How to cook a hodgepodge at home

Any housewife comes to the conclusion that it is time to diversify my usual soups. If you have never prepared a hodgepodge, do not worry about it. Making a delicious first course is easy. As a result, households will not remain indifferent. Consider the popular recipes of hodgepodge in more detail.

How to make a hodgepodge

Classic hodgepodge recipe

  • broth (beef) - 2.9 liters.
  • meat delicacies - 6 types, 180 g each.
  • salted cucumbers - 110 gr.
  • olives - 12 pcs.
  • large olives - 10 pcs.
  • capers - 120 gr.
  • tomato paste - 95 gr.
  • onions - 35 gr.
  • fresh greens - in fact
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • fresh lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • assorted spices - to taste
  1. It is recommended to use young potatoes. Wash thoroughly and remove the uniform from the root crop. Dice the vegetable. Simultaneously bring the beef broth to a boil. Pour the prepared potatoes into the liquid.
  2. Meanwhile, start preparing the rest of the products. Peel the onions and chop finely in the usual way. Place the pan on the stove, pour in a small amount of olive oil. Pour onion, fry.
  3. Remove the pickles from the container, chop into strips, send to the onion. Next, unpack the olives and olives, cut into rings. Cut meat assortment into strips, sauté food in a second pan until golden brown.
  4. After that, reduce the power of the burner to a minimum, add tomato paste to the cold cuts. Pour the required amount of spices to taste. After that, combine cucumbers, onions, cold cuts and capers in a common pan.
  5. Boil food for at least 10 minutes. Next, in a pan with all the ingredients, you must add bay leaves, olives, olives. Stew the dish for a while. About 3-4 minutes before the end, you need to add greens and lemon slices.

Kazakh meat solyanka

  • beef - 230 gr.
  • water - 2.2 liters
  • tomato paste - 35 gr.
  • butter - 65 gr.
  • veal - 120 gr.
  • pickles - 2 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • smoked lamb - 60 gr.
  • horse sausage - 55 gr.
  • beef tongue - 45 gr.

  1. Proceed to cooking the broth. To do this, cook beef tongue. Boil the product for a while over medium heat, then reduce to a minimum. The broth should not boil too much, the result is a transparent base.
  2. Place the frying pan on the stove, heat and add the butter. Pour chopped onion into the container. Mix the vegetable with tomato paste. Stew the components on a lazy fire, at the same time finely chop the cucumbers.
  3. Stew food under the lid for about 10-12 minutes. Use the second pan. It is necessary to fry meat products on it. Pre-assorted need to be chopped with thin bars.
  4. Send all prepared ingredients to a common pot with broth. Bring components to a boil, reduce the burner to a minimum. Stew the dish for at least a quarter of an hour. After time, decorate the hodgepodge with fresh herbs.

Georgian solyanka

  • tomato paste - 85 gr.
  • vegetable oil - in fact
  • fresh beef - 550 gr.
  • bulbs - 5 pcs.
  • pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Suneli hops - 5 gr.
  • red pepper - 6 gr.
  • freshly ground coriander - 4 gr.
  • fresh herbs - 45 gr.
  • fresh garlic - 4 teeth
  • table salt - to taste
  1. Rinse the meat with running water, chop into pieces of arbitrary shape. Send the animal product to a pan of a suitable size, pour water. Cook until fully cooked for about one hour.
  2. Peel the onions, chop into thin rings. Put a small amount of oil into the pan. Fry the product until transparent.Place the boiled meat and tomato paste in the pan.
  3. Chop pickles into thin straws in parallel. Add the product to the rest of the ingredients. Keep in mind that the pan must be deep. Pour the necessary amount of broth into it so that the liquid covers the food a few centimeters.
  4. Reduce the heat to a minimum, simmer the dish for 30–35 minutes. Wash and finely chop the greens, chop the garlic into small slices. Pour the remaining ingredients and spices to taste 10 minutes before finishing. Stir, serve the hodgepodge garnished with herbs, lemon and capers.

Solyanka meat

Solyanka meat

  • smoked ribs - 320 gr.
  • pork - 650 gr.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • Cervelat sausage - 180 gr.
  • ham - 210 gr.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • olives - 95 gr.
  • pickled cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • capers - 45 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 50 gr.
  • tomato paste - 65 gr.
  • butter - 35 gr.
  • freshly ground pepper - in fact
  • sour cream to taste
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  1. It is necessary to start cooking with the broth. To do this, place the smoked ribs and pork in a pan of a suitable capacity. Pour in the required amount of water, bring the product to a boil. Place the whole peeled onion in the pan. Stew the broth over a minimum heat of 2 hours.
  2. About a quarter of an hour before the end of the manipulation, spices should be added to the broth. After the specified period, remove the meat, strain the liquid. Chop the cooked meat, ham and sausage. Do the same with pickled cucumbers.
  3. Send salted vegetables to the pan, pour about 60 ml. finished broth. Stew cucumbers for 5 minutes. Next, place the finely chopped onion in the pan. Add butter and sunflower oil to the vegetables. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, pour in the tomato paste.
  4. At the same time, send boiled meat, smoked meats and olives to a common pan. Mash food in a broth for about a quarter of an hour. At the end of the period, add capers, pepper and salt to the common container to taste. Install cover with steam vent. Combine the ingredients, serving the hodgepodge, do not forget to add sour cream and citrus slices (in portions).

Offal Solyanka

  • beef tongue - 95 gr.
  • beef kidneys - 90 gr.
  • pork on the bone - 450 gr.
  • beef heart - 110 gr.
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • olives - 15 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • capers - 35 gr.
  • butter - in fact
  • greens - 40 gr.
  • non-sharp ketchup - 35 gr.
  • pepper - 4 gr.
  • laurel leaves - 4 pcs.
  1. Rinse fresh meat without fail with running water. Remove excess components in the form of films and fat. Send the product to the pan, pour a couple of liters of water. Prepare a rich broth using classic technology.
  2. The basis is done in conjunction with meat and offal. Follow the process, systematically remove the foam. After cooking the broth, catch the ingredients. The composition needs to be filtered. Pour the finished broth into the main pot.
  3. Cool the meat and offal in parallel. Cut in a way convenient for you, re-send to the broth. Melt the butter in a pan, add finely chopped onions. Stir the product, fry until golden.
  4. After that, tomato paste must be mixed with the onion. On medium heat, the ingredients should simmer for at least 3 minutes. Chop pickled cucumbers with straws. In a common pan with broth, you need to add ready-made onions in tomato paste, capers and spices.
  5. Bring the food to a boil, reduce the burner, pour in the cucumbers. Tomite components of the order of 10-12 minutes. After that, the hodgepodge is poured into portioned plates and decorated with lemon slices, fresh herbs and olives.

Fish solyanka

Fish solyanka

  • large fish (fillet) - 0.5 kg.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • squid (fillet) - 470 gr.
  • onion - 3 pcs.
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • greens (fresh) - 35 gr.
  • spices (assorted) - to taste
  • tomato paste - 90 gr.
  1. Prepare the fish stock in the usual way. Strain it through a colander or cheesecloth.Add chopped potatoes, onions and fish to the boiling broth.
  2. Chop the cucumbers with bars, put into the pan and add the tomato paste. Tomite 7-10 minutes. Add the foods to the main pot. Add spices and chopped squid.
  3. Boil the ingredients for at least 20 minutes. Serve the hodgepodge, garnish with lemon and herbs. Add chopped olives or olives in half if desired.

Vegetable solyanka

  • tomato paste - 55 gr.
  • table water - 2.3-2.4 liters.
  • olives - 10 pcs.
  • potato tubers (medium) - 4 pcs.
  • pickled cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • carrot - 100 gr.
  • corn oil - 40 ml.
  • olives - 10 pcs.
  • Fermented cabbage - 0.2 kg.
  • onion - 40 gr.
  • seasonings (any) - it tastes
  • lemon - ½ pcs.
  • capers - 10 pcs.
  1. Peel raw potatoes in advance, chop in cubes of equal size (about 1 * 1 cm.). Boil the amount of water according to the recipe, enter the vegetable and start cooking.
  2. At this time, prepare the onions and carrots. Chop the onion, and cut the carrot into pieces. Now chop the pickles, like an olivier salad.
  3. Rinse and wring out sauerkraut. Pour the corn oil into the pan, fry the onions and carrots on it. Then stew with tomato paste for another 5 minutes.
  4. Add the cucumbers and cabbage, mix, leave on low heat under the lid for 5 minutes. Now transfer the contents of the pan to the potato pan, season with spices and add capers.
  5. Cook the hodgepodge for about 10 minutes, after which time enter the chopped olives in half with olives. Continue languishing for 5-7 minutes. Before serving, add a slice of lemon to the bowl.

Mushroom solyanka

Mushroom solyanka

  • fresh mushrooms - 280 gr.
  • carrot - 60 gr.
  • onion - 50 gr.
  • fresh dill - 20 gr.
  • tomato paste - 60 gr.
  • dry mushrooms - 50 gr.
  • salted cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • olives - in fact
  • Provencal spices - 5-10 gr.
  • corn oil - in fact

  1. Pre-soak dry mushrooms, leaving them for a couple of hours in drinking water at room temperature. After the specified time, boil the raw materials. Do not drain the fluid in which the mushrooms languish. Strain the water and cool.
  2. Chop the onions and fry them in corn oil. Grate the carrots, mix in the onion, simmer everything together. When the frying is ready, add the tomato paste.
  3. Continue to simmer the product for another 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Then pour in the liquid from the mushrooms. Simmer for 5 minutes, stirring constantly. At this time, chop pickles, add to the vegetables.
  4. Cut dried and medium mushrooms in random order, separately fry them and add to the main composition. Transfer to a thick-bottomed pan, pour in drinking water and pour in spices.
  5. Simmer the soup between medium and low for a quarter of an hour. 5 minutes before the end of the process, enter olives or olives, divided into 2 halves. When serving, sprinkle with chopped dill and a slice of lemon.

Solyanka perfectly decorates the everyday table. If you are tired of the monotony, consider recipes for soup based on mushrooms, meat, vegetables, fish, offal, sausages. Vary the amount of ingredients listed to your liking. Add your favorite seasonings.

Video: meat hodgepodge

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