How to take badger fat: helpful tips

Badger fat is a source of polyunsaturated acids, cytamines, tocopherol, vitamin A and B12. The product increases the body's resistance to infections and viruses, soothes inflammation and promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues. The supplement is recommended for colds and ulcers, tuberculosis and problem skin. And in order to get the maximum benefit from fat, you need to take it correctly.

How to take badger fat

Product selection

The homeopathic remedy is sold by hunters who capture badgers and harvest raw materials. The products are accompanied by a certificate and a veterinary certificate confirming that the animal was healthy.

Fresh fat has a white or cream tint. You can’t buy a product of bright yellow color with a putrid odor, because it has lost all its beneficial properties and can provoke food poisoning. If the expiration date of the badger medicine has not expired, but it has a sour or bitter taste, the product was not stored correctly and the supplement should be discarded.

In pharmacies, fat is sold in liquid form and special capsules that are convenient for children. The gelatin shell is tasteless and dissolves directly in the stomach. The less chemical additives in a badger's product, the more useful it is.

The homeopathic remedy is stored in the refrigerator at + 4-6 degrees. Fat at this temperature hardens, so before taking the supplement is heated.

Recipes for children

Kids are suspicious of a white substance that exudes a strange smell, and refuse to use it. Mom will need a recipe for a tasty and healthy drink from badger fat, which will require:

  • a glass of warmed cow or goat milk;
  • 20-30 g of honey if the child is not allergic to this supplement;
  • 40 g badger fat.

The boiled milk is cooled to 40–37 degrees, and then the remaining components are put in a cup. With honey intolerance, the bee product is replaced with currant or raspberry jam.

The smell of badger fat will be interrupted by a pinch of vanilla or natural cocoa, which will make the drink tastier. Children are happy to drink milk-honey medicine and ask for supplements.

When coughing, the child is given a paste of badger fat. The additive is softened in a water bath, and when it becomes like jelly, a mixture of linden and buckwheat honey is introduced. The components are removed from the stove, mixed until they turn into a homogeneous paste, and poured into a glass jar. Store no longer than 5 days. Badger fat is combined with honey in a ratio of 3 to 1.

Every day, the child is given 15-25 g of a warm mixture. The medicine is washed down with milk, a decoction of rose hips or chamomile, green tea.

Tip: A paste of honey and badger fat should not be brought to a boil. At high temperatures, the drug secretes toxic substances that harm the children's body.

Children take the mixture for no longer than a week. Treatment is extended only after consultation with a pediatrician who decides how effective the folk method.

Badger fat is contraindicated in children under 3 years of age, because the children's digestive system is not ready for such loads. The product is used instead of ointment: applied to the arms, legs and chest, rubbed with massage movements into the skin, and put on pajamas, preferably from natural fabrics. The legs are warmed with woolen socks. The procedure is performed before bedtime, so that the child lies under a warm blanket and sweats.

Badger fat for healthy lungs and bronchi

Adult patients with a protracted cough and weak immunity are recommended to eat on an empty stomach on a tablespoon of homeopathic supplement.Wash down with warm water or unsweetened tea, and after 30-40 minutes eat food. It is treated with badger fat for 2 weeks, then take a break for 1.5–2 months.

Badger fat for healthy lungs and bronchi

The recipe for pneumonia
The cough does not go away, and there are wheezing in the lungs? So that bronchitis does not turn into pneumonia, a medicine is prepared from badger fat. The composition of a homeopathic medicine includes:

  • eggs - 10 pcs.;
  • cognac - 500 ml;
  • honey - 1 kg;
  • lemons - 10 pcs.;
  • badger fat - 1 l.

The tool is prepared in two stages. Wash the lemons and, without removing the zest, turn into gruel. Beat with raw eggs and insist in the refrigerator for 5 days. Introduce a portion of badger fat mixed with alcohol and honey into the blank. Put the mass in the refrigerator and eat 125 g of medicine daily 30–40 minutes before breakfast or lunch.

Homeopathic medicine helps with pneumonia and tuberculosis, prevents oncology. The mixture can not be taken with a stomach ulcer and pregnancy, because alcohol is present in its composition. The cognac prescription is contraindicated in patients diagnosed with hepatitis.

Tuberculosis and malignant diseases
With tuberculosis, you can not refuse medication, but tablets and injections can be supplemented with alternative recipes. Before using any product, you should consult your doctor!

Tuberculosis-weakened immunity will support a mixture of:

  • linden honey - 100 g;
  • aloe pulp - 60 ml;
  • melted badger fat - 100 g.

Thoroughly mixed components insist 2-3 days. Every day, eat a tablespoon of the medical preparation before each meal. Drink with a decoction of wild rose or raspberry, breakfast or dinner after 40 minutes.

They treat tuberculosis with another drug, for the preparation of which 100 g should be mixed:

  • lemon juice;
  • medical alcohol;
  • animal fat;
  • five year old aloe juice.

Daily absorb on a tablespoon of the workpiece, and after 30 minutes eat food.

Melted badger fat is supplemented with drug treatment for lung cancer. You will need:

  • aloe leaf from the age of 5 years;
  • a mixture of buckwheat and linden honey;
  • high-quality cognac;
  • badger fat.

Wrap the cut aloe leaf in a plastic bag, keep it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2-3 days. Remove, grind and connect to other components. Take 500 g of each ingredient. Stir the medicine thoroughly so that it turns into a homogeneous mass. Eat 30 g of the workpiece 3-4 times a day daily.

Important: You can not rely solely on folk methods and refuse chemotherapy and other traditional methods. A mixture of aloe and badger fat is only additional support for the body and weakened immunity.

A recipe for well-being

Tormented by insomnia and apathy? No strength in the morning, and does not help even a double serving of coffee? Runny nose comes from the slightest draft? The body is exhausted and weakened by regular stress and needs support. For chronic fatigue and sleep problems, a mixture is recommended, for which you will need:

Badger Fat Recipe for Wellness

  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • badger - 200 ml;
  • dried apricots - 100 g;
  • honey, preferably not from the store - 200 ml;
  • raisins - 100 g.

Finely chop dried fruit or grind, crush nuts. Stir the dry mass thoroughly, add honey and warmed badger fat. Transfer the resulting product to a glass jar and place in the refrigerator. Start the morning with a teaspoon of nut-honey. Wash the mixture with a decoction of rose hips or currant fruit juice to improve the absorption of beneficial components.

The tool is given to children who are often sick and complain of weakness. Badger fat with dried fruits and nuts will strengthen the immune system and the cardiovascular system, will become a source of additional energy.

Special composition

Instead of syrups and cough ointments, it is recommended to try a homeopathic medicine prepared according to the Tibetan recipe. The composition of the medicine includes:

  • honey - 110-120 g;
  • natural cocoa - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
  • a slice of homemade butter - 50 g;
  • badger fat - 100 ml;
  • juice from a three-year aloe - 50 g;
  • mummy powder - 2 g;
  • alcohol with a strength of 94% - 15 ml;
  • a piece of propolis - 1 g.

Put in a bowl a piece of oil, a portion of badger fat and honey. Place the container in a water bath and, stirring, melt the components so that no solid lumps remain. Make sure that the liquid remains warm, but does not boil. Beat aloe juice with alcohol and pour into the workpiece. In a separate bowl, mix cocoa with crushed propolis and a pinch of mummy. In small portions, introduce the dry ingredients into the liquid mass, beat with a whisk or a mixer to make the medicine homogeneous.

Transfer the warm mixture to a jar. When it cools, it will become hard or similar in consistency to jelly.

The homeopathic medicine rubbing the feet and chest with a cough, and also take the composition inside. Dissolve a spoonful of medication with badger fat in a glass of warmed milk and drink in small sips. Drink from 2 to 4 times a day 50-60 minutes before meals.

Tasty treat

In winter, a nutritious dessert is prepared from badger fat to strengthen immunity and prevent colds:

Tasty treatment with badger fat

  1. Melt two tiles of natural dark chocolate in a water bath. There should be no nuts or fillers in the workpiece.
  2. Put in a bowl with chocolate a 100 gram piece of butter. Turn the ingredients into a liquid homogeneous mass.
  3. Add 150 ml of badger fat and 90-100 g of cocoa.
  4. Strain the dessert in a water bath for 5-10 minutes, then transfer to a jar or a deep plate.

Spread chocolate paste on bread. Sandwiches served for breakfast along with herbal broth. Eat up to 100 g of sweet medicine daily.

It is useful for the immune system and bronchi, which consists of 3 ingredients:

  • interior badger fat - an incomplete glass;
  • cocoa powder - 60–70 g;
  • aloe juice - 100 ml.

Combine the warmed fat with cocoa, mix thoroughly. Pour aloe juice, beat with a fork or whisk. Pour into a glass dish and take before bedtime a tablespoon of medicine, washed down with warm milk.

Patients with lactose intolerance are recommended to spread badger fat on a slice of brown bread. The sandwich is useful for peptic ulcers and low hemoglobin, digestive problems and coughing. Sweet black tea contributes to the absorption of the supplement.

Precautionary measures

Badger fat is a biological supplement, but even such a natural product has contraindications. Medicines based on it are forbidden to take with hepatitis, chronic diseases of the bile and liver in the acute stage.

Pregnant women who choose to consume fat should consult a gynecologist. The supplement is contraindicated during lactation, otherwise the baby may have allergic rashes or indigestion.

You can not treat badger fat in newborns and babies up to 4-5 years. For diseases of the pancreas, the supplement is taken with caution.

Treatment with badger fat is stopped when:

  • nausea
  • allergic reactions;
  • diarrhea or indigestion;
  • incomprehensible rash or redness.

Symptoms indicate intolerance to a natural product.

Badger fat is a universal remedy that protects against cough and atherosclerosis, takes care of the heart and digestive organs. Dietary supplement accelerates recovery from influenza and bronchitis, is useful for children who often catch a cold. But any remedy made from a natural product is used only after consulting a doctor.

Video: badger fat treatment

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