Choose a mattress for a double bed

In this article you will learn how to choose the right mattress for a double bed, what you should pay attention to when choosing what subtleties and nuances are.

How to choose a mattress

How to choose a mattress according to the size of the bed

In order not to be mistaken, follow these simple rules:

  • measure the internal length and width of the bed;
  • if your bed is new, a passport must be attached to it, where all the necessary data is indicated;
  • determine the rigidity of the mattress;
  • if you and your half have different weights, you can purchase a combination mattress, or buy 2 small ones. And so that the difference is not felt - get a mattress cover.

Measuring the perimeter of the bed, the data may be non-standard. For example, instead of 200 cm long, you get 201 cm. This is not a problem, usually a difference of 1 centimeter is the norm. But, if the difference is more than two centimeters, the mattress will have to be ordered, otherwise the purchase will either travel in the opening of the bed, or simply will not fit there.

Mattresses are produced all over the world, but the most popular are models from Europe and America. When choosing, it is worth considering that in Europe the standard unit of measure is a centimeter, and in America an inch. A mattress from the United States may simply not fit in, or vice versa, hanging out in the opening of the bed.

It is best to immediately purchase a complete set, that is, a mattress with a bed. So you are definitely not mistaken. But if this option is not possible, contact a company selling the same models made according to European and American standards.

What type of mattress to choose

There are spring mattresses, and with an independent spring unit, there are inflatable and water. You are unlikely to like sleeping on an air mattress, it can only be used if guests arrive. Watercraft is inconvenient to use, so most prefer one of the first two types.

Also, it is worth mentioning the covers, which "can" be removed. Each mattress is equipped with a zipper, it is designed so that the buyer checks and feels the filler. It is absolutely impossible to remove the cover, since then you are unlikely to pull it on your own. If you decide to wash it, the cover will sit down, and first you will have to buy a new one, and then take it to the master, who will be able to pull the cover back.

Spring mattressesSpring mattresses
Spring models of mattresses have always been in great demand.

  • they are inexpensive;
  • some doctors recommend sleeping only on them;
  • operation time is quite long (8-11 years).

Doctors working in the field of orthopedics still advise people suffering from back pain to sleep only on such.

Spring mattresses come in different classes. Of course, on a high-class example, you can definitely have a good rest and a good night's sleep.

As mentioned above, you can individually choose the length and width, for example, an orthopedic base for a bed 160x200 will be the most optimal for a couple. There is a myth that a hard mattress is the best for the back. This is actually not true. As with a too soft and too hard sample, there is a high probability of curvature of the spine. In order not to make a mistake, when choosing, a pair is best to pay attention to combined models.

Mattresses in which the spring unit is dependentMattresses in which the spring unit is dependent
The basis is spring blocks. The frame holds them together. Above and below the springs is a filling that makes it harder or softer. When a person lays on it, each spring bends and follows the contours of the human body.In this case, the spine remains flat, and the muscles relax.

The advantages of such a mattress:

  • Low price;
  • The ability to withstand heavy weight;
  • Good orthopedic properties.


  • The springs are made of metal, and can become rusty;
  • Due to the large amount of empty space inside, dust, bacteria, microbes, and some household insects can accumulate;
  • Electromagnetic waves are accumulated by metal springs, which adversely affects the human body;
  • This model of mattress may begin to creak;
  • Due to operation, the mattress may sag and it will become uncomfortable to sleep on it.

From all of the above, we can conclude that this model, although inexpensive, but very inconvenient to use, and it will not last long.

Mattresses, with spring unit (independent)Mattresses, with spring unit (independent)
Samples are particularly convenient and comfortable to use. Inside are springs. Each of them is individually packed, clicking on the mattress in one place, only one spring is activated. On one square meter in such models, there are from 200 to 1000 springs. The larger the number of independent springs, the better the sleeping place is considered.


  • Long service life - from 8 to 11 years;
  • Individually packaged springs ensure quiet operation;
  • The orthopedic effect is considered better than the previous version;
  • Affordable and low price.


  • Springs may rust;
  • Inside, a large amount of dust, dirt, germs is collected;
  • The mattress will sag over time, and you have to acquire a new one;
  • Electromagnetic waves are accumulated by metal springs;
  • The mattress can creak.

Springless mattressesSpringless mattresses
The only reason spring type still exists is their low cost. Companies simply make money on your back. In the modern world, springless designs have long existed. They are:

  • perfectly repeat the shape of your body;
  • completely hold her;
  • Designed for a comfortable and healthy sleep.

A springless mattress remembers the shape of its owner due to the filler (hypoallergenic). The weight of the body is distributed evenly, and the person rests calmly.

The appearance is excluded inside:

  • dust
  • mud:
  • microbes;
  • insects
  • bacteria.

The fiber from which it is created is impenetrable. It is equipped with a special cover, which, if necessary, can be removed and washed.

A berth of this type will definitely not creak, but only, on the contrary, it will be more convenient to lie on it over time, it will become “native” to you.

Unfortunately, a sample without springs is quite expensive. And some people cannot sleep on them. The difference with spring types is very large, and a person has to go through a long and "uncomfortable" adaptation.

How to determine the rigidity of the mattress

Do you still believe that the stiffer the mattress, the better? Forget it! Rigidity should be selected individually. It is best if you can lie down and try each option. For example, for people with fragile physique, a hard sample is contraindicated. After all, lying on it provokes additional pressure on the spine, and other parts of the body, and this causes a violation of blood circulation. If your physique, on the contrary, is downed, then you should not give preference to too soft options. If you choose the wrong sleeping place, then even with normal lying, you will not be able to relax, and you will feel uncomfortable, since the spine will bend too much.

  1. Soft mattresses are usually recommended for people in old age, as well as for those who complain of lumbar pain, because they are very elastic. It’s a pleasure to lie on them, since no extra pressure is created, but on the other hand, excellent support for the spine is provided. Also, this model is suitable for people with low or standard weight.
  2. The average level of rigidity is intended for people leading an active lifestyle.Doctors recommend this model to those who have problems in the thoracic spine. If you are a person with a normal physique, then such a model will definitely suit you.
  3. Very hard mattresses are designed for people with a large body weight, because they will not create additional excess pressure. Pediatricians recommend them for young children. But most often, they are bought only because of a doctor’s recommendation.

In conclusion, the most basic factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing are:

  • rigidity;
  • filler;
  • sizes.

If you have decided on the parameters, then try to lie down on each model in the store, and, taking into account personal preferences, choose your own, rest and sleep on which you will be most comfortable.

Which is better: regular or orthopedic

For many years, doctors have advised patients with a sore back to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. So what is he like? For many, this model is associated with stiffness in the imagination, but in fact, it was created in order to correctly distribute the load on the human spine. Its main highlight is the ability to reduce the number of pressure zones on the back, and thereby improve the well-being of people suffering from back pain.

Now it is impossible to determine whether the model is orthopedic or not. Since many have the above function, although they are positioned as the most ordinary mattresses.

But how to choose the right pattern with so much variety?
"Test" a variety of species in the store. Do not focus solely on one view. For example, on a spring. Try to lie down at all, then you will definitely understand which is the most convenient place to rest. Choose the one on which you are most comfortable.

How to choose a filler

Fillers for mattresses are also diverse: synthetic, natural. It’s only for allergy sufferers, because you can always choose a model with a hypoallergenic filler.

Possible fillers:

  • cotton;
  • sheep's wool;
  • coir;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • natural or artificial latex;
  • holofiber;
  • periotec.

In order not to miscalculate with the purchase, you should adhere to several important rules. For example, be sure to measure the internal length and width of the bed. When choosing a mattress, take into account its rigidity, remember that with a large weight - soft will be completely uncomfortable and not useful, as well as a person with a small weight - hard. When choosing a sleeping place for yourself and your soul mate, when the difference in weight is large, choose a combined option. The sides of such a model are harder and softer. Be sure to check the lines. The more even they are, the longer it will last. After all, even such an insignificant trifle can greatly affect further operation.

After reading this article, you know how to choose the right mattress. Now, with instructions and important items in service, you can, with a clear conscience, go to the store, lie on them, and choose the most convenient one. Which will perfectly follow the contours of your body, support your back, and, resting on which you will have the sweetest dreams.

Video: how to choose the right mattress

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