How to quickly remove bad breath

The first impression of a person is made up of many small details and far from always the cost of clothing or shoes. Pleasant appearance, clean nails, neat hair, healthy teeth, well-groomed shoes, fresh perfumes and neat clothes can attract almost any person to themselves. But the whole impression can be spoiled by only one drawback - bad breath. As a rule, the owner of the amber often does not notice this, so the risk of disgrace in the eyes of others is very high. Today we’ll talk about bad breath, the causes of this phenomenon and ways to eliminate the fetid odor.

How to remove bad breath

Why there is bad breath

There are many reasons why an unpleasant odor can appear in your mouth, starting from eating certain foods and ending with serious diseases of your internal organs.

  1. Garlic, onion. Most often, amber is formed after eating these products. Garlic and onion have a lot of volatile, which are useful for colds and flu. They improve the body's resistance and protect against SARS, even when everything is sick. However, it is these phytoncides that emit an unpleasant odor, which is difficult to get rid of even the next day after a meal.
  2. Lack of oral hygiene. Well, of course, it stinks out of the mouth if a huge number of bacteria and germs multiply on the surface of the mucosa and teeth. All these harmful microorganisms must be removed in a timely manner, that is, brush your teeth, cheeks and tongue. If done irregularly or late, this leads to a terrible bad breath.
  3. Dentures and braces. The installation of any structures in the oral cavity requires additional measures to care for them. Dentures need to be cleaned just like teeth, using a soft brush and a paste without abrasive. In addition, in order to protect the prosthesis from germs and bacteria, it must be soaked in antiseptic solutions. Brushing teeth with braces is generally a separate issue. It is necessary to brush your teeth thoroughly after each meal, using numerous tools for this - not only a brush and toothpaste, but also dental floss, brushes, etc.
  4. Smoking and alcohol. After using nicotine and alcohol, it is difficult for a person to hide this fact. The fact is that alcohol is absorbed into the blood and spreads to all organs of the person, getting into the lungs. That is why we smell the fume - part of the alcohol disappears with breathing.

These are the main reasons for the temporary appearance of bad breath. But in some cases, a person can suffer from unpleasant amber constantly, even if he carefully monitors oral hygiene, does not smoke, does not drink and does not eat garlic with onions. Often, halitosis of a constant nature can be the result of various diseases. Consider the most basic.

  1. Diseases of the organs of the oral cavity. Dental problems are the most common cause of bad breath. As a rule, these are caries, tartar, periodontal disease, various cysts of teeth. All these diseases have different foci of inflammation, which lead to the active reproduction of bacteria. It is the bacteria that are the source of the unpleasant odor. With such problems, you should definitely contact your dentist.
  2. Gastrointestinal diseases. Very often the causes of halitosis can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Among them are ulcers, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, gastric reflux. Bad smell can be the result of frequent burping, heartburn, reflux of bile, low acidity in the stomach, various tumors and neoplasms.
  3. Not enough saliva. Saliva performs many important functions, one of which is the washing off of various harmful microorganisms from the surface of the mucosa and teeth. Saliva may be scarce due to dehydration and dry mouth. However, in some cases, pathologies of the salivary glands develop, in which the amount of saliva decreases sharply. For example, with atresia of the salivary glands, the ducts and canals either narrow strongly or completely close.
  4. ENT diseases. The focus of inflammation can be in the cavity of the throat, nose and ears, because these organs are located very close. Especially if the inflammation is purulent. Bad breath can accompany diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.

These are the main groups of diseases that lead to bad breath. But how to get rid of it?

Professional anti-halitosis

Bad breath is very important for a person. After all, often you don’t feel your smell, and this can play an unexpected role, especially if you are going to a business meeting or a date. In order to check your bad breath, you need to use this technique. It is necessary to lick the inside of your wrist and allow the saliva to dry. Then you just need to smell the skin in the designated place. If it has an unpleasant odor, then with great certainty we can say that you smell badly in your mouth. But what to do? Is it possible to solve the problem with the help of special cosmetics?

  1. Toothpaste. First you just need to brush your teeth with toothpaste. Choose not simple cosmetic, but medical pastes with a large number of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components. Pastes with eucalyptus and peach oils have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. It is best to buy specialized products for fresh breath not in a cosmetic store, but in a pharmacy. It is necessary to clean the oral cavity, paying attention not only to the teeth, but also to the tongue, cheeks and gums.
  2. Rinse Aid. This is a great way to get rid of bad breath. The liquid structure of the rinse aid, unlike a brush with a paste, penetrates even the most inaccessible areas of the oral cavity, carefully treating even the palate.
  3. Sprays This is a quick and effective way to freshen your breath, especially if only seconds are left before meeting with the interlocutor. The spray is very convenient - it can be carried in a purse and, if necessary, freshen your breath with one movement.
  4. Antiseptics. If there is an important meeting on the nose, and there is nothing suitable in the arsenal, you can get rid of the fetid bacteria with the help of any antiseptic solutions. This can be a means to rinse a sore throat - Chlorophyllipt, Miramistin, Furacilin solution, etc. They perfectly disinfect and cleanse the mucosa from germs and bacteria.

Use the described means for fresh breath constantly, so as not to get into an awkward situation.

Folk recipes against bad breath

But what if in an hour you need to run out on a date, there are no professional tools at home, and the bad breath leaves much to be desired? You must not allow your loved one to be disappointed in you because of a ridiculous smell. To freshen your breath quickly and for a long time, you need to use our effective and proven tips.

Folk recipes against bad breath

  1. A decoction of oak bark and calendula. Prepare a strong broth from these components and carefully rinse your mouth for at least 5 minutes. Calendula eliminates bacteria, and oak bark gives fresh breath.
  2. Baking soda. Dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of water and rinse with a solution of mouth.
  3. Parsley. Parsley is one of the most effective and popular remedies for bad breath. Just chew a few twigs and a fresh breath is guaranteed.
  4. Lemon. Chew a slice of lemon with zest - acid will kill all pathogenic microbes, and only fresh citrus aroma will remain in the oral cavity.
  5. Coffee beans. If you have grains of natural coffee at home, then you should not worry about anything. Coffee perfectly suppresses odors, quickly freshens your breath. It is enough to chew a few whole grains.
  6. Oil. Any vegetable oil that you eat is suitable. Take a spoonful of oil in your mouth and rinse for at least three minutes. After this, the oil cannot be swallowed - there are too many microbes and bacteria in it, it will even change its color. The oil has an excellent anti-inflammatory effect, effective in the fight against gum disease.
  7. Juniper Berries. They are effective against the smell of alcohol and nicotine. If you want to get rid of an unpleasant fume, just chew the berries for as long as possible.
  8. Walnuts. Peel the nuts and warm them thoroughly in a pan. Roasted walnuts perfectly relieve even the most persistent smell of onions and garlic.
  9. Tea tree oil. Dissolve 7 drops of tea tree oil in a glass of water. It not only disinfects the mucous membrane, but also gives the breath a pleasant coniferous aroma.
  10. Apple vinegar. This is a great way to get rid of bad smell. A tablespoon of vinegar should be dissolved in a glass of warm water and rinse your mouth with this solution several times a day.
  11. Mint. It will not only relieve bad breath, but also give the mouth a fresh mint. You can simply chew mint, rinse with a strong decoction of your mouth, or just drink mint tea. By the way, such tea perfectly calms the nerves!
  12. Nettle. If the cause is digestive tract disorders, then a nettle broth will help get rid of the unpleasant odor of a similar nature. Drink a strong broth in half a glass 5 times a day and you can forget about bad breath.
  13. Propolis tincture. Pour a teaspoon of propolis alcohol tincture into a glass and stir. Rinse your mouth with the prepared solution, the unpleasant smell will go away after the first rinse.
  14. Cereals. They will be effective if the cause of the unpleasant odor is low salivation. Just chew large oatmeal in the mornings and evenings, salivation will increase significantly.
  15. Sunflower seeds. Fried sunflower seeds do not eliminate the unpleasant odor, but it is perfectly masked. It’s better to smell like seeds than onions or garlic. A small handful of seeds will provide not only effective, but also tasty treatment.

If bad breath persists after all the procedures, you most likely have a disease in your internal organs, and the smell is just a symptom. It is necessary to undergo an examination as soon as possible and identify the true diagnosis.

Bad breath is a fairly common occurrence, and 90% of the world's population occasionally encounters it. But often the bad breath comes not from the mouth, but from the stomach or lungs. Almost every fourth owner of the "amber" has internal problems of stale breathing. Try to monitor your health more carefully, and then stale breathing will bypass you!

Video: how to get rid of bad breath

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