How to care for a belly button piercing: helpful tips

The procedure should be carried out in a specialized salon by a professional piercer or cosmetologist who will perform the entire process using sterile materials. This will minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences. The wizard will give expert advice on the calibration and selection of the product for piercing. High-quality jewelry made from safe materials is always available in the cabin.

How to care for a belly button piercing

Navel care after a puncture

It is likely that immediately after the puncture, pain and swelling may appear. In this case, make a cold compress with a towel dampened with water. A piece of ice will help well, only between it and the skin you must first lay a layer of fabric.

Stop possible bleeding by applying a swab from a bandage. Avoid using the patch and use caution to protect the navel area from damage and infection. By following the rules for caring for a puncture, you will prevent side effects.

Personal hygiene

  1. Touching the jewelry or skin at the puncture site, wash your hands with antibacterial soap and thoroughly clean the dirt and dust under the nails.
  2. Change your personal towel and bedding at least once a week.
  3. Wipe the piercing area with disposable wipes, especially when sweating has occurred due to physical exertion, but do this with extreme caution.
  4. Limit communication with pets.

Damage Prevention Activities

  1. Until complete healing, do not change the initial decoration, do not pull it unnecessarily and do not rotate.
  2. Discard for a while from tight clothes and underwear, rubbing on a piercing.
  3. To prevent infection, replace the hot bath with a moderate shower temperature. A continuous stream of water instantly flushes away the remnants of detergents and dirt, preventing them from falling into a fresh wound. With open ponds and public pools, wait until the puncture heals completely. In this situation, the use of a waterproof patch is allowed, but only for a short time.

Health Attention

  1. Exercise alternate with minutes of rest.
  2. Food should be balanced, and a healthy lifestyle, coffee and alcohol excluded.
  3. Drink plenty of water and take vitamins C and D to help heal wounds.
  4. In smokers, the healing process of tissues slows down, as blood vessels narrow during smoking, which prevents the full flow of blood to the punctured area.

Rules for cleansing a puncture site

Proper washing of the piercing is an important part of your navel care after a puncture. For cleaning, do not use hydrogen peroxide and alcohol, the best tool is an antibacterial soap. Using a cotton swab and warm water, clean the damaged area with gentle movements without jerking the jewelry. Then with soap, lightly soap the piercing and rinse, then pat it with a disposable paper towel. This method is the safest since towels may contain bacteria. Each of your movements should be careful so as not to cause bleeding at the puncture site and to avoid the inflammatory process.

Navel cleansing after puncture

An excellent antibacterial agent is a saline solution, which effectively protects against infection and allows you to painlessly remove the drying crust.Dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of warm boiled water and compress for 10 minutes by dipping a paper towel. In the pharmacy you can buy a ready-made solution in the form of a spray and treat the piercing area with it at least twice a day.

What to avoid after a navel puncture

Having pierced your belly button, please be patient, because the process of final healing is long enough, and only observing all safety measures will protect your body from side effects.

  1. Without need, do not touch the piercing with your hands and do not try the jewelry itself for strength. Any careless touch is a risk of causing bleeding and infection.
  2. Clothing is preferable from natural fabrics and loose fit to avoid friction, and hence irritation in the navel. In addition, the free access of air has a positive effect on speedy healing.
  3. The use of various creams and ointments, even if they are antibacterial, suspends the process of repairing damaged tissues. By retaining moisture, drugs like cosmetics lead to infections.
  4. Do not remove jewelry during the entire healing period of the skin at the puncture site, even if you have to deal with the natural desire to change jewelry. Ignoring this warning, instead of an elegant piercing, you can get an unattractive scar, and the procedure itself will be painful.
  5. At least a month after the navel is pierced, you will have to learn to sleep on your side or on your back to avoid the pain in the piercing site caused by pressure on a fresh wound.

Elimination of unforeseen side effects

Even properly adhering to all the tips, it is not always possible to protect yourself from possible complications, so it is necessary to respond to any signals from the body. This will allow time to determine the cause of the problem and choose the best way to solve it.

Painful sensations, discharge at the piercing site, redness, tightening - these symptoms may indicate the manifestation of an allergic reaction to the product material, irritation or infection. In the latter case, physical changes in the piercing area will be pronounced, and the feeling of discomfort will become a constant companion.

When, by negligence, the decoration was hooked on with clothes or during sleep, as a result of which the inflammatory process began, but the puncture as a whole heals sequentially, most likely this is irritation. To eliminate it, carry out the following activities:

  • contact the salon where they did the piercing, and consult a specialist regarding treatment;
  • do not remove the piercing yourself;
  • at home, discomfort can be eliminated through a cold compress.

Appearing itching around the piercing, swelling and a rash indicate an allergic reaction, which, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, may occur one hour or a couple of days after the procedure. In this situation, only the piercer will solve the problem by choosing a safer jewelry.

In case of infection, redness and severe swelling occur, possibly an increase in temperature, as well as noticeable discharge with a specific smell. The only way to identify the cause and eliminate the problem is through the help of a piercer or doctor.

Video: how to care for a piercing

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