How to pack when moving

Moving is an exciting and at the same time troublesome business, which requires the right approach. It is possible to reduce the number of spent nerves and broken things if you correctly sort and pack books, clothes, household appliances and fragile items. It is advised to start preparing for 4, or better 7 days before traveling to a new apartment, so as not to forget anything because of the fuss.

How to pack when moving

What not to do without

Cardboard boxes of all sizes and shapes will be needed. You should inspect the garage, pantry and attic, ask a couple of cardboard accessories from friends, and if there is not enough, buy the missing amount in the store. Old and new newspapers, a film with pimples or pieces of polystyrene come in handy.

Adhesive tape can seal the boxes and wrap around suspicious corners. Thick wrapping paper is needed for paintings and mirrors. Strings of books, small boxes and furniture details are tied with twine to make it more convenient to carry from the apartment to the car and vice versa.

Clothing is packed in boxes, or stocked with capacious plaid bags with strong handles, which are worth a penny on the market.

Books, dishes and wardrobe

First, they take for things located on open shelves and in cabinets to take everything to the last button. Books and important magazines are sorted by size and stacked in low piles that are wrapped with paper. Put the waste paper in a box, seal it and sign it, put it in a corner. Physics textbooks or clippings from Soviet newspapers designed to collect dust should be presented to a neighbor or local library, rather than dragged into new housing.

Moving is a great reason to get rid of excess. Cracked plates, cups with broken handles, holey pots and other kitchen charms unsuitable for further consumption should be sent to a trash bag, placed under bowls for homeless cats or given to children for playing in the sandbox. Wrap the rest in newspapers and pack them compactly in bags: large pots and pans on the bottom, smaller on the top. Inside will fit cups and plates, between which you should put paper or pieces of soft cloth. For crystal and other fragile devices, select a separate box so that exquisite glasses do not turn into pieces of glass during transportation.

Important: Do not skimp on paper or newspapers. The thicker the layer, the less damage to the dishes.

Sort clothes and sort by season. Put aside jeans that have become small another ten years ago. Things that no one wears are best given to friends or taken to an orphanage. If summer is outside the window, the first to pack down jackets and spring jackets, put in your bags terry robes and fleece pants. In a separate compact bag, place the clothes that will be needed in the coming days, underwear and towels.

Cosmetics with detergents and other hygiene products are transported in plastic bags, separately from shoes and things. Bottles, even well corked, can open at any time, and then you will have to wash your favorite jacket from toilet water or massage oil.

Small equipment

A hairdryer, an electric kettle, a microwave and a curling iron can be sorted into separate boxes or folded into one large one, dividing each item with a thick wall of paper or bubble wrap.

An alternative is to wrap them in terry towels and put them in bags, remembering the rules of the game of tetris along the way. You should maximally compactly arrange all objects so that there are no empty corners.Balls from newspapers are pushed into empty spaces, you can use folded socks, curtains and other soft things that do not take up much space.

Large furniture

When transporting sofas and cabinets, there is a main rule: to disassemble everything that can be divided into parts, and then assemble. Stickers and a marker are useful here. When disconnecting the headboard, be sure to mark where which to return. If the house has several similar cabinets with removable doors, you can number the details: everything under the unit refers to the first, accessories marked with a two belong to the second.

How to pack furniture

The screws and nuts are collected in a bag with a fastener, which should be put in a safe place so as not to be forgotten when moving in an old apartment.

Doors of large cabinets are wrapped with thick cardboard and tied with twine. It is better not to stick out drawers from the chest of drawers, they will only take up extra space. Doors that cannot be removed and other sliding parts are fixed with tape so that they do not pop out and scratch during riding.

The paintings should be protected from damage by several layers of thick cardboard. Mirrors are also placed in such envelopes, and the edges of the paper are sealed with tape or wrapped with twine.

If the pillows are removed from the sofa, they are placed in plastic bags or clean garbage bags. Upholstered furniture can be covered with foil or old wash sheets so that it does not become dusty during transportation. Place the orthopedic mattress in the cover. Fill the pillows in bags with the rest of the bedding.

Important: A blanket, a plaid and clothes will take up less space if you fold it not with squares, but fold it with tubes.

Large equipment

The refrigerator with a washing machine and other large appliances are packed in factory boxes. If they are not preserved or are unlikely to survive the move, use new cardboard boxes. Wrap the technique with a bubble wrap, fill the void inside with polystyrene foam, and glue several layers of adhesive tape on top. Be sure to make a note where the bottom is, so that the refrigerator is not put upside down.

The washing machine must be emptied so that there is no water left inside that could leak and soak the cardboard box. The refrigerator must be thawed and washed, packaged only after complete drying.


  1. Shoes are stored in boxes or wrapped in plastic bags, and then compactly stuffed into a suitcase or travel bag, leaving only one pair of sneakers or boots for each family member outside.
  2. Clothing that cannot be wrinkled and folded is wrapped in covers and placed in a long box.
  3. Kitchen cabinets are free from cereals and spices. Seasoning bags and tea cans can be put in pots, the rest is put in a separate box. Food should not be mixed with cosmetics, clothing or tools.
  4. It is not advised to transport unused wallpaper rolls, half-empty jars of paint and other items that are not useful in real life to a new apartment, but will turn into dust collectors.
  5. Carpets are twisted with tubes, tied on two sides and in the middle with twine and loaded into a machine in this form.
  6. Boxes can be signed or numbered by compiling on a separate sheet a list of what items are under what number.
  7. Things resistant to mechanical damage are loaded into the machine first. Boxes with crystal and other fragile objects are stacked on top. It is desirable that the drawers and furniture stand tight and do not tilt when turning the car to the sides.

Moving is always associated with a fire or flood, but if you plan your actions correctly, you can get away with a light fright and minor losses.

Video: how to make your move easier and organized

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