How to deal with bed bugs

Fighting bed bugs is quite difficult, because this insect is difficult to get out of your own home. Many are sure that if a bug has settled in the room, the house is doomed and almost nothing can be done. This is actually not the case. It is certainly difficult to bring out bugs, but it is quite real. The difficulty lies in the fact that these insects are not susceptible to those poisons that perfectly affect flies, cockroaches and ants. In addition, bed bugs often settle in the bedroom or children's room, which limits the amount of permissible chemical insecticides. However, if you act wisely, you can still get rid of bugs forever.

How to deal with bed bugs

Bed bug

This insect is small in size, oval and flattened. Bed bugs often settle in bedding, books, crevices, under wallpaper, in technology. The color of the bug can vary depending on its age. Young individuals can be almost transparent or yellow, adult bugs - dark brown. Insects feed on human blood or domestic animals.

The bedbug is called bed because it likes to live in the folds of a mattress, pillows, blankets. He is comfortable in such conditions - dark, reliable, warm, food at his side. Bedbugs bite people with paths, that is, they move along a certain path. A person rarely feels an insect bite. Bed bugs can be dangerous - they are carriers of some infectious diseases. But most of all people are annoyed by their presence - bedbugs torment with their bites, do not let them sleep, not to mention the aesthetic side of the issue. Not everyone will like this neighborhood.

How to understand that bed bugs were wound up in the house

Often, bug bites are confused with mosquito tracks or generally mistaken for a dermatological disease. Here are some signs that suggest bed bugs live in your bed.

  1. Unlike a mosquito bite, a bug leaves traces on one path. That is, he bites a person several times “along the way”. Characteristic paths from itchy blisters are a sure sign of bugs living.
  2. On bedding you can find brown and red spots. These are traces of crushed bugs. If in the normal state the bug is quite mobile and difficult to crush, then after eating it is inflated, its weight increases several times. In this state, a man easily crushes the bug with his own weight.
  3. Pay attention to the corners of the mattress, inspect all the folds, remove the mattress cover. Even if you do not find the bugs themselves, you can find signs of their stay - black dots (excrement) and the remains of skins and bed bugs.
  4. If bugs are actively living and breeding in the house, a characteristic unpleasant odor will be felt near the beds, bed and sofa.
  5. In the afternoon, the bugs are hiding and they can hardly be found. If you turn on the light sharply in the bedroom at night, you can find many insects on the bed.

If you find at least one bug in bed, this is a sure sign that there are a lot of them. Do not get away from the problem by crushing one individual, otherwise soon their number will increase hundreds of thousands of times. It’s best to start hounding as soon as possible.

How to get rid of bedbugs yourself

There are several ways to get rid of bugs - the use of professional insecticides, folk methods of removing bugs, exposure to high and low temperatures, as well as the challenge of specialists for high-quality removal of insects from living space. Of course, the best way to get rid of bugs is to call a specialist at home.However, the call is not cheap, so if there are not so many bugs, you can try to bring them out yourself.

First you need a general cleaning. All crevices, books, equipment and mattresses should be thoroughly vacuumed. After that, the bag from the vacuum cleaner should be thrown out on the same day, and it is better to burn all the garbage. All cracks need to be covered up - bedbugs can easily pass from neighbors. The network recommends taking things out in the cold, but bedbugs are able to withstand fairly low temperatures. At -10 degrees, they stop their livelihoods, hibernate, but do not die. And when they warm up again in the apartment, they rush for food with renewed vigor. Only frost below -20 degrees will help cope with bedbugs. At this temperature, insects do not survive. And you need to leave things in cold air for at least a couple of hours. And if you live in a cold climate, you can just leave the windows open for a while.

It is very important to overturn all things, linen and pillows in the washing machine under the influence of high temperatures. After washing, each item should be ironed carefully. All textile items from the house should be dry cleaned - curtains, carpets, mattress.

They are afraid of bedbugs and heat. You can remove insects by pouring boiling water over their habitat. However, the method is effective only if insects live only in the soft parts of the interior - carpets, mattress, sofa. Furniture from the effects of boiling water may deteriorate. Such measures against bedbugs are ineffective and differ only in safety. If there are too many bugs, you can not do without chemical compounds.

Professional remedies for the fight against bed bugs

There are many professional insecticides aimed at killing bugs. These are very tenacious parasites that can get used to certain poisons. Therefore, it is important to choose not only potent compounds, but also alternate them with each other.

Professional remedies for the fight against bed bugs

Processing should be done according to all the rules, otherwise it will be useless. You must wear protective equipment - a respiratory mask, gloves, a suit, and glasses. The selected product is most often presented in the form of an aerosol. Dishes, children's toys and other hygiene items should be removed in advance, but they must be washed later, otherwise they can become a source of re-infection of the room. This is especially true of soft toys.

Thoroughly treat the room with the selected insecticide. Pay particular attention to crevices, floorboards, and joints between wallpapers. After treatment, it is very important to close the room for 2-3 hours so that the bugs have no chance of survival. Do not stay in the room at this time, and moreover, do not leave children or pets there. After the specified time, you need to return to the room and begin general cleaning. It is possible that you will find many corpses of these insects. After a couple of weeks, it is better to repeat the treatment, as a new batch of bugs that were larvae hatch. Only reprocessing and exposure to a new generation of pests can completely bring uninvited guests. But how to poison parasites? Here are some popular, sought after and effective insecticides.

  1. Korbofos. This is a long-known tool that has established itself in the market of insecticides. Effective in the fight against bedbugs, ants, cockroaches and other pests. 30 grams of powder should be diluted in five liters of water and sprayed in the habitats and movement of insects. Korbofos can be sold already in diluted form (usually in cans), which allows you to process large areas. This tool affects the nervous system of insects - it paralyzes them. Processing the premises with this compound is possible strictly in protective clothing.
  2. Combat. The tool is designed specifically for removing bugs.This insecticide is not only effective, but also convenient to use - it is available in the form of an aerosol. However, for a real result, one bottle may not be enough to handle a large area. The calculation should be done like this - one cylinder per 5 square meters of area.
  3. Microphos. This is a professional composition for baiting bugs and other pests. Mikrofos is a powerful insecticide with a wide spectrum of actions. In addition, it is quite gentle and non-toxic to humans. The effect of processing lasts about six months.
  4. Executioner. An insecticide is a small bottle that needs to be dissolved in a liter of water. After that, the liquid is poured into a spray bottle and all infected surfaces are treated with it. After processing, do not rush to do the cleaning - the product begins to act only after some time. Only 3-5 hours after treatment, it is hoped that all the bugs died an excruciating death and begin cleaning. During processing, all windows must be closed so that the toxic poison does not disappear. Do not forget to wear a mask during processing.
  5. Pyrethrium. This is one of the most natural ways of removing bugs, because it is made from chamomile extract. This insecticide is made in the form of a powder, which should be scattered in places of accumulation and movement of insects.
  6. Chlorophos. Chlorophos is one of the most powerful, but rather aggressive compounds against bedbugs. The emulsion must be diluted with three parts of water and sprayed in those places where bugs were found. For a more effective result, process all corners, crevices, folds of the mattress, etc. Since the poison is very toxic, the treatment must be carried out in a protective suit, the dishes in which the solution was prepared must be discarded. You can not keep the composition of the house, in order to avoid accidental consumption. Chlorophos helps to cope not only with adults, it suppresses even larvae. Sometimes this composition is added to wallpaper glue as a preventive measure against bedbugs.

The market for insecticides is quite wide, and each buyer can find something in their pocket and needs.

Some are still trying to cope with bedbugs folk remedies. As this, you can use denatured alcohol, turpentine, vinegar or dust. Sometimes herbs with a pungent odor — tansy, wormwood, and birch leaves — go into battle. For the sake of justice, I want to note that such methods are ineffective. Such tools can be useful if they process the only entrance to the room from where bugs leak. Otherwise, such compounds do not kill, but only scare away bugs. These are such tenacious parasites that are not even removed by any chemical compounds, and there will be no harm to grass from them at all.

After processing, it is very important to prevent re-infection of the apartment with bugs. To do this, after returning from travel or being in other apartments, immediately wash clothes thoroughly in hot water, and not only clothes, but also a backpack, and even a suitcase. Do not bring old things into the house. If you buy furniture or books with your hands, inspect them well for bugs. By following these simple rules, you protect your home from the reappearance of uninvited guests.

Video: how to deal with bedbugs in an apartment

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