Health benefits and harms of oat bran

Bran is a recycled whole grain shell. It is on the surface that many valuable substances are concentrated that must be ingested with food. A plus of bran is a relatively low cost. Most often, the composition is used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. Such a broad focus makes people wonder what exactly the benefits and harms of the product are.

The benefits and harms of oat bran

Chemical composition

About 89% of the valuable elements that are present in the grain itself accumulate in the shell. Due to the fact that the product is consumed almost raw, it is saturated with essential elements.

So, when taking bran, the body is saturated with dietary fiber (including fiber), complex carbohydrates, fats, protein.

Fats are also represented in the product as polyunsaturated, saturated and monounsaturated acids. They are indispensable, therefore, must be present in the form of additives.

In addition, there are more than 14 amino acids in bran, 8 of which cannot be replaced. Carbohydrates are presented in the form of natural poly- and monosaccharides. In bran, there is starch, a lot of macro- and microelements.

The following substances are considered the most popular substances: sulfur, boron, zinc, magnesium, chlorine, potassium, copper, iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus. Of the vitamins, a person needs retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, group H and D. All of these elements are present in bran.

The benefits of oat bran

  1. Bran favorably affects the pancreas, liver, and kidneys. The listed internal organs begin to work correctly, because the composition cleans them of harmful compounds.
  2. Val has a valuable effect on the blood and vascular system of a person. The composition removes excess harmful cholesterol, gently cleanses the blood channels. Bran is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis and other similar diseases.
  3. The cleansing effect allows you to use the product to normalize the intestinal tract. Bran gently liberates the intestines from slagging, removes heavy poisons from the body, and enhances the absorption of valuable elements by blood. The product is indicated for use by people with constipation, including chronic.
  4. Experts unanimously say that bran should be included in the daily menu of patients with diabetes. The composition stabilizes glucose levels in the blood, because even small surges in sugar can greatly damage health.
  5. The indisputable value of bran is carried by the human immune system. The product strengthens the protective shell, reducing susceptibility to viral infections. Bran must be included in the diet when off-season and general vitamin deficiency (winter, spring) occurs.
  6. Relatively over a short period of time, bran has become popular in weight loss diets. The whole secret is in the value of the product and its positive effect on the body. Mostly bran regulate the activity of the digestive tract.
  7. Dietary fibers activate metabolic processes in the body, which positively affects intestinal motility. The absorption of nutrients increases, contributing to the rapid breakdown of fatty tissues, calories melt away.
  8. The oat shell affects the condition of the hair and skin. With proper use, the epidermis is cleansed, the face begins to look fresh. As for the hair, dandruff, loss and other problems (cross-section, fat content) disappear.
  9. Bran is indicated for hypotonic intake because it has the ability to lower blood pressure.Also, the composition favorably affects the heart muscle, enhances blood circulation, saturates the cells with oxygen.
  10. Oat bran is often used in the field of nutrition. They need to be entered in the menu of obese people and those who want to lose a little weight. The oat shell accelerates all metabolic processes, promotes fat burning, does not allow carbohydrates to be deposited at the waist.
  11. Numerous studies have proven that bran from oats prevents cancer. In particular, with the right intake, the likelihood of developing bowel cancer is excluded. Bran destroys the pathogenic environment and treat existing ailments.

The benefits of oat bran to cleanse the body

  1. The main advantage of oat bran is the ability to quickly and efficiently clean the intestines. Various harmful compounds, decay products, poisons - all this "garbage" will no longer have a place in your body.
  2. Many people know that only purified internal organs can work at full strength. The heart begins to pump blood better through dilated vessels without plaques. Fat folds literally break down thanks to an accelerated metabolism.
  3. The broom as a bran has a soft but persistent laxative effect. Useful substances remove the most complex waste, fermented food and other waste products from the body.
  4. The incoming coarse fiber is quickly absorbed into the body, then it takes all the toxic substances into itself and pushes them out. As a result, the work of the heart, liver, kidneys, and digestive tract improves.

The benefits of oat bran for weight loss

The benefits of oat bran for weight loss

  1. If you include oat bran in your usual diet, you can lose weight quickly and without damage to health. It is allowed to take the product in combination with sour-milk drinks, fruits, vegetables, low-fat soups, cereals.
  2. The value of bran for weight loss is undeniable. When it gets into the stomach, bran bloats 20–25 times, thereby suppressing the feeling of hunger. Due to moderate digestion, saturation is maintained for a long time.
  3. With a full feeling of satiety, a person ceases to overeat. As a result, nutrition becomes balanced. Weight loss is achieved due to the acceleration of metabolism.
  4. The body quickly gets a feeling of fullness due to the high fiber content in bran. Due to this, appetite is significantly reduced. Quick snacks fade into the background due to the reluctance to eat.
  5. Along with the dumping of extra pounds of bran, they quickly cleanse the intestinal tract. They are able to remove from the body even the oldest waste products that are not amenable to extermination by medicines and laxative herbs.

Rules for the use of bran

  1. In the absence of contraindications for a healthy body, 35 g. bran per day will be enough. Consider the fact that the product must completely swell. After this, bran will begin to show all the beneficial properties.
  2. It is for such a simple reason that it is recommended to use the product along with plenty of water, juice or broth. Bran can be added to salads, first courses, cereals, minced meat, pastries, meatballs.
  3. Often, a cereal product is drunk with kefir. The main condition remains that the bran needs to be poured with sour milk and let it brew for a bit. Also, the composition is taken on fasting days.
  4. Bran blends well in the composition of the curd dough or cookies. Porridge is made from the product, just pour hot milk on it and let it swell. In such a dish, it is not superfluous to add nuts, butter or dried fruits.
  5. Take the habit of eating healthy cereal in the morning. If you want to lose weight with bran, the latter must be steamed with purified water and consumed in pure form. In this case, 1/3 of the daily norm is taken. After half an hour, drain the excess liquid, drink it.
  6. If you have not taken bran before, start manipulating addiction with small portions.With no habit, the body may incorrectly respond to a pure product. Daily use bran not 10 gr. in conjunction with other products.
  7. A high concentration of valuable enzymes in the daily norm (30-35 gr.) Can provoke an upset stomach, heartburn. If this does not happen, within 1 week you will reach the recommended amount of bran. It is important to drink plenty of water after taking the product.

Harm of oat bran

  1. Regardless of the composition, any useful product can harm the human body with individual intolerance or a number of chronic pathologies.
  2. Therefore, it is worth considering that bran will harm you with an acute form of gastritis, ulcer, low acidity, erosion and adhesions in the gastric mucosa. The product is hardly digested by a healthy body, in the presence of such ailments the situation worsens by an order of magnitude.
  3. Hence there is inflammation and severe pain with a damaged mucous membrane. The reason for this is coarse fiber. It is forbidden to consume husks of cereal crops along with course medication.
  4. In this case, the bran acts as a sponge, the product simply absorbs the active substances from the medicines, in the future no positive effect affects the body.
  5. Bran can be used with extreme caution in cases of ulcers and gastritis. The only condition remains that the ailments should be in the stage of compensation (pronounced inflammatory process). In this case, consult with your healthcare professional.

Oat bran is famous for its beneficial properties. The main advantages include intensive cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and other internal organs. Bran is often introduced into the diet of people who monitor their weight and tend to lose weight. To get value, make sure there are no contraindications.

Video: the benefits and harms of bran

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