How to remove a stain from chocolate: 12 ways

Chocolate stains are considered to be difficult to remove, especially for old pollution. An untreated product cannot be worn in time, as it does not look aesthetically pleasing. In this regard, experienced housewives have developed effective folk remedies that will help cope with traces in a short time. If possible, remove chocolate stains fresh, do not allow them to dry further. To prevent damage to things, choose a recipe based on the type of fabric, color, texture.

How to remove a chocolate stain

Effective ways to remove chocolate stains

  1. Glycerol. If you need to remove a chocolate stain from a delicate fabric or wool, use this method. Get liquid glycerin in a pharmacy, heat a bottle with the mixture in a water bath to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Treat the stain with this compound, starting from the edges to avoid stains. Leave the mixture for 15-30 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination. After the time, wash the product with your hands and evaluate the result.
  2. "White Spirit". The product is a gentle solvent, it can be purchased on the construction market or in the car shop. Apply a small amount of the composition to a piece of clothing that is not visible to the eyes, wait 10 minutes. After this period, pay attention to possible negative consequences, if not, proceed with cleaning. Treat the stain with a cosmetic disc dipped in White Spirit, wait 5-10 minutes. After that, wipe the surface with water with ammonia (3: 1 ratio), then wipe the chocolate mark with your hands.
  3. Ammonia. The method effectively removes both fresh and old pollution. Mix 20 ml in one composition. warm glycerin, 25 ml. ammonia and 20 gr. baking soda. Spread the mass with a thick layer on the surface of the spot, cover with plastic wrap, wait a quarter of an hour. After this period, rinse the composition with running water, evaluate the result. Repeat the procedure if necessary. If the stain became dull the first time, wash it with laundry or tar soap.
  4. Kerosene. Composition sparingly refers to dirt on dense and delicate fabrics. Pre-filter the product through a cotton-gauze filter if you plan to use it on light clothing. After that, apply a small amount of the composition to the edge of the spot, begin to move towards the middle. When the trace of chocolate becomes less noticeable, repeat the steps and wash the product manually or machine.
  5. Hyposulfite. The product is used in medicine as an anti-allergic and absorbent medicine called the food acidity supplement E539. You can not use the composition as a means of getting rid of chocolate stains on dark and colored fabrics, the tool is suitable exclusively for processing white things. Pour 120 ml into a glass. purified warm water, add 20 ml. hyposulfite (approximately 1 teaspoon), distribute according to contamination, wait 10-20 minutes. Wash a thing in a typewriter with the addition of conditioner and bleach powder.
  6. Oxalic acid. The drug belongs to the most effective methods of getting rid of complex pollution on unpainted things. Dilute 10 g. composition in 100 ml. filtered water, wait for the crystals to dissolve, apply on a chocolate stain. Wait a quarter of an hour, then try wiping off the mark with a cotton towel or soft sponge. At the end of cleaning, send the product to the machine for an intensive washing cycle. Optionally, oxalic acid can be replaced with tartaric acid.
  7. Hydrogen peroxide. The method is designed to remove contaminants from white and very bright things.The method is equally effective in combating new and old pollution. Buy a solution of hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3 to 6%, soak a cosmetic sponge in the preparation, wipe the place of contamination. You can pour the composition directly from the bottle if the item is white. It is important to understand that peroxide corrodes paint, so it cannot be used on colored items.
  8. Petrol. For effective stain removal, use clean gasoline, which is used to refuel lighters. A product with a high octane rating, for example, AI-95 or AI-98, is also suitable. Dampen a cotton sponge in it, wring it out, gently wipe the stain along the edge to exclude possible stains. Gradually move towards the center of the track, the spot should fade or disappear completely. If the second option could not be achieved, repeat the steps again. Complete the procedure by wiping with ammonia mixed with water in a 1: 3 ratio, and then wash the product in a convenient way.
  9. Egg. To prepare the composition, you will need 1 or 2 chicken yolks, depending on the size of the spot. Beat the product with a mixer, pour in 30/60 ml. glycerol, respectively. Beat the mass again, then spread with a thick layer at the place of contamination. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the composition with running water, repeat the procedure again. After that, rinse your clothes again, take 2 pieces of gauze, place them on the front and back sides, iron them with an iron. Complete the procedure by rubbing the stain with laundry soap if the trace has not completely disappeared.
  10. Ammonia and soap. Pour into 100 ml. filtered water 30 ml. ammonia, mix. Take a quarter of the bar of laundry soap, rub it on a fine grater, add to the solution. Wait until it dissolves, then soak a foam sponge in the preparation and treat the contamination. Begin the procedure from the edge of the spot, gradually moving towards the middle. When the trail becomes dull, wash it with clean soap or send it to the machine, adding stain removing powder.
  11. Dishwashing liquid. Experienced hostesses unanimously reiterate that a concentrated gel is able to cope with any pollution. Apply a thick consistency dishwashing detergent (Fairy, Eared Nanny, etc.) to the stain, rub the composition into a cloth, leave for half an hour. At the end of the term, carefully treat the chocolate trace with a sponge, evaluate the final result. If it turned out to be insufficient, repeat the procedure.
  12. Medical alcohol. It's no secret that alcohol tinctures perfectly remove pollution. Get ethyl (medical) alcohol, mix 40 ml. product with 30 ml. ammonia, treat the stain with the solution, starting from the edge of the contaminated area. Put a paper towel on the wrong side, cover the chocolate trace with a napkin from the front, blot it. Together with the solution, pollution will go away. Perform the procedure as many times as the situation requires. Finish off with a regular wash with powder and rinse aid.

It is not difficult to remove the chocolate stain if you have the necessary knowledge regarding recipes for preparing folk remedies. Use hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, vodka, dishwashing detergent, laundry soap. If none of the above methods is effective, print a trace of gasoline.

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