat and reduce fever in case of fever.
  4. Trouble sleeping. If you suffer from insomnia, increased nervousness and excitability, causeless anxiety, drink mint tea several times a day. As a supplement, drink dried fruit with a drink or add honey to tea.
  5. Acne. If you have acne, skin rashes, other problems of this kind, you need to wash your face with a mint broth. It is prepared from a handful of fresh raw materials and a mug of boiling water. After cooling, the product must be filtered and used twice a day. Such a composition will also remove redness on the skin, peeling, hypersensitivity.
  6. Nervous overexcitation. Especially often mint is used by people who are faced with nausea and nervous excitement. To cope with pathological problems, it is necessary to grind a spoonful of dry raw materials into powder, then pour vodka in a ratio of 1 to 20. This tool is infused for about a crescent, then taken 15 drops three times a day. Do not forget to wash the tincture with water.
  7. Depressive state. With chronic fatigue, apathy, depression, you should drink a decoction of mint and lavender. Take plants in a ratio of 5 to 1, fill with hot water and let it brew for 3 hours. After that, take half a glass each time before going to bed. For the period of therapy, it is better to limit yourself from stress or learn to respond to them not too emotionally.
  8. Excess weight. If you have problems with overweight, cellulite and other imperfections, take the habit of taking baths with mint several times a week. Fill the bath in the usual way, add more fresh or dried mint. Perform the procedure for half an hour. Such a move will help get rid of body sweating and make the skin smoother.

The harm and benefits of mint for pregnant women

  1. Mint belongs to the category of those plants that must be included in the diet with extreme caution. It is important to consider the opinion of a specialist. Like any product, peppermint has positive and negative qualities.
  2. Significant harm can be caused by gestation. Be wary of such raw materials. Peppermint can enhance uterine contractions. The plant increases the production of female hormones, hence the tone of the genitals.
  3. Regular peppermint intake lowers blood pressure. The plant contains hypotensive enzymes in its composition. The latter can reduce pressure to a minimum mark. Be careful.
  4. The composition can provoke an allergic reaction, consider this before taking. This phenomenon occurs during gestation, even if previously mint was easily tolerated by the body.
  5. No more than two cups of tea with mint per day will help women to cope with toxicosis. The drink stabilizes the activity of internal organs and eliminates the feeling of nausea. As a result of drinking tea, sleep improves, nervous tension disappears.

Peppermint Harm

Peppermint Harm

  1. It is forbidden to include mint in the menu of children under the age of 5 years. Experts determine this by the fact that the plant contains a high concentration of biologically active substances. Such enzymes have various effects on the body. Sometimes there is an increased load on the internal organs.
  2. It has long been known that mint is not the best way to affect the male body. Raw materials reduce libido and potency. The effect is achieved due to the strong soothing effect. Of course, peppermint will help you deal with emotional shock.
  3. Regular consumption of mint in various forms can be a problem in conceiving a child in the fair sex. In the presence of any ailments, the situation is significantly exacerbated. Such studies have been confirmed in a British laboratory.
  4. Mint negatively affects the health of the girl during gestation. A systematic intake of raw materials complicates the course of pregnancy. Be careful. Always consult your doctor about new foods in your diet. Weakly concentrated tea is allowed in this case.
  5. Consider individual intolerance to raw materials. Peppermint can cause a number of complications if you neglect practical recommendations. In this case, absolutely all products containing such an extract are prohibited. You may experience severe headache, vomiting, nausea, and rashes. Consult a doctor if necessary.

Mint can be beneficial if you adhere to the rules and observe the daily allowance. The plant has a specific composition that can cause significant harm. Consider contraindications and individual intolerance to raw materials. If you are not sure that you are completely healthy, undergo a medical examination without fail. Do not self-medicate with mint.

Video: useful properties and application of mint

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