Itching in the ears - the cause and treatment of folk remedies

Itchy sensations in the auricles often become an occasion to see an otolaryngologist. Itching in the ear causes a lot of discomfort and may indicate a serious pathology in the hearing aid. Otitis media, an allergy, a chronic illness, or a sudden illness can provoke an itch in the auricle. Parasites - causative agents of ear infections can also cause unpleasant sensations.

Itchy ears


The human ear is a complex organ. Ears - a paired organ that is located in the cranium. A person cannot see his ears in full, so any discomfort in the ear canal makes you think about the reason for its development.

The ear perceives sound - mechanical vibrations of sound waves. In the organ, they are converted into nerve impulses. The complex elements of the ear are interconnected, the organ has an auditory canal, which is very deep. The human hearing organ also includes:

  • outer ear;
  • eardrum;
  • auditory ossicles;
  • Eustachian tube;
  • snails of the inner ear.

The inner labyrinth of the ear is quite complex. Only a qualified otolaryngologist can figure out a violation of its functioning. The main functions of the ear are the reception and conversion of sound. The ear works all day. In its cavities there are communicating vessels, as well as channels to maintain the desired fluid pressure. The ear is also a vestibular organ and helps a person maintain balance.

The auricle is very sensitive. Therefore, the ingress of a foreign body, the development of infection often causes itching and burning in the ear canal. It happens that the ears are blocked.

Often, discomfort occurs with the accumulation of an ear secret - sulfur. Sulfur cork occupies the space of the hearing aid, reduces hearing, and complicates the blood supply to the organ. Sulfur accumulated in the ear softens when taking a shower or bath. The secret begins to slide along the ear canal. As a result, there is a slight tickling in the ear. Periodic cleansing of the ear canal from the secret will eliminate the itching. However, clean the ear in no case with sharp objects. Otherwise, you can severely damage the eardrum and lose your hearing.

The second reason for the development of discomfort lies in a parasitic infection. Pathogenic pathogens alter the composition of the microflora of the ear and cause itching. Scabies in the ear provoke:

  • ticks;
  • fungus;
  • cocci.

Otomycosis, eczema, psoriasis, otitis media often become the causes of an itchy sensation in the ear canal. An infection can get into the ear with dirty water when swimming in a natural reservoir. Even cold and high humidity can trigger a burning sensation in the ear.

Sometimes itching may come from exposure to inappropriate shampoo. A small amount of detergent penetrates the ear canal and causes skin irritation. Shampoo can provoke an allergic reaction, redness, peeling of the scalp.

Doctors often diagnose idiopathic itching in the ear. The reason for it is a neurological disease. You should consult a specialist and perform a full examination. Violations in the nervous system, except for tickling in the ear, are accompanied by insomnia, agitation, dizziness, headache. Itching can occur in one ear or simultaneously in both auditory organs.

When a small insect enters the ear, tickling is also possible. To establish the cause of itching, it is necessary to undergo an examination at the ENT. The specialist carefully examines the hearing aid, listens to complaints and determines the cause of the itching.

Emergency help

If the itching is caused by accumulated sulfur, such manipulations can help:

  • in a pipette, collect a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide and warm it in a clasped palm;
  • lie on the bed and turn on your side;
  • inject medicine from the pipette into the ear canal;
  • turn your head so that the fluid flows out;
  • clean the ear canal with a soft cotton swab.

Hydrogen peroxide softens the serous mass, however, the procedure should not be applied too often. With the development of complications, you must certainly consult a doctor for medical help.

Well-known boric acid has been widely used in the treatment of ear ailments. It dilutes the sulfuric plug, warms the ear inside, kills pathogenic microflora. The tool has antibacterial and antiseptic effects. At the very beginning, the ear canal is cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, after which warm boric alcohol is instilled. The drug is often prescribed by ENT for otitis media and other disorders in the ear.

The use of special ointments is highly effective for fungus. Pimafukort, Triderm and other creams are prescribed. The drug is injected into the ear after cleansing. To find out whether it is a fungus or not, it is necessary to pass the prescribed tests and samples. Such actions will help identify the pathogen and quickly eliminate the problem with a suitable drug.

With various ailments of the ear, the doctor may prescribe the use of antibiotics, antifungal drugs, immunostimulants, antihistamines. In drug treatment, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Chinozole, Miconazole are used. Your doctor may also recommend some physiotherapy and flushing for itching in your ear.

Alternative methods of treating itching in the ear

Various essential oils help to eliminate discomfort in the auricle and stabilize the function of the organ. For the treatment of ear ailments, olive, camphor, sea buckthorn, and castor oils are often used. Before use, the product should be heated in a clenched palm, you can not bury hot oil in the ear canal. Oil should be injected into the ear twice a day for one week.

  1. Experts recommend biting tea tree oil when itching. It contains beneficial tannins that have beneficial effects on the mucous membranes and skin. As a result, irritation disappears, the skin calms down, the itching disappears. Oil should be treated with oil for about 5 days, no more. If the itching does not go away, it is important to consult a doctor.
  2. Rosemary oil is a good way to soften irritated auditory structures. The oil is preheated in the palm of your hand, instilled 1 drop in each ear canal. It can be used for psoriasis, diabetes, eczema. Rosemary contains beneficial flavonoids that eliminate the inflammatory process and have an antiseptic effect.
  3. Calendula tincture is a remedy that has long been used in the treatment of sore ears. The healing plant contains the substances necessary for healing. Calendula is a powerful natural antiseptic, its composition actively fights against pathogenic pathogens of fungus and infection. Calendula for alcohol can be purchased at the pharmacy. The product is preheated in the palm of your hand or placed in a bottle of tincture in warm water. Calendula is instilled 1 drop 1-2 times a day for 3 days.
  4. Chamomile from a pharmacy is an effective remedy for itching in the ear. Alternatively, you can use a string or celandine. The vegetable raw materials are brewed, insisted under the lid for a couple of hours and instilled in the ear for 1-2 drops.
  5. Propolis tincture can be used to rinse the ear canal. Propolis is a powerful antiseptic that eliminates various pathogenic flora. The substance requires moistening a cotton flagellum and periodically wiping it with the auditory meatus. Propolis can insist on alcohol. Such a tool was used in antiquity in the treatment of otitis media.
  6. A solution of baking soda will stabilize the composition of microflora in the ear. The tool is widely used for fungus and thrush.You can inject soda water into your ear. In a pipette, you should collect a couple of drops of boiled water in which soda is dissolved, and drop it into the auricle.
  7. Helps stop itching garlic-onion mixture. Vegetables should be carefully chopped, squeezed juice, add olive oil and instill the resulting product in the auricle 1 drop. Folk remedy helps kill pathogenic microflora in the ear canal, which causes itching.
  8. With psoriasis and a characteristic itch, itching is used calendula, nettle, red clay. These components can be mixed or used individually. Rosemary oil helps eliminate auricle auricle. It should be remembered that when burning in the ear, you only need to wash your hair with a gentle hypoallergenic shampoo. It is necessary that the cosmetic product does not irritate the skin and the auricle inside. You can wash your head with psoriasis and itching in the ear with the addition of sea salt to the water. This therapeutic component helps to get rid of itching.
  9. Itching in the auricle can be a sign of diabetes. In this case, it is required to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood with a special treatment of the disease. In diabetes, not only the ears can itch, but also the groin, limbs, back, stomach, buttocks. With the development of such scabies, a blood test should be taken for sugar. It is necessary to eliminate metabolic disorders and then the itching in the ears will pass.
  10. Alcohol and vinegar must be diluted in equal proportions. Pour the solution into a pipette and drop into each ear a couple of droplets. Stand for about 15 minutes, after which allow the tool to drain from the ear canal. You can not enter the drug too often. Also, vinegar can periodically wipe the ear canal.


Preventive measures for the appearance of burning in the ear canal come down to proper nutrition and care for your ears.

  1. So that dirty water does not get into the ear canals, it is better not to dive when bathing in natural reservoirs. Refrain from using cotton buds. They can injure the ear. Ear cleaning should not be done with a deep soft cotton flagellum, but not with a hard object offered by cosmetic companies.
  2. In frosty weather, as well as in cold winds, be sure to protect your ears with a hat. This will avoid overcooling the ear structures. Wear a warm hat in the winter and do not provoke the development of otitis media and infection. In the heat, avoid overheating the body, wear a sun hat and light clothing.
  3. Care for the health of the ears should always be. Cleansing procedures are required once a week. They help get rid of accumulated sulfur and prevent the development of infection or clogging of the canals with a secret. You can wipe the ear with hydrogen peroxide, essential oil, vinegar with water. The cotton flagellum should be wrung out well before being inserted into the ear canal.

For any problems, do not endure endless itching in the hearing aid. ENT will help to understand the causes of discomfort. After consultation and examination, the necessary treatment will be prescribed.

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