Meltwater - benefits and harm to the body

Water is a unique product with amazing features. People have been talking about its healing qualities since time immemorial. Melt water is a special product, the benefits and harms of which cause a lot of controversy among scientists. Let’s try and we will deal with this issue.

The benefits and harms of melt water

Meltwater, its properties and structure

It is impossible to speak about the benefits of melt water without affecting its incredible properties. The source of such a liquid is ice, which is obtained by freezing ordinary water and subsequent melting. During the transition of a liquid to a solid state, its crystalline structure undergoes changes.

The peculiarity of water lies in its ability to absorb a wide variety of information, including negative information. To eliminate all the negative, the liquid must be cleaned in the energy plan and the natural structure is restored. For these purposes, the procedure of freezing and thawing water is used, as a result of which there is a “zeroing” of its composition and a return to its original state, both structural, energy and informational.

That ordinary water, which is known to everyone if it is frozen and then thawed, changes the size of its molecules, which become smaller. As for their structure, it is now identical to the protoplasm of cells, and this allows them to seep through cell membranes without obstacles. This leads to the fact that chemical reactions become more intense, because molecules are indispensable members of metabolic processes. This allows you to influence a different plan of interaction between melt water and other components. As a result, the body saves energy that would be spent on assimilation. Otherwise, it can be said that the movement of melt water molecules is carried out resonantly, interference is not created, which allows better energy production.

A little about the benefits

In the process of freezing water, it is purified from heavy impurities. In addition, the benefits of melt water boil down to the following points:

  1. Deuterium is present in our usual tap water - a heavy isotope of hydrogen. Its concentration is small and not able to harm the human body. But deuterium will not survive freezing and thawing, it completely disappears from the liquid in the process. People who use melt water state a cheerful state, their well-being is also at the highest level.
  2. In today's world, an increasing number of people using melt water are trying to solve the problem of excess weight. Such a liquid has a positive effect on metabolic processes, and this provokes the rapid burning of the fat layer. There is another version: the human body has to expend more energy, since cold water has to be “heated”.
  3. Melt water is much milder than usual, because it does not contain harmful impurities. Such a liquid perfectly affects the composition of the blood and the work of the heart muscle, and also activates the brain.
  4. Due to the special structure and undeniable purity of the product, delicate cleansing of the body and the fight against dermatological pathologies are carried out. The skin is rejuvenated, and its condition improves.
  5. If you drink purified melt water in the system, then you can count on the fact that the protective properties of the body will increase significantly, which means that it will be possible to resist a number of diseases.

Thus, melt water has a positive effect on the whole organism.

Can melt water harm

If melt water is prepared without observing the necessary rules, then it can harm the body. This is typical for the following situations:

  1. It is unreasonable to use street snow for the preparation of the product, because there are a lot of impurities, heavy metals and harmful salts in it. If earlier it was still possible to prepare melt water in those areas that were quite far from large cities, today due to the far unfavorable environmental conditions, it is strictly forbidden to use snow to obtain melt liquid.
  2. Usually, for personal use, melt water is obtained in a rather simple way: first they freeze it, then let it melt at room temperature. For these purposes, you can not use tap water, which survived more than one boiling. In this case, the structure of the fluid undergoes physical changes, which is fraught with the formation of dangerous chlorine-containing compounds that can lead to the development of cancer.
  3. Drink melt water should be immediately after it has been thawed, until all unique properties have evaporated.

Important! It must be remembered that the not sufficiently comfortable temperature of the thawed fluid, taken immediately, can cause the development of tonsillitis or bronchitis.

Abuse to take melt liquid is also not worth it. This is fraught with consequences in the form of impaired metabolic processes and a deterioration in well-being.

According to studies, the use of this product is allowed no more than 30% of the total fluid volume.

The algorithm for obtaining melt water

For maximum effect, melt water should be properly prepared. It is best to do this in a specific sequence.

The algorithm for obtaining melt water

  1. For freezing, it is allowed to use plain tap water, but it is recommended to leave it for 3-4 hours in advance for infusion. During this time, all gases can escape from the liquid. Only after that it becomes suitable for freezing.
  2. The liquid should be poured into any plastic container. Important! In no case do not use glass jars, it is likely that they will burst. It is also worth abandoning metal dishes, because metal interacting with water does not affect it in the best way, depriving the masses of useful components.
  3. Already settled clean tap water is poured into a clean container of plastic. The dishes should be closed with a lid and placed in the freezer. After the liquid completely freezes, it can be pulled out and left in the room, allowing it to melt.

Despite the simplicity and simplicity of the process of making melt water, one thing to keep in mind. In this way, it will be possible to obtain water, which will not be 100% purified from impurities and harmful components.

There is another way to freeze. A plastic container with liquid poured into it is detected in the freezer. But as soon as a thin crust of ice appears on the surface, it should be separated and discarded. The fact is that a significant part of the harmful components accumulate in this ice crust. The liquid that remains is cleaned in the freezer, but it is not frozen until the end. As soon as most of the contents turn into ice, you need to get rid of the remaining water, since it contains the content of harmful impurities.

The resulting ice is thawed, after which it is ready for use. Drinking such melt water is allowed only in pure form. Such water should not be used for cooking, since when heating all the beneficial properties are lost.

Terms of use

It is advisable to adhere to general tips regarding the use of melt water:

Reception of such liquid should be carried out only in its raw form. The most useful is considered to be a product with a temperature of about 10 degrees.

  • The daily rate is set within 4 glasses.
  • In the morning after waking up, it is recommended to take a glass of thawed water.
  • It is advisable to drink it before meals.
  • The duration of the course of administration is determined by the desired result.

It must be remembered that even in the case of the preparation of melt water in compliance with all the rules, it should be taken with caution. Pay special attention to your well-being after taking an unusual product, and if it worsens, you should stop and refrain from taking it. The fact is that the individual components contained in this product are capable of causing a completely opposite effect.

Melt melt is a special product in which there is no doubt in its purity and quality. This energetic, presented to us by nature, is able to supply the human body with energy, health and strength, but only if it is used correctly.

Video: the benefits of melt water

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