How to quit smoking marijuana: helpful tips

In some countries, marijuana is allowed for smoking - there is no penalty for storing and using this product. Moreover, marijuana is prescribed in small doses to patients with oncology. Smoking this “weed” helps to get rid of bouts of pain, improves the emotional background. But not everything is as rosy as it would seem. Marijuana is very toxic and dangerous to the body. In some countries, she is equated with potent drugs, and for her smoking may face a real prison term. Before you learn how to deal with a bad habit, let's try to figure out what marijuana is, how it affects the human body and whether smoking can be abandoned forever.

How to quit smoking marijuana

What is marijuana

Marijuana is one of the most common illegal drugs in the world. In fact, these are the dried stems, leaves and flowers of Indian hemp. Hashish is also prepared from this plant - it is, in fact, hemp molasses. Hashish is much stronger than marijuana and has a more powerful effect on the body. But this does not mean that marijuana is so safe. This drug has hallucinogenic properties - after it enters the body, the perception of the world is distorted.

Most often, marijuana is smoked, twisting cigarettes from dried grass, adding grass to the pipe. Sometimes a dried plant is added to tea. The action begins almost immediately, as soon as toxins and poisons enter the body. After a puff, less than 15 minutes pass, as the smoker's mind changes.

Marijuana produces a hormone of joy - serotonin. However, with each subsequent smoking of this hormone, less and less is produced. This makes you make more and more tight puffs, keep the smoke in the cavity of the bronchi as long as possible to enhance the effect. However, all this leads only to the fact that toxins act on the body more actively, poisoning it. Many smokers with experience have not enjoyed smoking for a long time - they only do it because of addiction.

How marijuana affects the human body

Here are just a few of the consequences that smoking marijuana can lead to.

  1. Immediately after use, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, a person cannot coordinate his movements, he is disoriented. Often such a person cannot independently move in space - he loses his balance and falls.
  2. After the first symptoms, depression and drowsiness appear.
  3. With prolonged use of marijuana, anxiety and panic attacks appear, which appear even in between smoking.
  4. The active component of hemp, which enters the body, is excreted for a very long time. For example, if the body gets rid of alcohol in about a day, then signs of marijuana can be detected within a few weeks after smoking.
  5. The smoke of marijuana is much more dangerous than tobacco - it contains more substances that cause oncology.
  6. Marijuana smokers often have bronchitis, laryngeal cancer, and tuberculosis. This is due to the fact that the walls of the respiratory organs are exposed to the harmful effects of carbon monoxide.
  7. With regular consumption of “weed”, brain activity decreases, mental abilities fade significantly - a person cannot remember basic things.
  8. The psychological balance of smokers often changes - they have sudden bouts of rage, panic, unbridled fun and stress. Often there are signs of paranoia.
  9. A person can lose not only long-term memory, but also short-term.Sometimes he does not remember how he ended up in one place or another, he does not remember some events from his life.
  10. In addition, the physical activity of a person is reduced - he cannot climb several floors, to lift a small weight.
  11. With constant consumption of marijuana, heart problems appear - suddenly, ischemia, arrhythmia, hypertension, atherosclerosis can occur.
  12. Poisoning substances affect the functioning of the reproductive system. Men often suffer from a deterioration in potency, the number of live sperm is sharply reduced. Women who smoke marijuana experience a malfunction in their menstrual cycle due to hormonal imbalance.
  13. Smokers with experience experience symptoms such as constant fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dry eyes, rapid pulse, photophobia, dry paroxysmal cough, trembling hands with prolonged absence of the drug in the body.
  14. After smoking, drug addicts have an animal appetite that is incommensurable with the real needs of the body.

In addition to the loss of physical health, smokers lose touch with the outside world - because of their habit, relatives, friends and relatives refuse them. They are not interested in social activity - they do not work, they often get money for a drug in an unfair way. All this leads to the fact that a person becomes an outcast of society. In order not to bring the situation to such an outcome, you need to give up smoking marijuana, and as soon as possible. Believe me, the joy of life can be found without poisoning your own body.

Stop smoking weed - for what

The psychological component of the decision is half the success. The main thing is to ask yourself a question - why am I smoking? What does this give me? How has my life changed since I started smoking weed? What do I want to achieve by giving up a bad habit? Everyone can refuse drugs, but not everyone agrees to talk heart to heart with himself. Many believe that they can refuse at any time as soon as they make a decision. However, it is not. They are more and more drawn into the cycle of dependence, and it is becoming more and more difficult to give up smoking every time. To overcome yourself, you need motivation. Think about what you would like, what is your dream? Sometimes powerful motivation is able to move a person to real actions.

Many people quit smoking when they see their loved ones suffering. The torment of a loved one - a mother, wife or husband, and especially children, is sometimes sobering and forced to make the right decision. Set a goal that you can achieve only by giving up the bad habit. This may be opening a business, buying the first car (or a new one), reaching heights on the career ladder. You can achieve all this, believe me, but not with a cigarette in your mouth.

How to quit weed smoking

If you have decided everything for yourself and embarked on the path of quitting smoking, we will tell you about some methods that will help you give up the bad habit once and for all.

How to quit smoking weed

  1. Oddly enough, but we do not advise you to quit smoking immediately. The fact is that a sharp failure is fraught with a quick breakdown and relapse. To give up marijuana forever, you need to do it gradually. However, don't fall for your own trick hook. You need to set yourself a clear time frame that will not allow you to “stretch” the process of quitting smoking. Suppose if you smoked 3 cigarettes a day, you need to reduce this number to two cigarettes in a week, and in a week to one. Then you need to smoke every other day, then the intervals without cigarettes should be longer. So one day you can give up marijuana forever.
  2. Remove from the field of view all the attributes that are associated with the "weed". Cigarettes, cigarettes, ashtrays, tubes, symbolic attributes in the form of logos on clothes - nothing should catch my eye.
  3. In addition, a provoking factor must be excluded.You only smoke when meeting with one person - do not meet with him. Is his communication more expensive for you than your own health? If you smoke in a certain club or other institution - do not go there. If you take a drag only together with a drink - do not drink alcohol.
  4. If you have already quit smoking, do not indulge yourself in the form of one puff or one cigarette. Remind yourself of the decision made. Praise yourself for your willpower.
  5. Tie a red thread around your wrist as a reminder of your decision. You can use the motivation that you used to quit smoking. If you are motivated by family and loved ones, with an acute desire to smoke, look at their photo. Better carry it in your wallet. If you are motivated by a desire to make money or go to college, think about your dream, make plans, imagine yourself in a new way.
  6. Be prepared for some side effects after failure. This is irritability, nervousness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, apathy, fatigue, headache. If the discomfort is significant, and you feel that you cannot cope with it, it is better to consult a doctor. They will help relieve symptoms of intoxication and relieve unpleasant sensations. This will help to refrain from tightening.
  7. Sometimes it can be helpful to support people who have already suffered this. You can find them in social organizations. Often, the experience of former drug addicts inspires and makes you abandon marijuana once and for all.

These simple rules will help you survive this difficult stage in life. And the sooner you decide to take this step, the easier it is for the body to abandon a bad habit. Sooner or later this needs to be done, otherwise the "weed" can lead to sad consequences. Millions of people around the world lose their families, jobs, friends, and sometimes lives due to cannabis.

How to live further

This question is asked by many people who have been able to give up addiction. The main thing is to set a goal in life, achieve it, go only forward. Find a job, achieve career growth, study, improve skills, improve housing conditions, take care of loved ones. In no case should you become depressed - it can cause a relapse. If necessary, consult a psychotherapist to help deal with psychological voids. In addition, you need to cleanse the body from prolonged exposure to poisons. To do this, you need to establish proper nutrition, take decoctions of medicinal herbs, and after consultation with a doctor, establish the work of some organs (as a rule, the bronchi and respiratory system suffer most). Following all the tips, you can get out of this stench and, finally, abandon drug addiction.

You should not look for an excuse that marijuana is permitted in some countries. This is a very harmful herb, which when burned forms more than 400 types of toxins and poisons that affect the body. Each time, the pleasure of smoking will be less and less, and intoxication will be stronger. Break the habit before it's too late. Indeed, on one side of the scale a smoking cigarette with imaginary fun, and on the other all the joys of life - family, children, parents, health, work, success. And what you choose is only your decision.

Video: the danger of smoking marijuana

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