How to steam in a Russian bath: useful tips

Many people believe that going to the bathhouse is a hard pat with a broom and constantly being in the steam room. However, this misconception is erroneous. As in any other business, the procedure requires careful monitoring and appropriate preparation. Actions should be beneficial, not harmful.

How to steam in a Russian bath

The benefits of the Russian bath

  1. The optimum temperature in the booth is 55–75 degrees, while air humidity ranges from 45–65%. Thanks to favorable conditions, the skin is cleansed, toxins are eliminated from the body, as a result of which cellulite disappears. For the same reason, bone tissues are warmed up and strengthened, blood circulation improves, muscles come in tone.
  2. Not many people know that with regular exposure to steam on the body and the body as a whole, there is no need to visit the gym. One hour spent in a Russian bath is equivalent to 2.5 hours of intensive work on a treadmill or exercise bike.
  3. As for diseases, a Russian bath is able to stabilize blood pressure if it constantly jumps (not at the time of exacerbation), improve blood outflow in lymphs and blood vessels, and normalize kidney function.
  4. The steam room saves a person from constant attacks of migraine and headache, contributes to the full activation of the organs of smell and breathing, puts the joints in order, in particular, relieves pain. Doctors especially advise visiting a Russian bathhouse for people suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia, a low immune system and arthritis.

Contraindications to visiting the Russian bath

There are a number of restrictions that you need to consider if you are planning to visit the steam room.

  1. In the presence of skin diseases, namely the formation of ulcers and blisters, it is strictly forbidden to warm up in the bath. This applies not only to large neoplasms, but also to small pimples. If you neglect this rule, a slight inflammation will develop into a full-fledged abscess that will itch and hurt.
  2. Also, experts do not recommend visiting a Russian bathhouse for people with heart and lung failure, epilepsy, malignant and benign tumors, sexually transmitted diseases. Particular attention to their health should be given to those who suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia.
  3. Do not steam-treat young children (under 5 years old). As for the elderly, they are allowed to warm the body only after examination by a doctor. Gynecologists unanimously say that a Russian bath is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Those, in turn, often violate this rule.

Types of bath brooms and their effect on the body

Types of bath brooms

  1. Oak. It has anti-inflammatory effect, disinfects the skin, draws out toxins and improves tissue elasticity.
  2. Juniper. Tidies up the nervous system, relieves stress, fights fatigue.
  3. Nut. Experts advise soaring the skin with just such a broom to those people who suffer from varicose veins, diabetes, and peptic ulcers.
  4. Fir. It relieves the body from edema due to the withdrawal of subcutaneous fluid. It has a calming effect, promotes sound sleep, cures sciatica.
  5. Bird cherry. The plant is more effective than anyone else in combating fungus, especially in the feet.
  6. Birch tree. Brooms of this kind heal scratches and wounds, smooth out scars, and soothe the skin.
  7. Alder. Due to the fact that the leaves contain adhesive elements during processing, they stick to the skin and cleanse the pores. Alder is also an effective way to prevent chronic (not acute) bronchitis and cough.
  8. Nettle. The brooms on the basis of this plant are suitable for people suffering from back pain, arthritis, radiculitis, high blood pressure, and “shaken” nervous system.
  9. Eucalyptus. The rarest species of brooms from all of these. Thanks to its healing properties, the plant eliminates the common cold, partially eliminates allergies and coughs.

Broom preparation
It does not matter which broom you have chosen for the procedure, you need to steam it well. In addition, in the process, do not forget to put the attribute in hot water so that it does not dry out. Always follow safety precautions, in no case do tapping thoughtlessly. Treat problem areas, try not to injure your skin and not get burned.

Necessary materials for going to a Russian bath

Fill the following items in the large bag:

Necessary materials for going to a Russian bath

  • a bath towel;
  • bathrobe;
  • slippers;
  • a sheet;
  • clean underwear;
  • appropriate headgear (felt, wool);
  • shampoo, shower gel, or soap;
  • broom;
  • body mitten.

If you wish, you can prepare an infusion of medicinal herbs and pour it on stones, creating a pleasant atmosphere.

Be sure to take care of the availability of drinking, it can be mineral water without gas, a decoction of medicinal plants, freshly squeezed juice or green tea with sugar.

The girls who are following the figure will not mind the procedure of scrubbing coffee grounds or wrapping with honey and seaweed.

There are some restrictions on visiting a Russian bath. First, completely abandon alcohol on the day of the procedure. They exert a heavy load on the heart muscle, as a result of which they badly affect the state of health during steam treatment.

Secondly, do not eat fatty and salty foods immediately before the procedure, especially in large quantities. Have a snack 2-3 hours before leaving for a light salad or low-fat cottage cheese.

Stage number 1. Preparing to enter the steam room

  1. Before proceeding with the procedure, visit the washing department. Rinse under warm water to prepare the body for further heat treatment. In order for the body to withstand the load in the steam room, the water during rinsing should be within 38-40 degrees. Important! When you take a shower, do not rub with a hard washcloth, do not use shower gel or soap. Such actions wash away the protective layer of the skin, as a result of which the dermis becomes vulnerable. If you neglect this advice, a high temperature will dry the skin. For this reason, it is worth saving the use of cosmetics until the procedure is completed.
  2. When taking a shower, do not wet your head, in particular hair. When you enter the steam room, the water will act as a conductor, so there is a risk of heat stroke. Be sure to wear a bath hat, which is sold in specialized stores and hypermarkets. If there is no possibility of purchase, sew a hat yourself from felt, wool, linen or cotton.

Before entering the steam room, dip the garment in cold water, so the head will remain cool throughout the procedure. Repeat the steps between the steps of taking a Russian bath.

As a rule, the number of entries into the cabin varies between 4-7 procedures, while they differ in temperature, humidity and duration.

Stage number 2. First visit to the steam room

At this stage, you need to get used to the subsequent high temperatures and how to warm the body. Take a broom with you and steam it in boiling water until you need to use it.

For the first visit to the steam room, sit on the lower shelf, in this place the temperature does not cross the threshold of 60 degrees.Also, you will not be tormented by the lack of air that appears when you are on the upper railing.

Spread the sheet, lie on the shelf and relax. Breathe smoothly, the diaphragm should not be pinched. As soon as the body begins to sweat, the cheeks turn red, and the heart beats faster, you can assume that the adaptation of the body begins.

After this moment, shift onto the railing located a little higher, sit on them freely and relax. Do not overdo it, the first entry to the bath should not exceed 10 minutes.

Stage number 3. Visit the steam room with a broom

The duration of the next visit ranges from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the state of health, this is a matter of habit. By and large, it is necessary to bathe together in order to feel the beauty of massage with a broom.

Visit the steam room with a broom

The procedure has a number of features that are observed in a certain order. The person who will be steaming should lie on the bench, then the soaring proceeds to the manipulations.

  1. To begin with, it is necessary to carry out light swelling on the skin, in the direction from the neck to the legs.
  2. After that, shaking is performed. It is necessary to raise the broom under the ceiling, where a large accumulation of steam is formed. When the leaves warm up, the broom is applied to different parts of the body for several seconds. Particular attention should be paid to the feet, lower back, back, in particular, shoulder blades, shoulders and calves.
  3. Following the point warming up of the body, there is a slight whipping by a broom, while blows should not cause discomfort.
  4. When the skin gets used to it, it is necessary to stroke it with a broom for 1 minute, and then alternately perform a whip and stroking, but at a faster pace.
  5. The massage ends with a broom with a hot compress: leaves heated by steam are applied alternately to all parts of the bodies. It is necessary to linger at one point no longer than 5 seconds.
  6. Upon completion of the soaring, do not rush to get up from the bench, wait 3 minutes, take a breath, then carefully get up and leave the booth.
  7. As mentioned earlier, the number of procedures should be 4-7 times. You can increase the temperature and duration of the session at your discretion, most importantly, monitor your health. The maximum allowable threshold for the duration of the third and subsequent procedures should not exceed the mark of 25 minutes.

Practical recommendations

  1. After you leave the steam room do not rush to get laid to rest. Walk for 5 minutes, take a deep breath, exhale, cool. Take a warm shower; swim with soap and shampoo if you wish.
  2. It is important to observe the progression of being in the bath and relaxing outside the cab. The longer you stay in the steam room, the longer your vacation outside it should be. In no case, not vice versa. Do not disturb the water balance. Drink warm (possibly hot) tea or water.
  3. You can use cosmetics after 3-4 sessions, when the body has already warmed up enough and is sweating. The same applies to the use of a hard washcloth and honey wrap.

A visit to a Russian bath in compliance with important aspects and recommendations will help get rid of many diseases, lose weight, tone muscles and give skin elasticity. Watch your own health, do not sit in the steam room through power.

Video: how to steam in a bath and sauna

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