How to quickly find a lost item in a house

Very often it happens that a person loses at home any object or thing: keys, watches, bracelet, passport and much more. Quite a lot of effort and nerves are often spent on searches. Sometimes it seems that the whole house has already been searched, but the loss was never found.

How to find a lost item in a house

Missing search options: vacuum cleaner

If a small thing has fallen, then a vacuum cleaner is suitable for its search. Disconnect the brush from the vacuum cleaner, and in its place fasten and carefully fasten an ordinary sock. Turn on the vacuum cleaner to the maximum and slowly drive the pipe to the place where the necessary thing could fall. If you are lucky and there is a loss, then take it from the sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.

Focus and think

When the dimensions of the item do not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner - do not despair. Try to pull yourself together, stop getting nervous and panicking. Sit, think, examine the room and those places where the wanted item can be located. It often happens that it is in front of your eyes, and your lack of focus prevents you from finding it.

If all else fails, then squint and remember where you last saw the loss. For example, you lost a flash drive: step by step remember where and when you used it and where you put it away. You inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, performed certain actions, took it out of the slot and put it somewhere. Now sharply open your eyes and go to where you left the thing. If she is not there, then continue the search.

Contact your home

People always blame themselves, relying on their carelessness and distraction. But it is worth remembering that the matter may be in the peculiar changes occurring in your housing. The room where people live is considered to be the place where the energy associated with the life of each family member is concentrated. This very energy leads to the fact that you get tired, bury your head with thoughts about business and forget about the house. The roof feels this, so there is a kind of imbalance in energy and objects.

At such moments, you feel awkward, for example, trying to turn on the light where there is no switch or place a cup of food on the edge of the table so that it falls. It seems to you that the house is in chaos and asymmetry.

So, in order to find something, you need to go to your home. No, this does not mean that you need to torment yourself daily with general cleaning and caring for the apartment. Just live the house, feel it warmly, thank it for the fact that you have it, and you can relax in it, do what you love, cook food and be its owner.

Appease the brownie

The next step is to please the spirit of the house. Everyone knows that brownies are very fond of joking with the owners. This is especially true during the moments of recent check-in, in new buildings and when you do not care about the house. The spirit of the house can move objects, hide them, because he does not like something or is worried.

If you cannot find your favorite earrings and think these are tricks of a brownie, then try to appease him: feed something tasty, floury and sweet. Place a piece of sugar, biscuit or some butter in the eastern part of the house (this is where the spirit of the house lives). The result is not long in coming - the thing will soon be in its place. You can talk with the brownie, ask him to return your thing. Believe me, it really works.

Summon a thread

The ancestors left us another universal way to search for lost things: arm yourself with a thread or a rope and tie it to the table leg in the kitchen.

Summon a lost item with a thread

Such actions cause the lost item to return to its place. Most things disappear as a result of temporary changes, so it is the invocation of the thing that will return it to its owner.

Pendulum to the rescue

Pendulum search is also quite common among Old Believers. You can take a special pendulum for dowsing, or make it yourself from a weight suspended on a rope. Holding the pendulum, start thinking about the lost thing, about its appearance and belonging. Make a wish in which express what you want this thing to be found. Walk around the room with a pendulum in your hands. When you feel his movement - go to where he leads you. This is how you can find the location of a lost item.

If no advice helped you, and the thing was never found, but you are sure that it is in your house, then use the last method that guarantees that you will find it - general cleaning of the room. This method is good because your home will begin to shine with cleanliness, and the fact that the loss will certainly show up.

Be sure to use the tips given above, then you can easily find exactly what you need and exactly where you do not expect it. Try not to lose your favorite things and household items.

Video: how to find a lost thing

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Thank you very much, found!


Hmm ... didn't help 🙁


Are you morons? What kind of brownies, what kind of energy at home? I came not to read the ravings of a madman


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