How to wash paint off clothes at home

Stains from paint are rightfully considered difficult to remove, especially for delicate fabrics. There are frequent cases when painted benches or railings are not marked by utilities as objects treated with colored pigment. As a result of this, a person unknowingly spoils his favorite clothes, and later puzzles what to do. Experienced housewives have developed effective recipes for home remedies that will help to cope with pollution in a short time. Let's consider each method in more detail.

How to wash paint off clothes

Ammonia (ammonia) and vinegar

Not everyone knows, but acrylic paint is considered one of the varieties of the water-based composition. A mixture of ammonia, table vinegar (concentration of 6–9%) and table salt will help to remove it. Mix the listed components in a ratio of 2: 2: 1. Place a cling film under the place of contamination so that the mixture does not penetrate the back of the product. Lubricate the stain with the prepared mass, wait 5-10 minutes, then rub the paint mark thoroughly. Rinse off excess water, repeat the procedure if necessary.


The drug is designed for all types of fabrics, but in most cases it is used to remove stains from paint on delicate products. The tool removes traces of contamination from the second or third time, so do not be upset in advance if the result is incomplete. Wipe the item with a clothing brush or shake off the dust in another convenient way. Dip the cosmetic disc in turpentine, with a driving motion, treat the stain on both sides. Do not press hard so that the paint does not penetrate deeper into the fabric structure.

When you impregnate the composition with the thing, wait 10-15 minutes, then place 2 paper napkins on the wrong side and the front side, press with your hands. Re-coat the paint residue with turpentine, leave for 1 hour, rub with a toothbrush, wash in a typewriter. If the stain has not completely removed, moisten it with water, sprinkle with talcum powder, place soft paper on both sides. Walk around the place of contamination with an iron, change sheets as you consume. Finish the washing procedure in a household machine with the addition of air conditioning.

Chlorine-based products

The technique was developed for removing stains from white and very light clothing of delicate fabrics. Get in a hardware store one of the most common types of bleaches such as "White", "Perox", "Domestos". Pour 7 liters of water into the pan, add 3 caps of bleach, put on the stove, bring the solution to a boil, put the thing in the container. After 40 minutes, remove the clothes with forceps and send them to the washing machine. Turn on the “Very dirty laundry” mode, pour in the bleaching powder. After processing, hang the product to dry in fresh air, avoid direct UV rays.

Sodium borate, or "borax"

This agent has long been used as a stain remover of rust, lipstick, paint and other complex contaminants. Get borax powder, mix 60 gr. loose mixture with 70 ml. kefir, 25 ml. table vinegar solution. Turn out the clothes, apply the product on the stain from the wrong side, let it dry. After that, rub the paint mark with a hard brush, repeat the same steps with the front side. In cases where the result did not live up to expectations, increase the amount of “borax” to 80 grams, clean again. Finish with machine or hand wash.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap against paint on clothes
If the contamination is fresher, try a normal machine wash. Rub the paint residue with a high concentration of household soap, cover on both sides with cling film and leave for several hours. After time, remove the polyethylene, treat the stain with a toothbrush. After this, rinse the product in hot water, repeat the previous procedures. When the trace becomes dull, rub it with soap, send it to the machine. Add washing powder to the first compartment, 100 g to the second. baking soda. Start an intensive washing cycle, dry clothes in the fresh air.

Chlorhexidine and Lemon

Squeeze the juice from one lemon or cut the citrus in half. Wipe the paint stain with flesh / liquid, leave for 2 hours. After the time has passed, brush the paint or similar, brush off the excess. Buy “Chlorhexidine” in a pharmacy, mix it with baking soda until a pasty mixture forms. Spread over the stain with a thick layer, wait half an hour. After the time has passed, wash the item with your hands with laundry or tar soap, send it to the machine to complete the procedure.

Industrial solvent

If you stained your favorite wardrobe item with oil paint, use this recipe. First, try to scrape off the pigment with a knife, brush or other sharp object. After that, grease the stain with a greasy composition (petroleum jelly, lard, vegetable oil, etc.) to soften the paint. Dampen the cloth in industrial solvent or white spirit, wipe the stain, starting from the edges. You can use nail polish remover or pure acetone, but these products do not guarantee 100% of the result in the case of old spots.


Another way to get rid of stains of oil paint. Take 70 gr. natural butter, soften it at room temperature, then combine with 3 tablespoons of washing powder (manual or “automatic”). Rub the components into a paste-like mixture, try to scrape off the paint with a sharp object. Shake off the dried particles, distribute the resulting composition over the stain with a thick layer, rub well, wait 10-20 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. Wash the item manually with the addition of a rinse aid for clothes.

Lemon acid

Citric acid versus paint on clothing
Since citric acid is considered quite concentrated, it has brightening properties. Therefore, the product is used to remove stains from paint on white and bright things. The technique is suitable for processing products from all types of fabric, except for wool and silk. Dilute 2 sachets of citric acid 30 ml. water, mix, cover the contaminated area. Wait 10 minutes, then rinse the item and repeat the procedure. It is allowed to use fresh citrus for processing delicate fabrics, including silk and wool. Wipe the desired area with a cut lemon (pulp), wait 20-40 minutes, then wash the item with your hands.

Vinegar (essence)

Do not confuse table solution with essence, the concentration of the first composition is 10 times less than the second. Not everyone knows, but vinegar is used for industrial purposes of mass production. It maintains the color of fabrics, gives them brightness, strengthens the fibers. For these reasons, the composition is used to remove stains from colored clothing. Buy vinegar in the form of an essence (concentration of 50-70%), pour 80 ml. composition in 3.5 liters of water, send clothes to the container, wait 2 hours.

At the end of the term, remove the items and immediately put them in the machine, turn on the appropriate mode. If the stain is small, it makes no sense to soak the whole product, treat the thing locally. In cases where for some reason you could not find the essence, use ordinary table vinegar with a concentration of 6-9%. Dip a cosmetic sponge in it, wipe the paint stain, leave it for 20 minutes. Repeat steps 3-5 times.

Medical alcohol

The composition is suitable for removing stains from aqueous emulsion (latex) paint. Lay the product on a flat surface, stretch the fibers of the fabric so that they do not fit snugly against each other. Lubricate the wrong side with vegetable oil, soak a lint-free cloth in ethanol, walk along the surface of the dirt, carefully rubbing the composition. Oil will not allow the paint to penetrate deep into the fibers, which will reduce the risk of stains. If you could not avoid the spread of pigment, spread the product with your hands, then re-manipulate, but without using oil.

Without fail, test on an inconspicuous area to make sure the composition is safe. Do not increase the exposure time in the hope of removing the stain in 1 step. Do not violate the proportions, when processing the product, proceed from the type of fabric.

Video: how to wipe paint off clothes

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