How to deal with insomnia at home

Symptoms of insomnia are familiar to every third adult. A man tosses and turns and cannot relax for a long time. For no reason jumps out of bed in the middle of the night or in the early morning. All day she feels tired and overwhelmed, and in the evening she can’t fall asleep again, although she doesn’t even have the strength to cook dinner. Insomnia reduces performance and concentration, turns a cheerful optimist into a nervous pessimist, so you can not postpone the treatment of the disease.

How to deal with insomnia

Quick methods

A patient who cannot fall asleep is advised to close the curtains tightly, put cotton wool or ear plugs in his ears. Cover the top of the head with your hand or pillow. Having fenced off from light and extraneous sounds, a person does some simple exercises to combat insomnia.

A brain that recalls the failures of a decade ago and dreams of meeting dinosaurs needs to be distracted. Make you concentrate on a monotonous lesson. For example, count from 500 to 0. It is in the reverse order that there is no time for extraneous thoughts. If the brain tries to switch to the grandmother’s pie recipe, you need to stop and try to free your head from any images. And then concentrate on the piglets jumping over the stone fence or the dancing kittens. The brighter the picture, the faster a person will switch to fantasies, which will gradually turn into dreams. The main thing is not to forget to count animals.

Having reached zero, the patient should not be angry or nervous. Strong negative emotions drive away sleep. It’s better to take the countdown as a game. The first level will pass, now you need to try again, only increase the figure to 600 or 700. Usually, during the second call, a long-awaited dream occurs.

Insomnia caused by stress or anxiety will drive away the imagination:

  1. A man imagines himself lying on the seashore or in the middle of a field, surrounded by trees and flowers. You can turn on the fan, which will simulate the wind. Find surf sounds or screaming gulls on the Internet.
  2. The patient concentrates on breathing. No extraneous thoughts about the conflict with the boss or parents. Only a beautiful picture and slow breaths.
  3. A person imagines that his body becomes light and weightless. Sensation arises in the region of the solar plexus. Emptiness fills arms and legs. The body seems to come off the bed and rise in the air, then gradually grow heavier and lower.

After 6–7 repetitions, the stress disappears. The body and mind will relax, drowsiness will appear.

People whose back and neck muscles are constantly strained due to stress are advised to try a different relaxation method. It is similar to levitation, only in the second case it is necessary to imagine how the body becomes heavy and motionless.

A person is trying to feel how blood circulates in the feet. Heels are poured with lead, turn into two pieces of concrete. The severity rises to the calves, hips. The stomach, chest and arms become immobile. Lead fills the neck and reaches the head. Usually a person falls asleep at the "Solar Plexus" or "Shoulders" stage. If insomnia has not disappeared, you can’t move. You need to lie with your eyes closed and listen to your own breathing.

Rich imagination
If the brain is too active and does not want to be distracted by numbers and sheep, it is occupied with your favorite movie. A melodrama or action movie will do. Horror and thrillers can trigger nightmares.

A person mentally scrolls the selected film from the last episode to the first. Recalls the clothes of heroes, dialogues.The more details, the more active is the right brain, which is responsible for dreams. A patient with a rich imagination begins to doze, and then a long-awaited dream comes.

Fans of books can lull the brain in a different way. Recall the plot of your favorite book from the end to the beginning or come up with your own world. Draw in the head of the main characters, paying attention to their clothes, facial features, character. Send characters on a journey. The main thing is that the picture was bright and realistic, with many details.

Inverse effect
You can overcome insomnia by cunning. The brain is convinced that it should stay awake until the morning. You can’t sleep, otherwise a person will miss some important event. For example, will not see the dawn or will be late for work.

The method is based on reverse psychology. What happens to a person is what he is trying to avoid. If the brain is forced to stay awake, then everything will end with a strong and deep sleep. Reception helps patients who could not overcome insomnia with rich imagination and levitation.

Diet for a good rest

Sleep problems occur due to excess salt and caffeine in the body. Patients are advised not to drink coffee and black tea, as well as cocoa, after 6pm. Caffeinated drinks are replaced with kefir, herbal decoctions and fruit drinks.

Diet for a good rest

With insomnia, try not to use marinades and dishes in which there is a lot of salt. Refuse alcohol and dark chocolate. A glass of wine or brandy really relaxes, but alcohol destroys the nervous system. After 2-3 months, the patient has to struggle not only with insomnia, but also with alcohol dependence and its consequences.

People with sleep disorders are advised to give up heavy dinners. Fatty and fried foods are replaced with vegetable salads, boiled chicken or fish. Before going to bed, drink a glass of natural yogurt or warm milk. A pinch of turmeric or saffron is added to the fermented milk drink. Spices soothe and relieve stress.

Relaxing substances are found in turkey, almonds, wild rice, baked potatoes and hard cheese. Bananas and strawberries help with insomnia. Foods are rich in potassium, which restores the nervous system and normalizes sleep.

Kefir with turmeric is replaced with a glass of warm water with a tablespoon of honey. The drink is quickly absorbed and causes drowsiness. A person who often wakes up in the middle of the night should have a glass of apple cider vinegar solution on his bedside table. 250 ml of boiled water 1-2 tbsp. l additives. Ordinary vinegar will not work, only apple vinegar. It calms the nervous system and helps you fall asleep quickly.

People with chronic sleep disorders are recommended for cottage cheese, egg yolks and wholemeal bread. There are a lot of B vitamins in the products. They normalize the nervous system and help get rid of insomnia.

Folk recipes

In case of sleep disturbance, it is not necessary to take pharmaceutical preparations. Sleeping pills are replaced with herbal decoctions. The composition of soothing drinks includes:

  • Melissa;
  • motherwort;
  • hop;
  • peppermint;
  • thyme;
  • chamomile;
  • dried rose hips.

A pinch of grass pour a glass of boiling water and wait 20 minutes. In a warm infusion add 15-30 g of honey or sugar. The medicine is drunk in small sips 1 hour before bedtime. Herbs relieve stress, normalize blood pressure and heart rate, help with fatigue and insomnia caused by stress.

Therapeutic decoctions are prepared from dill seeds:
A decoction of dill seeds from insomnia

  • Pour a tablespoon of vegetable stock into the pan.
  • Add 500 ml of red wine. It is desirable "Cahors" or "Port."
  • While stirring with a wooden spatula, bring the alcohol to a boil.
  • Remove the workpiece from the stove after 20 minutes.
  • In the evening, take a glass of a medicinal drink.

When the wine, infused with dill seeds, is over, you need to take a two-week break. If insomnia returns, repeat treatment.

You can’t get carried away with alcohol.If the problem persists after the second course, the wine is replaced with tomato juice. Preferably freshly squeezed, but also suitable for shopping. In a glass of tomato drink add a pinch of nutmeg and 30 g of sugar. Stir and drink at 5 pm, no later. If you overdo it with spice, insomnia will increase.

In the evening, it is recommended to apply slices of rye or white bread soaked in brine to the temples and forehead. Therapeutic compresses are prepared from white clay, to which are added:

  • Melissa broth;
  • yarrow infusion.

In a glass of clay add 50-60 ml of warm water. Lumps are stirred and broken, then 40 ml of the first broth and 10 ml of the second are poured into the mass. Divide the paste into three parts, each wrapped in a piece of gauze and applied to the temples and forehead for 20 minutes.

Compresses for insomnia are made from rye bread and pickles. The products are crushed and mixed, cake is formed from dough. Workpieces are warmed to room temperature and applied to the temples. Keep for 15 minutes, rinse off the cucumber with water.

Aromatherapy and Exercise

Insomnia is more often diagnosed in office workers who spend 5 to 8-12 hours in a sitting position. The body does not have time to spend energy, the person does not feel exhausted and tired, therefore, tossing and turning for a long time in bed.

After work, hours 19–20, they recommend doing light exercises, kneading and stretching the muscles. Useful evening runs and walks, as well as some sports:

  • stretching;
  • Pilates;
  • yoga;
  • fitness.

Warm baths with essential oils or herbal decoctions will get rid of insomnia. A contrast shower helps some patients. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, at the end you need to include not hot, but ice water. After bathing, immediately wipe yourself with a terry towel, put on warm pajamas and lie under the covers. A frozen body is in a comfortable environment and immediately relaxes, a person quickly falls asleep.

Some essential oils help with insomnia:
Essential Oils for Insomnia

  • lavender;
  • ylang ylang;
  • daisies;
  • sandalwood;
  • bergamot;
  • marjoram;
  • rosemary;
  • rosewood.

5-7 drops of essential oil are added to the bath. In an aromatic lamp only 2-3. Essential oils are diluted with olive, almond, apricot or corn: 4 drops of the additive per 10 ml of base. The mixture is rubbed into the temples, shoulders, wrists. Used to massage the back and neck.

A bag of dried herbs is sewn into the pillow:

  • lemon balm;
  • cloves;
  • valerian;
  • hop cones;
  • peppermint;
  • sprigs of lavender;
  • orange blossom
  • Melilotus officinalis.

Dried billet is a source of natural essential oils. They relax and drive away insomnia. Herb bags can be sewn into pillows for children and pregnant women. Plants are safe and effectively manage stress, depression and anxious thoughts.

Additional tips

To fall asleep quickly and without problems, you need:

  • Ventilate the room regularly, even in winter.
  • Refuse cigarettes and alcohol.
  • Turn off the computer and TV 2 hours before bedtime.
  • Having sex or self-satisfaction.
  • Read boring books before bed and listen to calm music.

Insomnia is a serious and dangerous disease. It leads to a decrease in immunity, mental and physical fatigue, and even sleepwalking. If the problem could not be eliminated by folk methods and diet, you should contact a specialist. An experienced doctor will find the cause of insomnia and save the patient from lack of sleep, fatigue and bad mood.

Video: how to deal with insomnia without drugs

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