The benefits and harms of soybean oil. Oil composition

Soybean oil is a product with a long history. However, it enjoys a very controversial reputation among domestic consumers. Some people think that soy is a product that is extremely harmful. Others believe that this plant may well replace most of the usual products for us. On whose side is the truth?

The benefits and harms of soybean oil

What is soybeans?

Cultivated soy or Glycine max is an annual plant that belongs to the legume family. At the moment, it grows on all continents and in many countries. The climate and growing conditions of soy are not demanding, therefore it is an indispensable culture in many peoples of the world.

Historical information that mentions soy is very contradictory. It is believed that she first appeared about 5000 years ago. The first country to start cultivating this plant and use it for food was China. Then soybeans came to other Asian countries, primarily to Korea and Japan.

In Europe, this plant came only during the time of the great geographical discoveries. In the XIX century, soybeans began to grow in the United States and Russia. However, this product received the greatest prevalence in the domestic market only after the Red Revolution. During the economic crises of various countries, soybean has gained a reputation as a cheap substitute for meat.

How soybean oil is produced

Soybean oil is not a very common product on the domestic market. This is due to the fact that historically we have better established such crops as, for example, sunflower and mustard. There was no need to grow soybean for the purpose of oil production. In Russia, soybean oil is distributed only in the Amur Region.

At the same time, in the world among the production of all known varieties of vegetable oils, soybean has always occupied a leading place. Get it from soybean seeds in two ways: mechanical and extraction. In the first case, classical extraction is used, that is, oil is extracted from the seeds under the pressure of the piston. In the second, seeds are poured with gasoline derivatives and await the formation of an oily liquid on its surface, which is then passed through many filters. This makes refined oil.

This oil has a higher boiling point than sunflower or olive. And it freezes at -18 ° C. That is why it is very convenient to use in cooking for frying and baking.

Oil composition

Soy is considered the most useful plant of all existing. The fact is that it has essential amino acids that are necessary for the human body, but are not found in plants. That is why vegans replace soy meat products. At the same time, it contains essential fatty acids that are found in other plants, but not in animal products.

In addition, soy is rich in vitamins. It contains a large amount of vitamin A, E, PP, group B, as well as choline and biotin. Among the trace elements, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, copper and iron occupy a leading place. Which of these substances are found in soybean oil?

The largest amount in it, of course, of fatty acids. It is noteworthy that soybean oil is a champion in the content of lecithin - a component of cell membranes necessary for the body. In general, this product contains the most useful fatty acids for humans: linoleic, linolenic, oleic.

Crude oil has vitamins A and E, as well as all trace elements and a small amount of protein. Refined oil, if it is not artificially enriched, is devoid of these components.

The benefits of soy and soybean oil

Let us return to the question of the benefits of this product and the possibility of replacing it with classic Russian dishes. Soy and its derivatives possess such properties as:

The benefits of soy and soybean oil

  1. Protection against atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaques contain cholesterol in their composition, but soy has cholesterol antagonist fatty acids, which reduce its concentration in the blood. It is proved that with the use of soybean oil, the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by 6 times.
  2. Stimulation of immunity. This property is inherent in unrefined oil, which contains all the vitamins and minerals in its composition.
  3. Protection against tumor cell degeneration. Due to the high content of tocopherol in soybean oil, its use is able to protect the body from cancer. Tocopherol - a natural antioxidant that stops lipid peroxidation - the main reason for the appearance of tumors.
  4. Improving gastrointestinal motility. Like any other oil, this product is able to cope with constipation, accelerating the motor activity of the digestive tract.
  5. Stimulation of the brain. Myelin, which is part of the neuron membrane, is also fat. Soybean oil contributes to the renewal of this substance, which speeds up the process of transferring impulses from one cell to another, and, therefore, makes the work of the brain as a whole more efficient.
  6. Wound healing. To do this, the oil can be used both inside and out. Lecithin, which is part of it and necessary for updating the phospholipids of cell membranes, will contribute to the regeneration of the epithelium on the surface of the wound.
  7. Stress management. Numerous vitamins and hormone-like substances also help in this.
  8. Improving male potency. The exact nature of this phenomenon could not be determined, however, the experience of numerous studies shows that men who use soybean oil have less frequent problems in their sexual lives.
  9. Helping eyesight. Vitamin A, which is in this product, is necessary for the normal functioning of the visual apparatus. Its use is necessary, especially in childhood and old age.

There is one very interesting fact: soy almost never causes allergies. Soybean oil is also the most hypoallergenic of all vegetable oils. Soya and its derivatives are used for the preparation of infant hypoallergenic mixtures. This is an indispensable product for babies who are contraindicated in milk and all milk formula.

It is interesting to know that if soy is cooked correctly, it can not be distinguished from a meat dish to taste. In addition, soy is sometimes replaced by vegetable writing. For example, most products sold as asparagus are actually soy. It is also added to bread products to increase their weight and volume. Such use of this plant is a commercial hoax.

Soy and soybean oil harm

Soy has several harmful qualities, which should limit the use of soybean oil. These include:

  1. High calorie content. The use of oil in large quantities may not have the best effect on the figure.
  2. Protease inhibitors. These protein substances are antienzymes. They prevent the breakdown of proteins. Those who replace meat with soy should be aware that the amino acids that make up the plant enter the body in very small quantities.
  3. Negative effect on the pancreas. Due to the presence of inhibitors, the pancreas has to excrete more enzymes. This leads to her hypertrophy and can cause pancreatitis.
  4. Side effects of lectins. Lectins are substances that contribute to the hemolysis of red blood cells, the absorption of harmful substances in the intestines and can cause growth retardation in a child.

Thus, we can conclude that soybean oil is a product that contains a large amount of nutrients.The use of it in small quantities is of significant benefit to the body. However, in large doses, this product is harmful. It can lead to many unpleasant consequences.

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