How to open a tin can without an opener

Have you gone on a picnic, camping trip or a savage trip? You have certainly taken food supplies with you, including canned food. But nobody thought of a can opener! How to open a tin can if there is no opener at hand? Consider several effective ways.

How to open a tin can without an opener

How to open a tin can with a knife

This is the easiest and most popular way to open a tin can if there is no opener in the house. Open the can with a knife very carefully. At the same time, you should not hold it on your knees or between your legs - the knife may slip, which will lead to a cut.

You can open a tin can with any knife - penknife, camping and simple cook. To do this, put the tip of the knife to the edge of the can. With one hand you need to hold on to the handle of the knife, and the second carefully, but hard hit from above. In no case at the moment of opening do not hold on to the blade - even the most blunt knife can lead to cuts. When you punch a hole in the lid of the can, you need to carefully cut the lid with a knife along the entire diameter. After that, carefully pry the edge of the lid with a knife and lift it. No need to pry and lift the lid with your bare hands - there is a risk of cutting yourself with sharp metal edges.

How to open a glass jar

Canned foods in glass jars have two types of lids. The first type is screw caps, which are usually used in production. The second type of lids is simple lids that we use in home preservation, that is, with twists.

To open the twist-off lid, you just need to pry it with a knife and let in air. At the same time, you will hear a characteristic cotton, which indicates that the contents of the can were usable. If there is no knife at hand, you can simply hit something on the lid so that it slams. It can be a small rubber mallet, a rolling pin or just an elbow.

If you want to open home preservation, you need to use a knife. To do this, mark the letter “L” or a check mark on the cover. The angle and ends of the supposed “jackdaw” should abut against the circumference of the lid. Insert the knife into the lid and cut the lid along the marked lines. After that, carefully bend the sharp corner of the sheet and hook it with a knife. Then wind the cut part of the tin onto the knife to the very end of the lid. Removing the tin lid is very simple. In this case, be careful - do not cut your hands - all actions should be performed only with a knife.

How to open a jar with pliers

A tin can is a container with a lid. The smooth side with oval edges is the bottom of the can, and the side with the sides is the top. So, to open the can, you just need to protrude the sides with pliers to the sides. After that, canned food will open without difficulty.

Open the jar with a flat stone

To open a tin can, you just need to “erase” the soldered places between the can and the lid. To do this, turn the jar upside down, that is, the sides down. After that, rub the jar on a rough rough stone for about three minutes. Then press on the walls of the can and the lid itself will bounce. This is an easy way to open a tin can in camping conditions.

How to open a can with a spoon

How to open a tin can with a spoon
This becomes especially true in traveling conditions when there are no sharp and cutting objects at hand. In principle, this method is similar to opening a can with a knife, but in this case a regular spoon is used instead of a knife. The hardest part is making the first hole.To do this, use a spoon to rub along the edge of the can, until you get a hole. After that, use a spoon to go around the entire circumference. For this method of opening a can, you need a lot of effort.

How to open a can with your bare hands

If at your fingertips there is absolutely nothing suitable for opening a can, this process can be carried out with bare hands. This is not fiction!

On the side of the jar you need to make a deflection. To do this, press hard on the face with your fingers - the side as if bent in the middle. After that, visually divide the side surface into three parts to make another deflection, which will be like the second face of an isosceles triangle. The third facet is not necessary to do.

When you have two folds on the side faces, you will need to bend the jar to one side of the face, then to the other. Do so many times, after which the angle between the faces becomes soft. After some manipulations, the tin will simply tear between the folds, and you can see the contents of the can. A few more movements and you open the bank completely, like an envelope. Thus, you can only open the can with your hands.

The tin can only looks intimidating. Looking at her, it may seem that nothing but a can opener can defeat her. However, knowing some tricks will help you open canned food without an opener.

Video: how to open a tall tin can with your bare hands

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