What to do if you constantly want to sleep?

Endocrine disorders, infectious diseases and pathologies of internal organs can cause constant drowsiness. Lethargy and chronic fatigue arise from a lack of vitamins, dehydration and stressful situations. A person's concentration of attention decreases, mental processes slow down. It is difficult for him to perceive and process new information. There are several ways to remove drowsiness and increase productivity.

What to do if you constantly want to sleep?

Schedule of wakefulness and rest

Only Alexander the Great could sleep 3-4 hours a day and not fall off his horse from fatigue. And also Napoleon Bonaparte. But an ordinary person needs 7-8 hours for a good rest. And you need to go to bed not before dawn, but at 22–23.00. It is during this time period that the body produces melatonin.

The production of the hormone is activated in complete darkness. As soon as it becomes light, the process stops. In owls that stay up late, the concentration of melatonin decreases. And without a hormone, the body feels exhausted and tired.

The schedule of wakefulness and rest must be observed not only on weekdays, but also on weekends. Wake up at 8-9 in the morning and do not lie in bed until noon, but move. Exercise, go for a run or walk.

Sport and contrast shower

If it was not possible to rest normally, morning exercises will help to cheer up. The lesson lasts 20-30 minutes. Moderate physical activity activates blood circulation, and internal organs are saturated with oxygen. The cerebral cortex begins to work in an enhanced mode.

The result is fixed with a contrast shower. Beginners do not have to include ice water. It is enough to reduce the temperature to 35–36 degrees. Bathing necessarily end with a cool dousing to drive away drowsiness.

Bad habits

Lethargy occurs due to regular poisoning of the body with nicotine or alcohol. Cigarettes and spirits reduce the oxygen concentration in the body. Blood circulation worsens and causes spasm of blood vessels. The brain suffers due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen. The functioning of the nervous system and the centers responsible for vigor are disrupted.

Drowsiness also appears in people who quit smoking. This is a reaction to a stressful situation. In such cases, a person’s condition improves 1-2 months after getting rid of a bad habit.


Fans of diets and fast food are drowsy due to a lack of vitamins. A balanced diet will help to cheer up, in which should be present:

  • citruses;
  • broccoli;
  • beef liver;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • cottage cheese;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • carrot;
  • Greek yogurt
  • watermelons.

Fresh fruits not only saturate the body with vitamins, but also restore water balance. And food rich in complex carbohydrates and proteins becomes a source of energy. Therefore, it is advised to start the day with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge with vegetable salad or a bran sandwich with hard cheese or red fish.

Weight watchers can limit themselves to a smoothie of skim milk, banana, oatmeal, and nuts or dried fruits. You can’t skip breakfast, otherwise the blood sugar level will drop and brain activity will slow down.

Vitamin complexes will not solve the problem. Many magic pills do not affect the level of trace elements in the body. It’s much cheaper and more efficient to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition and eat healthy food.

Energy drinks

Many people get rid of lethargy with coffee.But a strong drink invigorates for only 2-3 hours, and then fatigue returns. Green tea and still water with freshly squeezed lemon juice work much more efficiently. In citruses, there is a lot of ascorbic acid, which is necessary to increase immunity and performance. And green tea tones muscles well, cleanses the body of toxins and drives away fatigue.

Energy drinks from drowsiness

Drowsiness is removed with decoctions of Icelandic moss. You will need a thermos, 5 g of raw materials and 200 ml of boiling water. They take the infusion with them to the office and drink 30–40 ml, when there is a desire to take a nap just on the table.

If lethargy is the result of insomnia and stress, in the evening it is advised to drink a decoction of chamomile. Inflorescences insist in boiled milk. For 20 g of plant 1 cup of cow's product. The drink is seasoned with honey, drunk in small sips, and after 30-40 minutes they go to bed.

Folk remedies and tricks

If drowsiness appears only in winter due to lack of ultraviolet light, immediately after waking up, you need to turn on a light bulb in the bedroom. The light drives away lethargy and helps to cheer up. People who have little rest due to a busy schedule are advised to sleep at lunchtime. Have a quick bite to eat, put your head on the table or lean back in an armchair and relax for 15–20 minutes. But rest no more than a quarter of an hour, otherwise lethargy will only intensify.

Short sleep improves performance. A person remains active for 3-4 hours, but this trick should not be abused. The body needs a full eight-hour rest.

If drowsiness arises due to monotonous and monotonous work, it is worth being distracted by something else every 40-50 minutes or more often. It’s useful to walk around the office, do exercises or communicate with colleagues. You can brew a cup of green tea with cinnamon or ginger.
Citrus aromas help to cheer up:

  • citric;
  • orange;
  • tangerine;
  • grapefruit.

Essential oils of exotic fruits drive away drowsiness and activate thought processes. An invigorating composition is impregnated with a handkerchief or paper towel. You can add citrus solution over the workplace and periodically spray the citrus solution. And at home, light aroma lamps.

With chronic lethargy, it is advised to drink plenty of fluids. At least 5-6 glasses a day. Water liquefies blood and triggers metabolic processes, so the brain receives more trace elements and oxygen.

If due to drowsiness decreased performance, before breakfast should eat 1-2 tbsp. l ground nuts. Suitable walnuts, cedar, almonds or cashews. Or a mixture of several products. The components are ground in a meat grinder or blender, stored in a refrigerator in a glass jar. Before use, mix nuts with honey. You can add dried fruits: prunes, raisins, dried apricots or dates.

Drowsiness is removed by acupressure. Kneading earlobes, crushing nails on the tips of the fingers. Circular movements massage the base of the nose. After taking a warm bath, it is useful to rub oil on the shoulders, feet and back. Body massage relieves the effects of stress, relaxes and helps to tune in to rest.

If lethargy overtakes in the middle of the working day, you need to hold your breath several times. Fill the lungs with air and wait 30–40 seconds. During exhalation, you can gently touch your chest with your fingertips. Only movements should be light and soft, so as not to dizzy.

You can deal with lethargy and lethargy by exercising, a balanced diet and essential oils. Fatigue is removed with green and black tea, herbal decoctions and a contrast shower. But if drowsiness does not disappear within 3 weeks, you should consult a doctor and make sure that this symptom is not a sign of endocrine disorders, hypovitaminosis or malignant tumors.

Video: how to overcome drowsiness

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