Condensed milk - benefits and harm to the health of the body

Condensed milk is a favorite treat of many people, and it does not depend on the age category. This is a self-sufficient dessert or a delicious addition to an invigorating morning drink. It is also a traditional ingredient for aesthetic and tasteful decoration of cakes and pastries.

The benefits and harms of condensed milk


A tin can is considered a usual type of packaging, but recently, store shelves have been full of a variety of plastic packaging, glass jars and tubes with sweetness.

Historical data

Contrary to popular belief, condensed milk is not a product of Soviet industry. According to unverified data, this dessert was invented by the French confectioner Upper in the first half of the 19th century, commissioned by Napoleon. The French were reserved about dessert, unlike the British. This method of preserving milk was patented by Peter Durant, and the use of cans can be attributed to his idea. Officially, the opening time of this product falls on 1810, and only after a quarter of a century the idea came to enrich the taste of a viscous creamy liquid with sugar (1826).

Gail Borden, a true businessman, used the skills and labors of the discoverers and refined the method. The entrepreneur was distinguished by an uncontrollable thirst for discovery. Milk aroused interest in itself with a short shelf life. Having created a vacuum installation, he began to evaporate excess moisture from the product, increasing the concentration. The output was a thick, viscous product, and, having included sugar in the composition - “Condensed milk”. The modified product was officially registered in 1856. The ingenious decision to prepare milk in this way came to the "capitalists". To produce the sweetness of steel in the state of New York.

The development, advertising and promotion was promoted by the mass order for the needs of the army during the Civil War of 1861 in America. Later, an advertising stunt with labels depicting happy children absorbing a product coordinated their focus on the baby food market.

There is also a version that condensed milk appeared 5,000 years ago and was first prepared in India. In Russia, the product began its life activity in 1881. A true, falsified product is not just a sweet substance. In essence, this is cow's milk with evaporated excess moisture and an extended shelf life.

The traditional composition of condensed milk

  • Squirrels.
  • Fats.
  • Carbohydrates.
  • Di-monosaccharides.
  • Cholesterol.
  • Saturated Fatty Acids.
  • Organic acids.
  • Choline.
  • Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12).
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin PP
  • Vitamins A, E, D.
  • Vitamin H.
  • Minerals (Se, Co, F, Ca, Mg, Na, K, Cu, Zn, Mn, I, Fe).

Product Benefits

  1. Easy digestibility. Compared to whole milk.
  2. High nutritional value. As a result of preparation, biologically active substances are not lost.
  3. Modeling feature. Accelerates building processes and muscle growth. Promotes the creation of beautiful reliefs.
  4. Active muscle growth. Valuable nutrition for bodybuilders.
  5. A positive effect on the structure of bone tissue due to the high calcium content was noted.
  6. Hematopoietic function. Normalizes blood structure.
  7. Sweetness stimulating mental activity.
  8. An immunomodulatory property was noted - a storehouse of vitamins and micro-macroelements that contribute to the formation of protective barrier functions of the body.
  9. Nutritious. High-calorie product used in food in the field by tourists, soldiers.During the Soviet era, all dry rations were equipped with a tin can of condensed milk.
  10. A tonic property is also inherent in this product - the general condition of the body improves. A great source of positive mood.

Any food product has contraindications, various reasons can serve this, in the first place they are associated with health problems.

Who is not recommended to eat condensed milk: contraindications

When using this product, you must comply with the measure. Nutritionists recommend eating up to three tablespoons of dessert. In case of excessive consumption, you can count on the acquisition of diabetes mellitus, tooth decay, caries, and obesity. This is explained by the large amount of sugar in the composition, as well as the high calorie content of the product. Condensed milk should be completely abandoned for diabetics and people with cholecystitis.

Contraindications condensed milk

To avoid digestive problems, poisoning, it is necessary to pay attention to the integrity of the packaging and composition. Unfortunately, the facts of falsification of a popular, affordable and beloved product are often observed. Statistics claim that more than half of the proposed brands violate the technology and go beyond the requirements of GOST.

Marking - what to look for?

  1. The container must be intact without visible damage.
  2. The terms of implementation should not go beyond the stated date on the package. If it is plastic, then from the moment of production to opening it is possible to store the product for up to three months. In cans, provided that the storage temperature does not exceed +10 degrees, store up to a year. Having opened the can, the contents are recommended to immediately be transferred to a glass container. When purchasing goods for bottling in kiosks and shops, their storage is limited to five days.
  3. On the label, the name of the product must fully comply with the inscription "Whole condensed milk with sugar." Other variations and permutations of words do not guarantee compliance with the requirements of GOST.
  4. The description of the composition on the label can tell about the naturalness of the product and about additives that are not useful. The list of components should not contain vegetable fats, only natural milk fat.
  5. Unscrupulous manufacturers often use titanium dioxide E171 to give a whiter color. It is used for the manufacture of paints, batteries and ceramic products. This substance, although it is added within the normal range, is not good for the body, and the understanding that titanium dioxide is a poison makes the product unattractive to the consumer.
  6. One of the criteria confirming quality is tin packaging. While searching for a natural GOST product, you can safely go past plastic bags and tubes.

How to cook real condensed milk at home

  1. The classic version. Milk (2 cups), sugar (one and a half cups) are combined in an enamel container and heated until smooth. Cook to a viscous, thick state. The whole process is accompanied by stirring. Milk (2 cups), sugar (one and a half cups) are added to the blender bowl, whipped until smooth. Prepare in the "quenching" mode in a slow cooker (2 hours). This is a recipe that does not require presence, allowing you to get the usual taste. In the absence of a multicooker, a homogeneous composition whipped with a blender is poured into heat-resistant dishes and languished in an oven at 160 degrees.
  2. For lovers of diet food. Quick option (20 kcal per 100 g). A thickener containing fiber (xanthan gum), sweetener (stevia), skim milk (1 liter). All ingredients are mixed in a bulk enameled container, punched with a submersible blender. The mixture resembles soufflé, but wins its calorie content.
  3. Condensed milk based on soy milk. Soy milk (1 liter), agar-agar, sugar substitute, vanilla extract, vegan flavor for desserts, soy protein (2 tbsp.).Beat milk with a blender, add protein, agar-agar diluted according to the recommendations on the package. All components are combined, whipped (12 minutes). After the components increase in volume, put in the cold for several hours.
  4. A dietary product with a familiar taste. Milk (glass), COM (2 tbsp. Tablespoons), corn starch (1 tablespoon), sugar substitute. Using a blender, all components are mixed, cooked in a slow cooker for 7 minutes in the “double boiler” or “stewing” mode, mixed, boiled for another 7 minutes. Prepared in intervals of 7 minutes to the desired consistency.

When purchasing a tasty and healthy product “Whole condensed milk with sugar”, it is important to understand that the natural composition does not include anything other than milk and sugar. No need for additional components.

Video: what is the use of condensed milk?

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