How to treat conjunctivitis at home

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the eye due to bacteria, viruses or allergens entering the mucous membrane. Conjunctivitis can be bacterial, purulent, viral, allergic or chronic. In each case, the inflammatory process is provoked by various groups of pathogens.

How to treat conjunctivitis

Symptoms of conjunctivitis

With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Cramps and pains in the eyes
  • Redness of proteins and eyelids
  • Itching
  • Fear of bright light

Quite often, conjunctivitis is accompanied by suppuration and accumulation of pus in the corners of the eyes.

The eye tries to fight inflammation and actively produces tears. Therefore, tearing during conjunctivitis is one of the main symptoms.

Often with conjunctivitis, it seems that “something” is foreign in the eye. In fact, in most cases it is simply a reaction to the inflammatory process.

Causes of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is considered a dirty hands disease. Often this disease is ill after contact with a sick person, when eyes are rubbed with dirty hands. Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs due to the ingestion of bacteria, such as gonococcus, staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Viral conjunctivitis develops due to the ingestion of herpes and fungal viruses, chlamydia. Allergic conjunctivitis can be obtained by airborne droplets due to inhalation of allergens.

When a virus, bacterium or other harmful microorganism enters the human body, it can develop there or be completely suppressed. It depends on the human immunity. A strong and strong immunity is able to resist, while a weak one cannot resist the enemy. Hygiene is also very important. If you get conjunctivitis, you need to follow some rules.

Conjunctivitis Hygiene

Firstly, personal care products must be strictly individual. This is especially true of those things that come into contact with your eyes - towels, contact lenses, cosmetics. A few words about contact lenses. If you get conjunctivitis, you need to throw out the lenses - it is already impossible to get rid of the infection. It is better to use glasses for the duration of the disease, and after a full recovery buy a new pair of lenses. This is the only way to protect your eyes from reinfection. With conjunctivitis, you can not rub your eyes, especially with dirty hands. Use sterile wet wipes for this. During the period of illness, you need to change the pillowcase and towel more often, wash more often, using only clean water for this.

How to treat conjunctivitis

With conjunctivitis, it is very important to consult a doctor to determine the type of disease.

Conjunctivitis treatment

  1. Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated with antibiotics - Tetracycline and Erythramycin ointments, the use of Gentamicin drops, Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin. The duration of the course of bacterial conjunctivitis is about a week, in advanced cases - 2-3 weeks.
  2. Viral conjunctivitis lasts about 10 days until the body completely defeats the virus. For its treatment, antiviral drugs, local treatment with ointments Bonafton, Tebrofen are used. Also, eyes need to be instilled with drops of Ophthalmoferon.
  3. Allergic conjunctivitis usually passes the fastest, just a few days after the exclusion of allergens from the immediate environment. For the speedy removal of allergens from the body, you need to take anti-allergic drugs. To relieve edema - antihistamines. To get rid of redness and itching, make cold lotions.An artificial tear helps dry eyes.
  4. Purulent conjunctivitis usually affects only one eye. However, you need to process both eyes in order to prevent infection of a healthy eye. To get rid of suppuration, you need to use Albucid, Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin.
  5. In chronic conjunctivitis, it is very important to identify what exactly is the causative agent of the disease and under what circumstances the aggravation of the disease begins. Often, a solution of resorcinol and zinc sulfate is used as a support agent for chronic conjunctivitis. With relapse, a solution of synthomycin can be dripped into the eyes.

When processing, it is important to rinse the pipette every time, with the help of which it is instilled. If you do not, you will each time re-infect the mucous membrane with microbes.

At the initial stage of the disease, when you have not yet reached the doctor, and you need to alleviate the symptoms here and now, you can use a solution of furacilin. Sterile furatsilinovy ​​solution can be bought in a drugstore or prepared independently. For this, three tablets of furatsilin need to be dissolved in a glass of pure water. After this, you need to strain the solution through a small strainer or gauze so that pieces of undissolved drug do not get on the mucous membrane. Furatsilin perfectly copes with any inflammation of the eyes. Both eyes need to be processed.

Folk remedies for the treatment of conjunctivitis

In the treatment of conjunctivitis, medications successfully work in conjunction with traditional medicine recipes. Drops, lotions and washings based on medicinal herbs are often not inferior in effectiveness to pharmaceutical preparations. So, how to get rid of conjunctivitis with the help of folk remedies?

Folk remedies for the treatment of conjunctivitis

  1. Calendula. This is a very good herb with a pronounced antiseptic effect. From calendula, you need to prepare a strong decoction - five tablespoons of a fresh or dried plant per liter of water. Pour boiling water over the grass and cover the container to allow the calendula to brew enough. When the broth cools down, it must be filtered. With the prepared broth, you can wash your eyes, as well as make lotions. To do this, moisten cotton pads in a warm broth and attach them to the eyes. Leave on for 20 minutes. Do this as often as possible to deal with infection, viruses, and bacteria.
  2. Chamomile. This is an absolutely safe plant that has great power against inflammation and swelling. Chamomile broth can be used safely by pregnant women. Chamomile is often washed in the eyes of babies in the first days of life, if the child’s tear ducts are blocked. Three tablespoons of pharmacy chamomile should be poured with a glass of boiling water and let the broth brew. After this, you need to rinse your eyes with this decoction, without fear that it will fall on the mucous membrane - chamomile does not pinch your eyes. If you do chamomile washings often - every 2-3 hours, then after a day the redness will decrease, swelling will become much less noticeable.
  3. Tea. Strong tea has long been used in the fight against various eye diseases. And all due to the fact that the brewed tea has a huge amount of tannins. Brew very strong black or green tea and rinse your eyes with this compound. This will help get rid of itching and pain in the eyes.
  4. Bay leaf. Lavrushka is in almost every house, so you do not have to look for ingredients for this medicinal decoction. Pour 5-7 bay leaves with boiling water and leave for half an hour under a tight lid. When the broth cools down a bit, they need to rinse their eyes every hour. And before going to bed, to consolidate the effect, make laurel lotions for half an hour. The next day, conjunctivitis will become much less pronounced.
  5. Dill. In this habitual for us greenery contains a huge amount of volatile, which help fight inflammation. To prepare the liquid for lotions, you need dill juice. A juicer is best suited for this.If you don’t have it at hand, you can simply boil dill. Pour a large bunch of dill with a glass of water and simmer for about half an hour after boiling. Then the broth needs to be filtered and allowed to cool. All lotions are best done with cool decoctions, because the cold gives an additional effect. Cold lotions constrict blood vessels and relieve redness and swelling. Make lotions from a decoction of dill several times a day to accelerate recovery.

Conjunctivitis is an unpleasant and contagious disease that children often suffer from in schools and kindergartens. Teach your child the basic rules of hygiene - use napkins, do not poke your eyes in dirty hands. This will help protect your baby from conjunctivitis and other diseases. Follow the rules of personal hygiene and do not get sick!

Video: how to treat conjunctivitis in a child

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