How to recover from anorexia: important steps to health

Unfortunately, in modern society, where the proportions of ideal figures dictate dubious publications in glossy covers, anorexia has become almost a fashionable disease. Many girls, and sometimes even guys, in the pursuit of a far-fetched standard, risk their health, refusing proper nutrition and losing a kilogram per kilogram. As a result, losing weight takes on a terrifying scale, its victim becomes like a victim of concentration camps with all the ensuing consequences for the body.

How to cure anorexia

This disease is anorexia. Often its causes lie not so much in the physiological as in the mental state of the patient. Is complete healing possible? How to get out of a dangerous condition not only for health but also for life? And can this be achieved independently? Our article will answer all the questions posed.

The enemy eating the body: causes and symptoms of anorexia

In order to understand whether you or your loved one are sick, you need to know exactly what you have to deal with. Many people believe that anorexia is only incredible thinness, bulging ribs, legs and arms, on which joints of joints, dropping out teeth and dull hair are clearly visible. In fact, this is not so. What we have described is the extreme stage of the manifestation of an ailment, from which it is unlikely to get out on our own even with a strong desire. At this stage, the body is already so used to the state of hunger that it simply rejects food, and only a specialist can draw out a person, and even then not everyone.

But in real life, anorexia begins much earlier. This is a very dangerous disease, sneaking up gradually, first - from the covers and pages of magazines promoting thinness as the main model asset. Its source may lie in a randomly thrown phrase that a person is fat. It arises from loneliness, complexes, dissatisfaction with oneself. In a word, there are many reasons, and they arise even when a girl or guy looks absolutely normal.

Stage of anorexia:

  1. The patient has an obsessive feeling that he is inferior due to the large weight. Moreover, it often turns out that there are no extra kilograms or they are insignificant. However, a person still does not let go of the idea of ​​losing weight. This stage is called dysmorphomania. In other words, this is an incipient mania to change oneself in the direction of strong weight loss.
  2. The sick person is no longer trying to deny that he is starving, and this is no longer possible to hide. Food ceases to be accepted by the body, and in addition to severe, even terrible thinness, problems begin with internal organs and their systems. At this stage, many patients lose their teeth, menstrual irregularities are observed in women, often it stops altogether. Problems of a psychological nature are also clearly visible: depressed mood, amorphousness, depression. This is the anorectic stage of the disease.
  3. Irreversible processes are already taking place in the body, with a total weight loss of more than 50%. It is either very difficult to pull out of such a state, or it may not work out at all, because the process has moved to the stage at which it is already difficult to stop - the cachectic.

Knowing about these manifestations, you can conduct an independent diagnosis of both your own condition and the condition of friends and relatives. Here are the main symptoms that should not be ignored:Symptoms of Anorexia

  1. A sharp decrease in appetite, coupled with constant arguments about excess weight and the desire to lose weight.
  2. Constant, almost manic looking at his own reflection and evaluating it from the point of view of "thin-not bad."
  3. Manifestations of constant fatigue, lethargy, loss of interest and taste for life.
  4. The appearance of complaints of pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and not one-time, but frequent, periodic.
  5. Menstrual irregularities, especially the cessation of monthly discharge.
  6. Problems with hair, nails, skin.
  7. Unhealthy interest in various kinds of diets, counting calories eaten, models in glossy magazines.
  8. Constant chilliness, the feeling that the body is cold, not only from the outside, but also from the inside.
  9. Increasing fainting, darkening in the eyes, loss of orientation in space.
  10. A person begins to go to the toilet a lot, which can be caused either by chronic constipation or attempts to induce vomiting.

All this must be alerted, if only because among the nervous disorders in adolescents, it is anorexia that comes first in deaths. This is not only unusually fashionable now, but also an incredibly dangerous disease. Cope with it yourself is very difficult, usually not without the help of loved ones, relatives, specialists. Nevertheless, there are several steps to help get out of this state.

How to deal with anorexia

So, in order to successfully cope with the disease, it is necessary, first of all, to recognize that it already exists. Denial is the main enemy on the path to recovery. That is why quite often a serious work is done with the sick by a psychologist who explains the danger of the condition, helps to accept it and begin the struggle for health, and often for life. The patient himself should at least try:

How to deal with anorexia

  1. To think about his condition and, if it turns out that he is no longer able to adequately evaluate his own reflection, seek qualified help. First, at least talk to parents or friends - those people who can definitely be trusted.
  2. Agree with the doctor’s prescription and the proposed healing course. Accepting one’s condition and using all the opportunities to get out of it is the key to getting rid of an ailment. That is why it is important to carefully listen to the doctor and follow all his recommendations, from specially prescribed droppers to undergoing a rehabilitation course in a psychiatric hospital.
  3. Adhere to bed rest. This is one of the important conditions for the recovery of an organism weakened by malnutrition or even by hunger. During the development of anorexia, the body loses not only weight, but also a mass of vital substances, as a result of which it becomes very weak. Therefore, during healing, a person needs rest, peace, support and extremely positive emotions.
  4. Consult a specialist in nutrition. The exit from the anorectic state is greatly facilitated by a properly selected diet. It is developed individually for each patient, taking into account the harm done to the body, its needs, and the degree of development of the disease. Properly organize a diet capable of only the appropriate doctor.
  5. Seek help from psychological support groups. Finding the victims like you yourself is a great success and a huge step towards recovery. Only someone who has walked a similar path, or is on it, is able to understand anorexia patient like no other. That is why visiting such groups will greatly help in the rehabilitation process.
  6. Ask loved ones to learn how to communicate with him correctly. Anorexia patients are depressed people, very vulnerable, prone to depression and self-flagellation. Therefore, experts recommend that relatives and relatives of such patients also undergo appropriate psychological training. The doctor will teach you how to properly communicate with the patient, how to set up and maintain him and, most importantly, how to help avoid disruptions that can occur very often.
  7. Develop and maintain a positive attitude, optimistic charge. This is a critical condition.The disease will recede only when the patient learns to make fun of her and begins to look forward cheerfully. Plus, it will also help to avoid breakdowns or successfully overcome them.

Anorexia is a serious illness that has both physiological and psychological roots. Treating it as a modern, fashionable disease that will itself go away is very dangerous. Exhaustion can even lead to death. That is why it is important to be able not only to recognize the first signs, but also to find a way to healing. We wish you good health and independence from the stereotypes that most often underlie anorexia nervosa. Each person is individual, and therefore beautiful and valuable in itself. Such a life principle will help to avoid such problems.

Video: how to properly gain weight with anorexia

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