How to make peace with parents: effective methods

Two parents are to blame for the quarrel, but what should the child do when he is caught between the lights? Take the side of the pope and endlessly listen to the screams and reproaches of the mother, or take the side of the woman who had been carrying him for 9 months and did not sleep at night after birth? The best option is to reconcile parents and become a friendly family again. Let's try to figure out how to do it together.

How to reconcile parents if they had a fight

Find out the true cause of the quarrel

Try to find out why the father and mother quarreled. Perhaps dad stopped caring or mom forgot how to cook delicious borsch? You have to figure it out. In cases where the parents betrayed each other or one of them began to drink, the children are powerless. It remains only to make a decision by adults or to express their own point of view.

Finding out the reason is simple enough. You need to talk to your parents separately, but you will have to do this plainly so that they don’t guess your true motives. Dad packed up and went to work? Great, time to act. Go to your mom for breakfast and ask by chance why they are cursing. Find out the full extent of the conflict and find out if the parents are going to get a divorce. If the answer is no, the situation will be corrected.

Mom answered the questions? Tell us about your feelings. Tell us that you feel bad because of constant abuse, you can’t sleep peacefully, because bad thoughts in your head do not allow this. Women are very suggestible, let mom feel your feelings. She must realize that quarrels cripple the psyche of the child.

It is necessary to bring the situation to a new level so that mom looks at the conflict from the point of view of a teenager. Create a story in which dad tries to make peace, but cannot find a way to approach her. By chance, ask first to apologize if this is possible. Now do the same fraud with dad when mom is not around.

Show the trick

Try to reconcile your parents with your actions. Come up with a plan with which they will begin to communicate with each other calmly, without turning to a scream and without breaking the dishes.

Option number 1. Invite your mother to go to the park to feed the pigeons, focus on the fact that you want to spend time together. Approach the pope, tell him the same thing, but that he did not guess about the double plot. Plan a walk, for example, at 19:00. It is advisable that the father walk away from work at this time, he does not need to see how his mother is going.

Option number 2. When your parents are in a good mood, come and ask the three of us to go to the movies. Let me know how you are missing out on time and rejection is not accepted. Women are cunning creatures, mom can suddenly have things, cleaning the apartment, washing things. Report that you will do the housework yourself. Choose a romantic comedy, ladies are extremely sentimental.

An alternative is to watch a movie at home. Arrange pizza or ask your mom to prepare a delicious dinner. Turn on a fun family movie and comment on the actions of the characters. Try to create a relaxed atmosphere, make your parents smile or laugh.

Option number 3. When finding out the cause of the quarrel, you probably realized whether it is serious or not. In cases when mom is once again offended by his father and does not want to talk, ask dad for money for his own. Instead, buy a huge bouquet of flowers for your mother, a box of chocolates, and some feminine trinket. Say that the gift is from dad, but he asked him not to give it away.

If your father is offended, ask your mom for money. Purchase a perfume or other item at your discretion. Tell the parent that the gift was made by mom, but she does not want dad to know.In a conversation, firmly stand your ground and look into your eyes, otherwise they will immediately bite you.

Option number 4. Make a romantic dinner when your parents are away. It is not necessary to cook food yourself, order home delivery, light candles, set the table. The difficulty may lie in buying wine, since people under 18 years of age do not sell alcohol. In this situation, you have to purchase baby champagne, let the parents drink it. Is there a relative living nearby who will make a purchase for you? Great, go for it.

You can make a surprise in your room, but do not let your parents in during the preparation. Set the table, invite them and solemnly declare “Dad and Mom, I love you madly! Stop swearing, sit down to eat and drink champagne! ”

Can’t reconcile parents? Do not despair! Most importantly, do not turn your attention to yourself by drinking alcohol or tobacco. Do not skip school / college, do not get into fights. A similar method will only embroil dad and mom, approach the situation with the sly one.

Video: how to reconcile parents

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