How to remove a sunflower oil stain from clothes

Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect oneself from such troubles as soiled clothes. Hard-to-remove spots, for example, from sunflower oil, give the most grief. Even a small drop of this product that has fallen on your favorite dress or costume can ruin your mood, because you need to get rid of it, as they say, in hot pursuit. The more time has passed since the unpleasant incident, the more difficult it will be to remove the stain. Well, if this happened at home, where all the necessary tools for removing glossy greasy blots are at hand, and if you are in a restaurant or cafe?

How to wash sunflower oil from clothes

Do not despair and throw away clothes, being fully confident that you can no longer get rid of stains. They can be removed both by special chemical means, and alternative methods.

How to remove sunflower oil

The easiest way is to remove the impurities as soon as they get on the clothes, until the oily substances have time to penetrate deep into the fibers of the fabric. However, if this is not possible, you can try the following recipes. They can be useful when removing not only sunflower, but other oils with a greasy consistency - olive, castor, burdock.

Dishwashing liquid
It will help out as soon as the stain has been planted on clothes. To do this, pour detergent on the soiled thing, leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it in warm water. If the stain does not wash off, use soap, preferably household soap.

Means for plumbing
The oil stain can be removed with a regular gel, with which the housewives clean the sink and toilet bowl. It is used in the same way as a detergent.

This personal hygiene product is now far from being found in every home, but experienced housewives always keep it in reserve, because it copes with fresh sunflower oil stains perfectly. On the stained fabric, while the oil is still raw, you need to pour a little powder and leave until completely absorbed. Shake clothes, remove powder residues from it, iron with a hot iron and wash. From the spot there will be no trace. Instead of powder, you can use ordinary crushed chalk, potato flour or potato starch, since any hostess can find it.

Tooth powder for oil stains

Toilet paper
A fresh oil stain absorbs ordinary toilet paper perfectly. You need to fold it in several layers and put it under the soiled fabric from the inside. Lay a few more layers on top, cover with a piece of clean cloth and iron with an iron. Repeat the procedure several times until the fat is completely absorbed. This method is good in that the fabric does not smell after removing the stain, such as after using kerosene or other substances with a pungent odor.

Starch and gasoline
This mixture will not leave greasy spots the slightest chance. Prepare the pulp from a teaspoon of gasoline and starch, so that the mixture has a thick consistency. Apply to a dirty surface, shake off a completely dried mixture. From jackets and coats, clean the starch residue with a brush with a stiff bristle, wash light clothing thoroughly in your hands with laundry soap, then in a washing machine with powder.

A bleach is used to remove sunflower oil stains from light and white items. If the dirt has not yet had time to absorb, he will remove it without much difficulty. It’s much harder to deal with an old spot. To do this, the item must first be soaked, and then washed in the usual way. It is important to remember that prolonged soaking can damage the structure of the tissue.

The most reliable ally in the fight against oily spots.It copes well with both fresh and old dirt. To lay out the dirty thing on a flat surface, placing paper or cloth under it. Carefully treat the stained area with cotton wool moistened with gasoline until it disappears completely. After that, rinse thoroughly to get rid of a specific smell, and wash. Instead of gasoline, acetone can be used.

An effective mixture to remove oil stains is made from ammonia (1 tsp), gasoline (0.5 tsp) and alcohol (3 tsp). Mix all components and pour on an oil blot. If the stain does not have time to dry, it will be enough to hold the solution for 30 minutes, the old one will require a longer treatment - up to two hours. After the set time has elapsed, rinse the item in cold water to rinse the mixture, then wash it in the usual way. If the stain cannot be removed, apply the solution again.

Dry mustard
Dilute the mustard powder with water to make a thick slurry. Smudge on a stain and wait for the mixture to dry, then shake and wash. Mustard easily removes an oil stain.

Dry mustard stains

Before you start removing the stain in one way or another, you need to do a test on a small area of ​​the material so as not to damage the clothes, especially if it is made of delicate fabric. Some textures are very sensitive to aggressive stain removers, such as kerosene and gasoline.

Spot Removal Tips

In order to facilitate the process of removing oil stains and subsequent washing of clothes, it is necessary to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. It is much harder to remove a dried stain than a fresh one, so you should try to do it right away.
  2. First, the thing needs to be washed by hand, and then in the typewriter.
  3. The stain is removed with gentle movements, without rubbing, otherwise you can get the opposite result - the fat penetrates deeper into the tissue.
  4. If the oil stain needs to be removed from a dense fabric, for example, from denim, then the stain is wiped off on both sides of the fabric - the front and the wrong side.
  5. Expensive things are better not to put at risk and entrust the process of removing stains to specialists.

If none of the above methods could cope with oil stains, then there is only one solution - dry cleaning.

Video: how to remove a stain from sunflower oil from clothes

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