How to smear mosquito bites: useful tips

Summer, sun, outings. What could be better? Only the absence of mosquitoes on vacation. Today, the industry offers a great variety of sprays, ointments, creams to repel harmful insects. But they still find a loophole and dig into the skin. How to smear mosquito bites? Someone says nothing. But after all, it itches, itches, hurts. Sometimes blisters appear. Some begin to rub the bite site with their fingernails. As a result, the inflammation intensifies, a boil appears, then a scar remains. Today we’ll figure out how to alleviate our fate.

How to smear mosquito bites

Means that relieve swelling and eliminate pain, itching, are divided into two groups:

  • pharmacy
  • folk

We will not talk about pharmacy, so as not to advertise. We list the most famous folk methods. Surely at least one of them will be at hand at the right time.

Soda. The most famous ambulance for mosquito bites. The method is tested by many generations, it works 100%. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of cotton cloth with plain water, then gently dip it into soda. Now all this is applied to the site of damage, for about 40-50 seconds. Then cotton wool is removed, soda is not washed off, but shaken off after drying. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but usually it is no longer required.

Salt. In a 200 ml glass of ordinary water, half a teaspoon of table salt is diluted. Then take a piece of gauze, bandage or cotton wool, moisten in solution. Apply to a mosquito bite for 12-16 minutes. As a rule, itching, pain and swelling go away quickly enough.

Some sources recommend rubbing salt damage altogether. A dubious suggestion that injures the skin even more.

Toothpaste. Another legendary tool. No need to rub the paste. It is simply applied to the site of the bite with a thin layer and left until completely dry. You can take the cheapest toothpaste, but always mint. It is menthol in the composition that has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

"Star". Everyone knows a balm that perfectly removes discomfort after mosquito bites. It is also applied in a thin layer, on top you can put a piece of gauze and make a bandage. Keep this design until the disappearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Apple vinegar. Dilute with ordinary water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and make a light compress. You can simply periodically wipe the site of the bite with a piece of bandage or cotton wool soaked in a solution. According to reviews, the itching subsides almost instantly.

By the way, the smell of any vinegar is very effective in repelling mosquitoes themselves.

Dandelion Juice. They are simply generously lubricated with swelling from a mosquito bite over the entire surface and covered with a gauze bandage. Not a compress! The bandage can be removed after about 2 hours.

The method is convenient on a camping trip or on a picnic when there are no funds at hand.

Sour cream or yogurt is present in the refrigerators of many villagers. But few know that these products reliably relieve pain and swelling from mosquito bites. You just need to apply a small amount of the substance to the damage, but do not rub it. Then you should wait for drying and repeat the procedure. Usually, after the third application, there is no trace left of the bite. If it’s not an allergy.

Soothing plants. While in the country or at a picnic, mosquito bites can be dealt with very easily without a trip to the pharmacy. Mint, aloe, chamomile, plantain, parsley. It is enough to knead a few leaves in a pulp and put on a blister. Top with a sheet of plantain or cabbage, then wrap with a bandage. After about 3-4 minutes, the healing juice begins to act. The dressing can be removed completely after 3 hours.

Tablet. Validol, diphenhydramine, anestezin.Any of these tablets can be moistened with plain water, and then gently rub the place of the mosquito bite. If the touch causes discomfort, then the medicine can be crushed. Then it is enough to add some water, and put the resulting slurry in a thin layer on the edema. It is not even necessary to cover with a bandage, because it acts very quickly.

Important! This method can only be used with absolute certainty that a person is not allergic to these drugs. Otherwise, instead of relief, anaphylactic shock may occur.

Onions, potatoes. Wash the raw onion or potato thoroughly, then cut it. The cut is smeared with a mosquito bite when discomfort occurs. Or cut off a thin plate of vegetable and apply for damage by wrapping it with a bandage. After 3 hours, replace the plate with a fresh one. Repeat until pain and itching disappears.

Coconut oil or tea tree. Today, many are engaged in home soap making, so most have such oils at home. And they very well remove inflammation and significantly accelerate healing. Moreover, just a couple of drops of tea tree or coconut oil the size of a match head is enough to spread the bite.

Than you can not smear mosquito bites

  1. Fat cream. A cosmetic product will not relieve pain and certainly will not help relieve swelling or itching.
  2. Potassium permanganate. Any solution of potassium permanganate can be on the skin without consequences for very short time. If you make lotions out of it, then a chemical burn will necessarily occur. But for washing, a solution of manganese is great.
  3. Soap. Some sources recommend smearing mosquito bites with regular soap. After drying, repeat the procedure. They just do not explain what the benefits of such manipulations are.
  4. Iodine. Vain transfer of funds. Iodine with mosquito bites does not help at all. But zelenka allows the wound to drag out a little faster.
  5. Pomade. Yes, yes, there is such wonderful advice. Surely from the category of fiction. Because a cosmetic product has no useful function, except for a decorative one. A mosquito bite without lipstick will be red and eye-catching.

How to smear mosquito bites? Any of the above funds. Most of them are easily accessible, and the effect exceeds all expectations. Take care of yourself.

Video: how to treat mosquito bites in a child

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