The health benefits and benefits of dumplings

Dumplings began to be produced in view of the rapid development of the manufacturing sector and the increase in employment. Today, every student, male bachelor or large family does not mind eating half-finished products. It takes 10 minutes to cook the purchased dumplings, then it’s small, add mayonnaise and you can start the meal. Due to such wide popularity, people are interested in the positive and negative sides of the dish. Consider them in order of priority.

The benefits and harms of dumplings

The composition and features of dumplings

The basis of dumplings is minced meat and dough. In view of the second ingredient, the calorie content of the finished dish jumps sharply. If you supply the semi-finished product with mayonnaise or any other sauce, the harm to the figure is difficult to predict.

In today's oversaturated market, you can find various types of dumplings. The filling may be pork, beef, chicken or mixed forcemeat. Accordingly, it is impossible to predict the composition of the dish for sure.

If the dumplings are not homemade, you will not find quality meat inside. The filling is usually supplied with soy, vegetable fats, flavor enhancers, preservatives and even dyes.

Dry parsley and dill are often added. Fresh greens can only be found in home-made dumplings, which are usually sold by weight.

The word “spices” or “seasonings” on the back of the pack hides dyes, flavors, genetically modified additives (including soya in particular).

Calorie purchased dumplings

Today it is difficult to meet a person who, without a twinge of conscience, will say that he is indifferent to dumplings. Even the girls who are on the strictest diets sometimes break down and lean on a plate with boiled semi-finished products. At such a moment, ladies do not think about calories at all, but in vain, it is very high.

As mentioned above, energy value depends on meat, dough, as well as additional sauces. Some manage to eat dumplings with bread, season semi-finished products with butter and cream.

In order not to increase the already decent calorie content, you need to eat dumplings without any additives like mayonnaise, ketchup, oil. Otherwise, there is a threat in the form of weight gain.

Many experienced housewives took the habit of cooking dumplings with low calorie content on their own. The basis of the filling includes beef, chicken, turkey or rabbit mince, as well as greens. Homemade dough is supplied with durum wheat flour.

If we talk about a purchased product, calorie content depends on all the ingredients that are in the meat or dough. In addition to minced meat, potatoes (mashed potatoes), mushrooms, and fish can be added to the composition of semi-finished products. All this affects the nutritional value and value of the dish.

There are also dumplings for vegetarians, they are less high in calories. If you are losing weight, then it is this kind of semi-finished product that should be preferred.

It should be remembered that ground beef or chicken is less caloric than the analogue based on pork meat. At the same time, the energy value of boiled and fried dumplings varies.

Boiled dumplings have the following indicators:

  • cabbage / mushrooms - 245 Kcal.
  • fish filling - 240 Kcal.
  • with minced pork - 300-320 Kcal.
  • pork / beef - 280-290 kcal.
  • beef filling - 270 Kcal.
  • minced lamb - 245 Kcal.
  • chicken / turkey / rabbit - 200-220 Kcal.

The above figures apply only to purchased store products and boiled-dumplings. When frying in a pan, the energy value increases by 2-3 times, sometimes more.

It is also worth considering that the calorie content will jump by 100 units if you supply semi-finished products with butter or vegetable oil.

A logical conclusion should be drawn from this: if you are not indifferent to your own figure, cook homemade dumplings with low-calorie minced meat and do not fry them.

Eat without sauces and butter. Otherwise, you will become the owner of a disturbed metabolism and unstable digestive system.

Calorie home dumplings

Home-made dumplings can be of great benefit and lower in calories compared to purchased convenience foods. In any case, such raw materials will be much better in quality and taste than the store ones.

Calorie home dumplings

Such an approach to business will be more reasonable, you can independently choose the filling for the product, the quality of the flour and the size of the ravioli. Do not skimp and get only good components. As a result, the calorie content of the dish will directly depend on you.

On average 100 gr. beef-based homemade dumplings have about 280 kcal. Calorie dishes can be changed by mixing various types of meat.

You can replace beef with pork, chicken or veal. The use of home-cooked dumplings is many times more than purchased. Here you can be sure that there will be virtually no harm.

The benefits of dumplings

  1. All often consume dumplings, but few people think about whether there is any benefit in such a dish. The product can positively affect the body if made from quality components. Meat must be checked in advance for freshness and naturalness.
  2. It is important to give priority to high-grade flour. Such raw materials incorporate many useful substances. Among them, iron, phosphorus, B vitamins, nicotinic acid, fiber, copper and zinc can be distinguished.
  3. In addition, dumplings, depending on the type of meat, have a high nutritional value. Indicators can jump depending on the type of flour and filler. The benefit of the dish also depends on the speed of preparation of ravioli.
  4. This indicator is especially important for busy people. It’s not worth it to interrupt each time with fried eggs and dry sandwiches. In this case, dumplings will greatly help you. Of these, the broth is not bad. Hot fluid is necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Many during weight loss include dumplings in their diet. High calorie content in this case does not scare them at all. The dish helps say goodbye to being overweight. High-quality dough contains dietary fiber and many enzymes necessary for the body.
  6. Minerals that enter the body allow you to establish a natural metabolism. Dumplings also have a positive effect on bone and muscle tissue. The meat supplies the cells with protein and building minerals. The dish helps cleanse the blood and increase hemoglobin levels.
  7. Eating regular quality dumplings allows the body to strengthen its protective functions. In addition, the dish is well digested. Keep in mind, during weight loss, do not overeat dumplings. Semi-finished products still have a high calorie content.
  8. In dietetics, it is forbidden to eat purchased dumplings. Semi-finished products, which include fatty pork or duck meat, can be particularly harmful. In most cases, such dumplings become the cause of cardiovascular pathologies. With a strict diet, you can eat a chicken dish. There is little cholesterol in such meat.

Harm of purchased dumplings

  1. In most cases, when buying dumplings in a store, you cannot be sure what exactly is part of the raw material. This gives rise to certain health problems. It is important to understand that purchased dumplings have virtually no natural ingredients.
  2. In order not to encounter serious diseases and problems, it is strongly recommended that you prepare the dish yourself only from high-quality raw materials. Prefabricated semi-finished products are stuffed with various synthetic additives and preservatives. There is simply no natural meat in such dumplings.
  3. In addition, purchased dumplings can lie for a long time in the freezer. You cannot know how many times the product has been frozen. From this, the components deteriorate. Do not expect any benefit from such raw materials.

Do not hope that dumplings can bring significant benefits to the body. The only condition is that the dish must be prepared independently and only from proven products. Also, do not abuse the product. Overeating threatens to disrupt the digestive tract and a number of other ailments.

Video: meat dumplings recipe

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