How to wash a kitchen set from fat: 7 ways

Any housewife tries to keep the kitchen set clean, as a result of which she conducts regular cleaning. However, there is not always the strength and time to wash a wall apron or countertop from greasy deposits, which accumulate in a very short time. After a certain time, the neoplasms turn into persistent sebaceous spots that cannot be washed off with dishwashing liquid or running water. At this point, the first difficulties begin, since hygiene is necessary, and there are not so many effective methods of removal. Let's consider each of them in order.

How to wash a kitchen set from fat

Baking Soda and Sea Salt

A positive characteristic of this method is its versatility. The abrasive compound can be used on almost any surface except varnished panels. An excellent result is achieved by processing aprons and a kitchen set made of wood, tiles.

Before you start using the mixture directly over a wide area, test on an inconspicuous portion of the kitchen. Wait a quarter of an hour, and then evaluate the result. If abrasive particles do not damage the panel, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

  1. Wear thick rubber gloves, grab a kitchen sponge and dampen it in hot water. Walk on the surfaces of the headset, softening the fat.
  2. Take 100 gr. sea ​​salt without dyes and perfumes, put in a coffee grinder, grind. If there is no coffee grinder, grind the composition into powder with a hammer. Mix salt with 100 gr. baking soda, dilute the dry mixture with filtered water. In the end, you should get a thick mass that can be easily processed both horizontal and vertical panels.
  3. Scoop a large amount of the product onto the hard side of the sponge or use an old toothbrush. Treat contaminated areas by carefully rubbing the mixture into the surface. Wait about 15-20 minutes.
  4. At the end of the term, take a sponge, soak it in water and wipe the panels again. After that, completely rinse the product with cold water, evaluate the result. Repeat the previous procedures several times if necessary.


To prepare the cleaning mixture, you will need 100 g. chopped edible salt and half grapefruit. Pass the citrus through a meat grinder or blender, mix with salt. As in the case of soda, the composition should be thick, otherwise adjust it by adding salt or, conversely, water.

How to wash a kitchen set from fat with salt

Scoop a large amount of the product on the toothbrush, rub the area with greasy spots. Glue the cling film on top, wait half an hour. Rinse off the composition at the end of the term If the result does not please you, repeat the procedure.

Salt does not always effectively remove old grease stains, in most cases it is necessary to repeat the manipulations 4, or even 5 times. If the kitchen is equipped with a light set, we recommend adding a teaspoon of peroxide to the saline solution. Such a combination will speed up cleansing several times.

Mustard powder

Mustard has been used in everyday life since ancient times, it cleans not only the kitchen set, but also the interior items in the bathroom. They also wash dishes and remove complex impurities from the surfaces of household appliances.

To use mustard powder correctly, mix 50-60 g. product with cool water, you should get a thick mixture. Now cut the lemon into 2 parts, wipe the grease stains with it, wait 5 minutes, wipe again.

Repeat steps 5-7 times, only after that use mustard.Scoop a little mixture on a wet kitchen sponge, rub the panels well. Leave to soak for 5 minutes, then rinse with cold water. If you don’t like the effect, repeat the steps.

Citric Acid and Alcohol

The product has not only cleansing qualities, but also perfectly disinfects the surface. To prepare the mixture, take 3-4 sachets of citric acid, dilute with cold water. Do not wait until the granules have completely dissolved. Scoop the composition onto a sponge, apply to the kitchen set, wait 10 minutes. Rinse the sponge, soak it in medical alcohol or vodka, remove excess product. To achieve the best result, you can dilute vodka / alcohol with vinegar in a ratio of 3: 1.


It makes no sense to talk about which manufacturer to give preference to. Choose a composition according to your financial capabilities. Below you will find practical recommendations on the selection and use of household chemicals.

Kitchen Cleaners

  1. It is important to understand that powder production involves processing with abrasive particles, due to which it greatly damages the varnish surface. In this case, it is worth taking a closer look at drugs that are available in the form of an aerosol, gel or spray.
  2. To remove grease, it is not necessary to pick up a hard metal sponge. Household chemicals will dissolve contamination if you wait a certain period of time (indicated on the back of the bottle).
  3. The oven, electric / gas stove, range hood and other metal surfaces will require special efforts from you. One soaking can not do, you have to repeat the manipulation at least 3-4 times.
  4. If you do not have a hood, due to which all the fat rises and settles on the upper cabinets, soak them with polyethylene. Apply the product, glue the cling film and fix it with electrical tape. Wait a while, clean the surface with a sponge.
  5. When choosing a drug, carefully read the label, most manufacturers indicate for which type of surface this or that product is suitable. Do not mindlessly cover the headset with unfamiliar means. To get started, do a test on a small area of ​​the countertop / cabinet, then proceed with processing.

Table vinegar

The main disadvantage of using table vinegar solution (6%) as a cleaning agent is considered to be low efficiency. If stains from fat appeared long ago, and you pulled with their removal, cleaning the headset in a short time will not work. You will have to repeat the procedure several times daily for 3 days.

Fold the gauze or bandage in 8-10 layers, put cotton wool between the rows. Dampen the compress in vinegar solution (not to be confused with vinegar essence), rub the area of ​​contamination. If the coating allows, use a hard sponge. In case of low efficiency, add a small amount of thick dishwashing liquid to vinegar.


As a means to clean the kitchen set of fat, use a maximum concentration of household or tar soap. To use the product correctly, take a double-sided kitchen sponge (foam and abrasive), lather the hard part and walk over the surface. Wait 20-30 minutes, rub the headset again. At the end of the second step, rinse off the excess with water and polish with a soft cloth.

It is necessary to deal with fat stains on the panels of the kitchen set immediately after their appearance. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to achieve a result in 1 session. To get started, try folk remedies, if the result is low, take a look at household chemicals.

Video: how to remove grease from kitchen furniture

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I spread the fairies with water and wash them with such a solution, though not everything is laundered, but what can I do, I'm afraid to spoil the headsets.


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