Soft-boiled egg - health benefits and harms

For a long time there has been a debate between doctors and nutritionists - whether soft-boiled eggs are useful. But while they are trying to prove their case, lovers of this simple but very tasty dish enjoy eating eggs throughout the day, enjoying the taste.

The benefits and harms of soft-boiled eggs

Effect on the body

All products are useful only if you use them within reasonable limits, combining with others. In this regard, chicken eggs can be called the most popular, as they are a separate dish. But also, without them, delicious pastries or a spicy salad and many other dishes of a very simple recipe or very complex will not work.

The danger to many adherents of a healthy diet is that egg yolks contain a large amount of such an harmful component as cholesterol. Therefore, they say that only protein, which performs a cleansing function, once in the human body, should be included in the diet, in addition, it has a vitamin group and amino acids. And for those who are afraid to gain extra pounds, protein can be safely included in the menu, as it is low-calorie.

However, much can be said in defense of the yolks:

  1. Indeed, it contains cholesterol, but unlike cholesterol, which contains animal fats, it has a positive effect on the body. In addition, its effect is mitigated by the presence of lecithin, and its amount exceeds the amount of cholesterol. This substance helps the normal functioning of human cell membranes.
  2. Many people believe that the presence of cholesterol in the body is a dangerous symptom, but a person needs it as both “bad” and “good”. The main thing is to maintain the necessary balance between them. After all, this substance actively takes part in the vital processes of the body, and if necessary, it can take on the functions that other substances must fulfill. For example, replace the work of calcium, if it turned out to be too little.
  3. The cholesterol contained in the yolk is broken down very quickly, and due to the presence of phospholipids in the yellow mass, excess cholesterol dissolves, bringing invaluable benefits if skin damage has occurred: tissue regeneration is faster.

Golden yolk value, composition

Unlike protein, the yolk is quite high-calorie. Nutritionists found that 100 gr. approximately 355 kcal falls out of this product. It also contains proteins, fats and:

Vitamins such as:

  • A, which helps maintain vision and enhances immunity.
  • B1 - is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.
  • B2 - forms antibodies involved in cellular respiration.
  • B5 - relieves depressive states, carbohydrate, protein processes are not without it.
  • B6 improves the absorption of fats and proteins, produces hydrochloric acid.
  • B12 - improves digestion, reduces the risk of anemia.
  • D - active in calcium-phosphorus metabolism, protects against osteoporosis.
  • H - allows the nervous system and endocrine glands to work without failures and disturbances.
  • PP - normalizes gastric secretion, prevents the development of dermatitis.


  • phosphorus, which is indispensable in metabolic processes, stimulates nervous activity;
  • calcium - supports the structure of bone tissue;
  • sulfur - important for the formation of proteins;
  • iodine - helps the formation of thyroid hormone;
  • iron - is involved in the production of hemoglobin, transports oxygen.
  • Zinc, chromium, molybdenum, etc. are also contained in the yolk.

Of course, a raw yolk, which has not undergone heat treatment, is most useful, since all the nutrients in it are not destroyed and remain alive and active. But the fear of introducing dangerous salmonella parasites into the body makes the eggs heat-treated. They live on the shell, not penetrating inside, if the surface is not broken. Because soft-boiled eggs - the perfect solution. Such a dish will avoid salmonellosis and at the same time preserve all the useful components contained in the product. Soft-boiled eggs are also good because they are digested quickly - in less than an hour, but raw protein is difficult to digest by the stomach.

Useful Tips

Before boiling an egg, it is necessary to wash it under warm running water, rubbing it with a brush, since salmonella penetrate even if there is a small chip of the shell. For this reason, it is advisable not to buy eggs with damaged shells or traces of droppings. If such eggs were at home, they should be subjected to prolonged heat treatment.

Scrambled eggs

Buying eggs from regular sellers and making sure that their product has a quality certificate, you can minimize the risk of salmonellosis.

Soft-boiled eggs: features and benefits for the body

What so attracts many to such an unpretentious dish as a soft-boiled egg. First of all, in that:

  1. The combination of tender protein and semi-liquid yellow mass, seasoned with salt and spices, is a very tasty dish.
  2. Short-term heat treatment does not have time to destroy beneficial substances that positively affect the body.
  3. Such an egg is quickly absorbed by the body without causing digestive problems.
  4. A dish can be included in the diet. Especially, according to nutritionists, it is useful to combine a soft-boiled egg with citrus products, so there is a rapid burning of fats. But there is a small condition: it is believed that these products are incompatible, so you should first eat a citrus fruit, and after 15 - 20 minutes - one or two boiled eggs.

Hazardous properties of soft-boiled eggs

I must admit that boiled eggs for no more than 3 minutes are not subjected to thorough heat treatment, because there is still a risk of introducing salmonella into the body.

High cholesterol suggests that if you constantly include more than 5 eggs per day in your diet, you should not be surprised that its level will still rise. If there is a need to eat eggs, then you have to eat one protein.

People with recognized diabetes need to limit their eggs.

In some people, especially in childhood, an allergic reaction may begin after an egg is eaten. In this case, you can replace the chicken egg with a quail. If the reaction remains the same, it means that the body rejects this product completely.

Video: what will happen if you eat eggs every day

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