Star anise - useful properties and contraindications

Star anise is most often used as a spice. Evergreen stars also found their application in the areas of cosmetology and folk healing. Healers of China and India to this day use star anise for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Hence, many people are interested in the question that relates to the benefits and harms of spices. Let's talk about everything in more detail.

Useful properties and contraindications of star anise

Calorie content and anise star

On 100 gr. spices account for 376 kcal. Due to the high concentration of nutrients, star anise is used in small quantities. In case of an overdose, the plant will negatively affect the digestive system, and will also contribute to gaining excess weight by increasing fat under the skin.

When consuming spices in food, the human body is saturated with many valuable substances. Among them are niacin, thiamine, tocopherol, riboflavin, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, vitamins F, C, N. Star anise is also rich in zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, manganese, and fluorine.

A large accumulation of retinol (vitamin A) allows you to use star anise in people who suffer from low vision. Spice strengthens the eye muscles and lubricates the upper layer of the apple.

The benefit of star anise

  • relieves pain during menstruation and PMS;
  • accelerates the absorption of food, lubricating the esophagus;
  • treats serious inflammation;
  • improves intestinal motility;
  • relieves vomiting;
  • struggles with diarrhea and flatulence;
  • contributes to weight loss;
  • treats cough, relieves inflammation in the throat;
  • improves the quality of breast milk;
  • fights indigestion;
  • normalizes heart function, stops arrhythmia;
  • removes parasitic worms;
  • strengthens eyesight.

To feel all the charms of star anise, you need to add a little loose spice to your usual drinks (coffee, tea, freshly squeezed juice, etc.).

The benefits of an infusion of star anise

It is not difficult to prepare an infusion of star anise. To do this, grind 80 gr. stars, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 2. Infuse the composition for 2 hours, then place in a water bath, simmer for 30 minutes. After the set time has passed, cool the contents and strain.

Take the drug 1.5 hours before the main meal three times a day. The number of servings is 25-30 ml. (tablespoon). The infusion has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It is useful to take to combat microbes.

There is another option for the preparation of raw materials - infusion on moonshine. To do this, take 3 stars of the plant, mix with the same amount of anise and caraway seeds. Enter 0.5 liter. moonshine, wait 2 weeks. The infusion is aged in the dark and cool.

After a specified period of time, the medicine is ready to be taken. Use it in 10-15 ml. before meals 2 times a day. Thus, digestion and the prevention of colds will be improved.

The benefits of star anise in weight loss

The benefits of star anise in weight loss

  1. The positive qualities of star anise allow the spice to be used by people who are obese or simply want to lose weight. The thing is that seasoning favorably affects intestinal motility and accelerates metabolic processes.
  2. Many people know that losing weight while having a contaminated body is impossible. Star anise removes all toxic substances, chronic toxins and toxins from the cavity of internal organs. As a result, blood vessels softly expand, blood circulation accelerates, and fat is burned.
  3. In addition, star anise reduces cravings for sweets and fries, reduces appetite.And a mug of tea with a pinch of seasoning will quench a raging hunger and strengthen the activity of the pancreas.
  4. Star anise will help to lose extra pounds if you add spice 10 minutes before the end of cooking. As a result, the plant will enrich the products with useful enzymes, aroma and will not lose its healing properties.
  5. In this case, nutritionists argue that star anise is allowed to be consumed daily, but only in one dish. Otherwise, an allergy occurs.

Application of star anise

  1. When coughing. Spice-based expectorant helps get rid of sputum in the airways, relieve sore throat and cure cough. To prepare the product, mix 30 gr. honey with 3 pinch of chopped star anise, add 40 ml. table wine. Rinse the composition in a water bath for 10 minutes, cool. Take half an hour before the meal three times a day. The treatment of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma is similarly carried out.
  2. For digestion. Star anise normalizes intestinal motility, thereby improving the absorption of food and the absorption of valuable blood enzymes. The tool is prepared according to the above technology on moonshine, vodka or water. As a result of regular intake, metabolism increases, the digestive system is cleared, and the frequency of constipation decreases. Star anise relieves pain with a hernia in the intestine.
  3. From a cold. The warming properties of star anise allow you to transfer all the beneficial substances to the body. These qualities are valued during colds, in the offseason, and during periods of flu spread. It is enough to mix a couple of spikes of spice with a spoon of honey and dissolve in 70-100 ml. warm water. The drug is taken 3 times a day for a quarter of an hour before meals. The same composition is taken for tonsillitis, flu, pneumonia, diseases of the bladder.
  4. For the female reproductive system. Star anise accelerates the production of estrogen, as a result of which when taking spices in women, the breast increases and milk production increases during lactation. Tincture of star anise on water helps relieve pain during menstruation, as well as reduce the number of hot flashes during menopause. Spice acts as a natural aphrodisiac, increasing libido. It is enough to add 2 pinch to tea or natural juice.
  5. From diarrhea and flatulence. To cope with such delicate problems, it is necessary to grind 6 spice stars into powder using a mortar. Then this mass is poured 180 ml. boiling water and infused for half an hour. After a while, the broth must be filtered, and then added to ordinary drinks 20 ml. Tea is taken until the symptoms of flatulence and diarrhea are completely gone. The infusion is stored in the cold for three days.

Star anise

Star anise

  1. To get rid of the unpleasant odor, you can prepare an effective decoction. Place 5 gr. star anise in a suitable container, pour 240 ml. boiling water.
  2. After half an hour, strain the broth with gauze. Pour 30 ml into the finished composition. lemon juice and 25 gr. flower honey.
  3. Rinse your mouth twice a day. It is forbidden to use a remedy, poisoning can be provoked. Before manipulation, you must carefully brush your teeth.

Anise in the lactation period

  1. Turn star anise into powder, pour 12 g. loose composition in a standard glass, pour boiling water. Insist no more than 5 minutes. Strain and dilute with boiled milk. The proportions should be 1:10. Use the composition 1 time per day instead of tea.
  2. The product must be stopped after you have felt the influx of milk. Further use may provoke an allergic reaction in the infant. In addition, if you do not have any contraindications, star anise can be taken as a seasoning for various dishes.

Star anise in cooking

  1. Star anise is often used for medicinal purposes, but the culinary field is widely used. The composition has gained popularity as a spicy spice.
  2. To keep the body in good shape and stay healthy, nutritionists recommend drinking tea with star anise regularly. Eastern countries have shone this tradition for centuries, which have been passed down through the centuries from generation to generation.
  3. Healing hot drink has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. It solves many health problems, makes thoughts clearer, and brain activity productive.
  4. It is proved that high-quality star anise during heat treatment does not lose its healing properties, in this case the aroma only intensifies. The plant goes well with other seasonings, garlic and onions.
  5. True meat connoisseurs appreciated the spice in cooking. In Asian countries, the plant is combined with pheasant, duck and chicken. The meat becomes fragrant, tender and more piquant.
  6. In the vastness of our homeland, aniseles did not stand aside. Spice is often added to enhance the taste and aroma in mousses, puddings, jelly, compotes and preserves. The product must be added to the dish a quarter of an hour before cooking.
  7. The undoubted advantage of anise star is that it is considered an economical spice. For 20 liters of jam, just add 1 star of the plant. As a result, the treat is not sugared for 3 years. One ray is enough for compote.

Harm an anise star

Harm an anise star

  1. Essential oil must not be applied undiluted on the skin. Due to its strong concentration, the product is able to leave a burn.
  2. Star anise causes allergies or individual intolerance, accompanied by a rash, swelling, redness. In this case, it is worth stopping the use of raw materials.
  3. It is forbidden to include spice in the diet for children under 12 years old. Eating star anise during pregnancy is allowed only after consultation with a specialist.

The benefits of spice are undeniable. It is used everywhere to treat many diseases. However, star anise has a number of contraindications in both cooking and traditional medicine. Therefore, you should be wary of the plant when cooking dishes or cosmetics.

Video: anise and star anise - similarities and differences of spices

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