How to wash the microwave from fat: 4 ways

The age of technological progress leaves its mark on society. Agree, it is difficult to imagine an average apartment in which there will be no microwave. The device is rightfully a real salvation in everyday life, as it saves time. However, like any other kitchen utensil, a microwave has the property of getting dirty. Burnt food particles and greasy spots make housewives clutch their heads, and this is not surprising. These types of pollution are considered difficult to remove, and therefore require special attention.

How to wash the microwave from fat

Practical Care Tips

  1. Before you start cleaning the microwave oven, unplug it. To do this, just unplug the power cord from the outlet, and then wrap the plug with plastic wrap or tape to avoid contact with water.
  2. When cleaning the microwave oven from grease, do not use hard metal sponges, household brushes with hard bristles, large abrasive particles.
  3. During wet microwave processing, special attention should be paid to the amount of water used in cleaning. It is important that the liquid does not fill in the sensitive elements of the device, which can fail if moisture gets into it.
  4. It is strongly not recommended to wash the microwave oven with chlorine-containing preparations and other household chemicals that are extremely aggressive. Choose the most gentle products.
  5. In no case do not try to disassemble the device on your own, even if you are confident in the contamination of internal elements and assemblies. Talk to a professional or someone who knows this technique.
  6. Microwaves must be cleaned at least 2 times a month. If you do not have enough time, purchase a special plastic cap at the hardware store. It closes the heated food, preventing splashes on the appliance walls. If desired, it can be replaced with cling film or glass transparent dishes.
  7. When cleaning the microwave oven, you must follow a certain sequence. First of all, remove the ring and the rotating plate from the cavity, then wipe the grate and the upper wall. Next, go to the side parts, the door, the outer area.
  8. In order not to subsequently clean the oven daily, it is better to process the microwave immediately after contamination. For example, during the heating process you accidentally spilled soup, or fried chicken began to sprinkle drops of fat.
  9. As a means of cleaning a microwave oven, products such as vinegar and baking soda can be used. For this reason, you should be extremely careful if the inside is enameled.

Effective ways to clean microwave from fat

Effective ways to clean microwave from fat
Baking soda
To remove greasy marks with soda, you must prepare a solution. To do this, pour 200 ml into a glass. boiling water, pour 40 g. product, wait until the granules dissolve. After that, prepare a deep bowl designed to heat food in the microwave. Pour the solution into it, put on the edge of the rotating dish of the microwave oven.

Turn on the device at maximum power, set the heating time to 20 minutes. During this period, the vapor evaporating from the soda solution will soften the fat deposits on the walls. You just have to wash the device with a foam sponge and dishwashing liquid, removing residual dirt.

In cases where the fat has not been completely removed, apply dry soda to the hard side of the sponge, moisten it a little with water, then rub the grease stains.As a result, small abrasive particles will completely save you from the problem.

Lemon acid
As an effective cleaning method, you can use citric acid in powder form or juice from a citrus fruit. In addition to removing traces of fat, the composition fights an unpleasant odor, which often comes from the cavity of the device. As mentioned earlier, the product is not suitable for microwaves with an enamelled inside.

For the correct procedure, dilute 2 sachets (25-30 g.) Of citric acid 450 ml. boiling water, wait until the crystals dissolve and the composition cools. If you use natural lemon, squeeze the juice from two fruits, then mix it with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Pick up the dishes for the microwave with wide sides. Pour the resulting solution into it, put in the middle of the glass plate, turn on the device at maximum power. Wait about 10-15 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. When the appliance turns off, do not open the door for another 5 minutes. After that, treat the walls with a kitchen sponge and detergent.

If you prefer to use natural lemons, add not only the resulting solution to the container, but also the chopped zest. In this case, set the microwave to heat not for 10-15 minutes, but for 20-25, since the juice concentration is 8 times lower than the acid value.

Table vinegar

This cleaning technology is considered to be the most effective. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of an unpleasant odor after processing, but it can be dealt with. At the end of the procedure, place 3-5 thick slices of lemon in the chamber cavity so that they absorb a pungent odor.

Pour 470 ml into a deep glass container. warm water, add 40-45 ml. acetic solution with a concentration of 9% (do not confuse with the essence, it must be added in an amount of 10 ml.).

Put the bowl in the microwave, set the device to the mark of 7-10 minutes, it all depends on the degree of contamination. During this period, vinegar will begin to evaporate, dissolving fat deposits. After the specified time, wipe all the walls, the door and the grills with a kitchen sponge, if necessary, repeat the procedure.

Filtered water
The most gentle and safe way to cleanse the microwave of fat. Vinegar, soda, citric acid are not used in this technology, so the option is suitable for all types of microwave internal coating. It is important to understand that the technique does not involve the treatment of chronic fat stains that have dried and burned.

Pour 400-430 ml into the microwave container. purified water, place a bowl on the edge of a rotating glass plate, set the device to maximum power. The duration of heating should not be lower than a quarter of an hour, the ideal option is 25 minutes.

After the timer turns off, do not open the door for 10 minutes. Remove soft food debris with a sponge, wipe the entire cavity of the device with lemon juice diluted with water in a 1: 2 ratio.

It is easy to get rid of grease stains on the walls and gratings of the microwave oven, if you have sufficient knowledge regarding the procedure. Use professional cleaning products or resort to alternative methods of treatment. The best assistant for you will be citric acid, soda, vinegar, filtered water.

Video: how to clean the microwave inside of fat

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Hostesses, help with advice.We moved to a new apartment, a removable one, and here the microwave oven is just in a terrible state, all burnt in fat. How to wash it? Or is it easier to throw away and buy a new one?


Why throw it away? It can be easily washed. I'm at home and the oven and microwave, I clean everything with Unicum grease remover, the coolest tool. And it’s quick and clean and smells good, non-toxic, like other household chemicals. Sprayed the product on a dirty surface and wash it off after a few seconds, it will take several minutes for you to wash the microwave so that it shines. This is Israeli household chemicals, even the kosher certificate received this tool I read somewhere.


My microwave is terribly dirty. I can’t wash it.


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